Ren'Py - Completed - Rebel Reveal [Final] [Magnetic North Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Gameplay wise, it is quite underwhelming. The questions would only be moderately challenging to non-Star Wars fans.

    The questions keep repeating, so in case you're not a total StarWars fan and get a couple wrong (I shamefully admit I got one wrong..) you can do all three characters with the exact same questions. They don't even get shuffled or randomized. Once you have "won" one, you can click through the other two in record time simply by choosing the same question category.

    The nekkidness, while not unattractive, is disappointing in the sense that the models seem off. Heads are too big for the bodies and the body types are so similar they make no difference. Nothing would make you think even for one second that these are in any way based on the real bodies of the actresses.

    This "game" could have greatly benefitted from:
    - Varying poses for the models
    - Varying backgrounds
    - Randomisation of the questions
    - Body types with more variety, matching the real life actresses more closely (there IS "source material" to be found online..)