Others - Completed - Red Sakura Mansion [v0.10] [TinWoodman]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I finished the game and it was a pretty painful experience.

    First of all, I resent the “completed” tag; it should be “abandoned”: the final version is v0.10 and it’s unfinished, with a lot of spelling mistakes, some empty dialogue boxes during scenes and stuff. The dev’ switched engine midway and released Red Sakura Mansion 2. I’m okay with that, but the tag should reflect it.

    The gameplay part is divided in two:
    • casting scenes to make money, where you take a picture of one of the many models and sell it. Each model has 11 position, being more and more sexy (and selling for more money). Most models are bland and have a pretty random dialogue. Very forgettable and kind of pointless.
    • the story with one of your three main girl, with more dialogues and “quests” to unlock sex scenes. “Quests” are extremely bland: earn some money with castings, go buy X, speak to the girl, unlock sex scene, repeat. It’s so boring an unimaginative, I feel like the title should have been a VN.
    But the worst thing in this game are the dialogues. I understand the dev’ isn’t an English native speaker, but neither am I, and ffs, I never read something so bad… It’s all “bitch”, “cunt”, “slut”, “whore”… “You know you’re a whore?”, “Suck my dick, slut!”, “This is my whore. You can use that slut if you want.” So bland… It feels like reading a 12 years old fanfic.

    Furthermore, the MC, who’s meant to be something like an alpha experienced slave trainer turns to a beta-virgin when he fucks: “that’s so good!”, “great pussy”… Are you effing kidding me? I’m all manly-man and I enslave women, but I moan like a high schooler when I have le seks?

    The “training” part doesn’t make much sense, with girls going from frigid and afraid to cum-lapping doggies without transition. You can also feel the weariness of the writer: first scenes have way more dialogue lines than the last ones, like the dev’ got worn out by his own writing. Can’t blame him for that.

    That being said, I did enjoyed some aspects of the game:
    • the three main girl look great (I especially liked Chloe, the second one)
    • the kinks are great and pretty spicy (almost exclusively SM and domination stuff, pretty well done with some good ideas –if you don’t read the dialogues)
    • sounds effects and groans of pleasure are great and really add value to the not-so-well-animated sex scenes
    • some well-done ahegao

    You must really be into domination to give this one a try. I am, I did, and I just thank the Dark Gods the experience was pretty short.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to like this game more. I appreciate the harder kinks and that the game dives pretty straight into it. However, I struggled to get really engaged and stopped playing the game after the completion of the second slave's arc. My thoughts:

    Graphics: Ok, but nothing out of this world. Models are pretty, but the overall graphics seems dated.

    Gameplay: This was a pretty major drawback for me. The game seemed to be neither a visual novel nor a an actual game. The casting couch scenes were repetitive and grindy without any real payoff. The main story quests were ok, but it was always more of a series of vignettes than a cohesive story line. Maybe it got better as the game progressed, but I couldn't get there.

    If you're hard up (ha!) for some of the harder kinks (rough anal, CNC, watersports, BDSM, etc.) this isn't a terrible way to spend a few hours.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the most simplistic Archaic game I have ever played on F95. Luckily it is short and very easy to navigate. This is a straight forward Story not a game or a multiple choice VN.

    Grab the Money cheat code and play this before Part 2 so you know what's going on. Whatever you do get the Money Cheat code do not grind out cash, it will just piss you off.

    If you are easily offended, a cuck or a hardcore lesbian, you probably want to skip this one. Otherwise its a fun story.

    Then Start Part 2
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    [v0.10] and the game is completed... but this is not the case...

    I hate VN, but it would be better if it was VN... "Earn money, buy this, buy that, advance the story, earn money..." You can't buy something in advance... Money is earned through casting...

    [BackroomCastingCouch.com] for example, there a girl comes, talks, shows herself, masturbates, sucks and fucks in her pussy or ass... and here, at first, all the girls can only spin around in clothes, after a while in underwear, after a while naked, etc., and the limit of dreams is a sex machine... because the rest will be in the next releases!.. Which ones, when??? The game is already completed, no?..

    In principle, the idea is good, but the implementation is lame on both legs, as always... Anal is here, which pleases... In short, you can play around... a little bit...
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This version does not live up to RSM 1 for me.
    The first one had several problems, but the girls were generally better-looking. The story felt more compact. The story in this version feels very thin. And the biggest disappointment is that this one has no water sports.
    The first version had a few very tasty urination scenes.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Yet another kinetic novel putting in sandbox style 'quests' to artificially increase the game runtime with pointless & repeatitive clicking.
    There's only ever a single quest available, making you play a kinetic novel with no variations or choices (tho there are alternative options to avoid sharing content) affecting the fixed storyline.
    Everytime, a single quest will become available & you have to click on the girl to accept it, which would tell you to buy something from the map. The stores only unlock the items after the quest, so there's no way to avoid this step by buying in bulk either. Then the quest scene plays out & you are on to the next predetermined quest in this kinetic novel.

    The story content isn't that great with grammer & speaker title mix-ups not helping it's already poor game experience.

    The only reason I played through it (and I suspect it's the same for many others) is because of the BDSM theme & the general plotline being heavily involved with that kink.
    As most ppl do with games containing kink content they were looking for, I was able to tolerate this game to experience the 'Master training slaves' kink storyline.

    But as the review rules require one to be objective, without being subjectively influenced by the kinks present, I can only give it a 2 stars for the game without my bdsm preference.

    I understand writting a story is hard & English might not be the devs native language (as is the case with many devs) & might be inclined to be forgiving in those aspects.
    But the game design decision to make it a quest based clickfest despite having a kinetic novel level linear storyline just compounds the problem.
    It'd have been better if the quests & scenes automatically played in sequence since there is only one sequence to play this game: Naomi quest 1 -> buy required item -> Naomi quest 2 ->> Naomi last Quest -> Cloe 1st quest -> buy required item...

    Don't use sanbox style quest based gameplay if there's only a kinetic storyline.

    Edit: also the long unskippable animations...
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Personally, I have really enjoyed this game.
    I really like the art and absolutely loved the content. Especially loved the bondage scenes, hoping for more in the future.

    Very much recommended.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    A Erotica gallery of scenes (that you need to unlock in a low effort boring grind)

    story 2/5
    + small choices, for some short dialogue variation.
    - characters change personality irrationally
    - linear story (game is essentially a VN)

    gameplay 1/5
    - no real gameplay, just "walking" around & spamming a button for money
    - always only one goal

    erotica 4/5
    + good quality renders,
    + some scenes have a variation
    + scenes can be repeated

    ~ losts of piss (unskippable)
    - unskippable animations

    the game is essentially a VN with additional steps. There isn't much to the story, characters have like 2 states shy girl & whore. with no in-between. Personally I just used this for the erotic scenes, however the unskippable animation are a big pain for getting to view everything. 2 images that repeat at a rate of 1 per second for like 10 seconds...
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I found red Sakura Mansion (0.1 version) to be a very bad game. Story is non existant, and character progression and advancesment is meaningless and plain. Girls aren't that attractive either. And the whole gameplay limits itself to just farming money, buying something, advancing the story and repeat. Boring, dull and even the sex scenes were uninspired.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this is a best game over all F95. (and all porn game, what im saw ever)
    My language isnt english, so pls be patience, i never learned.
    But im feel need give this game 5*, and this options need im write something.

    - quick way u can saw some action.
    - good renders and characters
    - slave
    - good animation
    - in the free version have lot of content
    - sounds

    I dont find. But some people write " Storyline is a bit too simple " , that true, but i think this is good for people like me who speak and understand English badly

    So, i think this is the best options who's like this type of game.
    (Slave, male domiantion etc.)
  11. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1769437

    Review v0.10 - 2.5 stars, rounded up to 3. Basically adult cookie clicker.

    Plot: You've inherited a mansion and decide to get into adult entertainment. I'm sure I missed some details but couldn't figure out how to rewind text or view chat history.

    Gameplay: You get told to buy a thing and it's the only thing available to purchase. In order to earn money you do casting couch shows. These feature a pool of about eight women with varying looks but no personalities. They start out with only two actions unlocked ("stand up" and "turn around") and each time they do an action it raises their anxiety meter and also gives them hidden experience. So you just spam actions until the meter is almost maxed and then end the show and get money. Once they get enough experience they unlock sexier actions that pay better.

    Once you have enough money to buy thing #1 you get a scene with a completely different girl. Then you get told to buy thing #2 and it's back to the couch to do a bunch more shows. After about my seventh purchase I called it quits.

    The complete separation between the girls who are making you money and the girls you are training kept me from enjoying this. It just felt too much like I was being told "click X times to see a scene" and not like I was involved in meeting, training, and pimping out women.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I really liked Naomi, she is HOT AF
    Also, the shocking was good. However, when it comes to punishments it is a bet quick and boring there has to be new method at each level...

    Overall, it was a hell of a game experience.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A really incredible game. Not just the theme of the game but also the renders and overall storytelling and story progression is great. Nothing felt too farfetched or idiotic. The female characters and good and are not shallow, clearly there is a long thought process behind the game. Just to mention, even the slightest options also come in effect and previously mentioned informations.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Kog Astarta

    that's an awesome thing, sex scenes is developed, money balance is good, nice example of sex training genre.
    by the way, in the game even the saleswomen of the in-game shops change their clothes, it's such a top, in general, you need to play, there are a lot of details.
    graphics is very good, no lie from screenshots
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    A selection of different girls, all cute and good looking. Simple mechanics that don't get in the way. A sense of progression with some escalation. Several kinks that are recurring and well done.
    A novel well worth playing.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Shallow titillation and little else. Gameplay is completely linear, but the content is pretty hot if you are into the kinks and fetishes. The lack of story and personality behind the characters makes the decent artwork feel pretty shallow, but as an easy scene finder, the game is still enjoyable.

    Read the tags carefully; none of the fetish content is avoidable.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, still waiting for more content. The money system is a bit odd, but i think the dev menitoned a change to it in the process. The girls look good. Wish there was an option to avoid the pissing.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Review based on v0.8b:

    This game was a little hard to review, because on one hand I feel that it does not deserve more than 3 stars but then on the other hand I think it is a 4 star game.

    The characters are really good looking and overall render quality is way up there BUT the story kinda does not exist. We get a small opening where the MC says he has bought a mansion and that he need to find sluts, and that's kinda that I guess. The rest is just there to kinda be filler, if you could even call the small amount of text even that. The Sandbox/management element of the game is also totally unnecessary and is just a grind...

    I really would have liked to give the game 4 stars but in its current state so does it not deserve more than 3.. Sorry.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    I keep coming back to this game hoping things have gotten better, but I am always going "Oh yeah... this is why I don't like this game."

    The dev has talent but that makes it worse because the writting is just garbage. I mean, I knew I was in trouble when after one half-assed conversation with the librarian, she calls the MC a "wiley man", I mean, really? She creates a BDSM section in a library and the MC is a "wiley man" because he asked her out to dinner? Why is that "wiley"? And when was the last time you ever heard anyone say "wiley"? It just goes downhill from there.

    It is hard to find ANY BDSM stuff on this site that is worth it and this one has such potential. I supposed if you can get through the rediculous narratives and totally unbelievable setup, then you might enjoy it. Just don't expect anything from the story.... as there really is not one.
  20. 5.00 star(s)



    This game has improved a lot since the last time I played it, but really a lot.
    I don't think it deserves the 1 stars reviews and that's we I'm voting 5, because it has the potential to be a very good game.

    -very simple,
    -Good scenes,
    -Chloe and Jill are the best,

    -The engine is not the best,
    -Relatively not much content right now (Aug 2021), but that can be improved easily,
    -Not really a corruption came nor a management one,

    I'm looking forward to see where this game ends.