VN - Ren'Py - Realm Invader [Ep. 2 P1] [Invader Gary]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    ⠀⠀Game has a lot of humour and some of it is good, but most isn't. Besides with this kind of density (author is trying to squeeze in a joke every single minute of the runtime) it's difficult to take anything else seriously. And the story is trying to be at least somewhat serious.
    ⠀⠀Visually looks pretty impressive for a Honey Select based VN with all the animations, special effects and camera fly-overs. Too bad most of this effort is wasted on a cringe over-the-top comedy.
    ⠀⠀Characters have multifaceted personalities and motives and are is believable slow-burn romantic relationships with MC. Too bad I can't pay attention to them over being constantly stunned by Mongolian Throat Singing and Vine Boom SFX.

    Wake me up in 5 years when MC loses his virginity.
    Likes: Tar77
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Remember: when writing a review, write it based on the game for what it is, not for what you wish it was but it's not even trying to be.

    I know we coomers aren't known for being able to read, but once upon a time, when I could still read, I ran into (and enjoyed profusely) the works of Sir Terry Pratchett.

    If I can compare Rear Invader to anything, it's a Discworld story given AVN form - just as unhinged, just as irreverent, just as fun and enjoyable.

    Dev has pushed HS2 to its limits, the writing is nothing short of excellent, and attention was paid to an area where most AVNs falter - SFX and music.

    Next, Ronald Impregnator also has a diverse cast of LIs with incredibly distinct personalities and not one of them is boring or unattractive, and the animations are some of the best I've seen in an AVN, period.

    The quality is above damn near everything else made in HS2 and I can do nothing else but highly recommend Rum Imbiber.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    phenomenal writing, top notch humor and a plot-line that keeps you intrigued.
    oh yeah... sexy time animations are great, definitely better than your average HS2 slop, but not as great as eternum/stray incubus.

    the actual game/VN storytelling is way better than either of those anyway.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely top tier game. HS2 engine pushed to its limits, great writing, characters, humor, the full package.

    I started reading this after being awake for 16 hours, and I was still glued to the screen for 6 more until I finished.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I like it, its funny, the story is good and the characters look nice.
    The only downside is the slow release schedule and the story progressing a bit slow, but I get this for free so I cant complain.
    Hope the dev will keep up the good work
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Well done, great story. LOL many times. Looking forward to more. Highly recommend to anyone looking for an original story with fun sex characters. Way exceeded my expectation. Very surprised by the sex scenes too, wasn't just generic loops you've seen in other games. Well done!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I find myself sitting trying to write up the very first review I have made since joining this site and all I can think of is positives. The animation is top notch, the characters are gorgeous to look at and the story has me hooked.

    But it is the humour that does it for me. It is a combination of absurd, inane and daft thrown into a melting pot and applied liberally. I love it! It almost reminds me of the old Airplane movies, or perhaps The Naked Gun.

    I highly recommend this to anyone who just wants to switch off their brain and go along for the ride!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Game in its current form is pretty impressive. Like, seriously, it's good. There is only one and a half "episode" released, but I think I could easily go through five more of them without being bored.
    However, I am a bit worried this project is too ambitious. The scope of this game could easily have 10+ "episodes", but at the rate this is going, this game is not going to be finished by 2035, and that's assuming the author never gives up. Thus, I think it might be better to downsize a bit some of the ambition and focus more on the core parts instead of putting so much work on "side content". I'm being a bit negative here, but I really loved what I saw, and I don't want it to be one of those game that end up being 80% filler content, getting abandoned and never ending up completed.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Shockingly good for a Honey Select game.
    A good usage of music, scenes, and models.

    Play the first few minutes, if it annoys you then it doesn't get better. If you like it, it is more of the same. You will either like the humor or not.

    I agree with another review, the MC does indeed have baby hands.

    I ended up dropping it because of Slavery nonsense.
    Too many stories have a MC that wants to wear a black hat, but then acts like the sheriff. The black hat doesn't make you cool, being a villain makes the black hat cool.
    Don't own a slave if it hurts your feelings, free them or sell them just grow a pair and own your decision.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Played Version: Ep. 2, Part 1

    Summary: I’ll try to make this a short one and maybe fail as usual. The AVN sphere houses a number of AVN’s that follows very similar formulas, one of these being the “Comedic Harem in a semi-fantastical/sci-fi setting at the college age”, in which Realm Invader belongs. The newer titles within any such formula tends to imitate and draw inspiration from an older respected title, sometimes to the point that it may seem like plagiarizing. Realm Invader does indeed have strong similarities on the surface level, but as I was reading, it increasingly built up its own unique identity.
    The MC in Realm Invader is a rather unassuming character, and his genericness is a running joke in its own right. Unlike other similar AVN’s, MC doesn’t move to a new city, but instead gets isekai’ed, supposedly without dying, to an identical parallel world, save for the existence of magic and new non-human races. His family (mom, older, twin and younger sister) are unchanged. It is evident that his travelling between worlds is related to him gaining a talent for magic way above the average level of people in the parallel world. This in turn leads to his eventual enrollment in a college/university where magic is one of the main faculties. We follow MC as he learns magic from the bottom-up and become acquainted with 2 handfuls of other characters, half LI's, half side/supporting. By the time the story ends (Episode 2 part 1) we haven’t learnt too much about the world or where the story seems to go, but I think the foundation is pretty solid.

    Pros: Different LI haircuts for different scenes.
    - Animations. Holy shit. Smooth and natural looking, frequently combined and coordinated with camera movements that are also smooth and perfectly creates the desired impact of a scene.
    - Beyond just the animations, H-scenes also use changing depth of field, etc.
    - It felt like the character intro sequences was more about showcasing the personality and “style” of the characters and not just their physical features. For the time being I can say that the siblings and mom are all endearing and decently nuanced as characters, despite being based on archetypes.
    - There seems to be a fair amount of lore to be explored, but Realm Invader doesn’t bombard you with information. Some is shown or told immediately. More details are slowly added on top of the most basic info. And you have a small codex to use at your own discretion. Still basic for the time being.
    - Soundtrack is solid so far. Yes, calm intimate H scene music that even has lyrics. But there are also high intensity pieces of music too for the 2 more raw h-scenes that we get.
    - Kinda related to the great animations, but Realm Invader often builds up scenes by using animations, like when Chloe and MC plays a fighting game. Helps flesh out the world and make I come alive.
    - Theres a lot of AVN-protagonist or Honey Select engine based jokes.
    - Good male side characters. Some are just joke characters. Others are great beyond just featuring in comedic situations and several are actually competent in various ways and has a role in the actual plot.
    - Many small cute sound effects.
    - The Mudasir meme.
    - Realm Invader actually does a decent job at acknowledging that MC’s relationship with Grace and Miya are taboo and they all act like it’s actually wrong. They clearly have qualms with it, giving in because that’s just how AVN’s work, but in a sufficiently realistic manner. The comedic situations also plays into the way things progress.
    - I liked how the swimming competition was set up in terms of having plenty of decisions. It was a bit like navigating a choose-your-own-adventure-style narrative tree. Or maybe web is a more fitting term here.
    - Speaking of the swim meet, Realm Invader has so many likable female side characters. I wonder which ones are planned LI’s. But for the sake of Realm Invader to one day be finished, I actually hope most won’t be LI’s.
    - Humor is perhaps a little too frequent for my own tastes, but most jokes do stick the landing and the comedic style at large is good.

    Mehs and hit/miss: What’s with the child hating? (Sure, the throat singing makes for a good joke vibe, but really?) There’s a few other jokes that don’t work, one of them being the recurring situations where MC isn't paying attention to people around him.
    - This might go into a con if handled badly, but the overall scenario where MC is gifted with immensely rare powers and being naturally talented, is a bit of an overused trope. For now, it’s being handled decently, but I’m still wary of it.
    - Slightly too shaky camera in some H scenes.
    - The MC’s family inherit a truck load of money as part of their backstory. Feels like a fast way to put them in a nice big house. Rather convenient, but then again, having an ample supply of money don’t feel too important for the plot, so I wouldn’t classify it as a Deus Ex machina intended to instantly solve problems as they appear. Something other AVN’s do, especially the sex focused ones.

    Cons: Looks like we got us a morning boner scene. A classic porn trope that I am not fond of.
    - The whole spiel with MC’s changing opinion on slavery was not handled well. At least it didn’t last long.
    - The gallery system was a little awkward to use. Seemed a bit primitive and slow in its setup, but aesthetically pleasing at least.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    A funny and good game.
    The pacing however is bad, the way the comedy hits makes it get tired real fast.
    It's acceptable, can't expect each joke to land but I feel like because of this way of writing, the fleshed out lore and the sex scenes suffer from it. Kind of feels like the sheer amount of characters being introduced and then given screen time take away from the family, purple slave girl, bald teacher and slave cat girl.
    Since there's only 2 episodes as of this review, I'll give it a 4/5 since I enjoyed it a lot but I hope newer episodes have more seasons or focus more on spesific characters. Anyways, if you're putting off playing the game because of it being the 2nd episode, I'd say play it, there's enough story for a few hours of entertainment.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    With a lot of overt and in your face humor, this may not be for everyone, but it really worked for me. I really enjoyed the characters and their interactions, and the dialogue can be clever; I laughed out loud more than once.

    The adult content is great, bordering on exceptional. I savored my playthrough of the existing content and was really looking forward to a little more each day.

    There are two games that I have taken the leap in supporting financially because I so enjoyed my time with them: Eternum and Realm Invader. Give it a try.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    this game has some really good humour and jokes and its partially cringe but very funny and i very much enjoyed the so far released chapters. The Animations are well enought made ... better than some Tripple AAA studios.
    Consider trying it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    With deep regret and even deeper blue balls, I have to say that while this game is masterfully executed, the number of lewd scenes here is so criminally low, it made me question whether I was even playing an adult game. The writing is extremely witty and funny and I'd recommend playing the game just for that. Just make sure you know what you're getting into.
    I spent 7 hours playing it and there were only 3(!) lewd scenes. Granted, they were very well done, it's still a travesty.
    It's 9 AM now and I have to go to work sleep-deprived and nut-deprived.

    EDIT: Disregard my previous statements. The dev knows what he's doing. Let him cook.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit this game is amazingly funny. Its kinda like the Eternium style.

    Main character cracks me up, the LI's are all great. The models don't really seem to be unique, but that's okay. I've been laughing out loud while playing. Normally I don't have audio while I play, butI did for this one and don't regret it at all. Adds so much to the experience.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, this game is very unique. I've not really seen anything like it, and it is easily one of the best games on this site.

    I was a little shocked by the combination of this game's tone and its slow burn nature. Not usually the combo with a comedy romp. Usually the MC is knee deep in pussy like five seconds in. This is by no means a bad thing. I'm super hyped for a comedy with deep relationships with the LIs and a slower build up towards sex. It was just a little jarring at first to fill out the scene gallery and realize there is no sex yet, but once you see the direction this game is going it becomes a non-issue (as long as you're not looking for a quick fap).

    If you're looking for a quick fap, despite many other games with a similar comedy tone, this game is not for you. It is a deep slow burn. That said, there is a lot of teasing content so far, and it is quite possibly the best animation I've seen on this site, hands down. Normally teasing scenes for me are hot, but don't get me going sexually, but the animations here are just that good. Even the non-lewd animations are incredible. I'm pretty flabbergasted that the dev is new, and has never animated before, and has no help with this.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I think every single review of this game is enough to prove that how banger it is. Just take my 5s rating and keep this beauty alive. Thanks for your hard work
    Now my fav beside Eternum has a place, its name Realm Invader
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit, good as hell! good work. Excellent writing, humor and romance!
    just improve the models and should be excellent!

    [clap] [clap] [clap] [clap] [clap] [clap] [clap] [clap] [clap] [clap] [clap] [clap]
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Time of the review: Episode 02 - Part 01

    I think this game has the potential to become one of the greats in this genre. If you played and liked Eternum, you will like this one as well, as it is definitely on a similar level in terms of quality.

    The dev uses the Honey Select Engine and animations to its fullest. I can not remember any game, that actually bothered to animate anything outside of maybe some sex scenes. Here we have a dev, who actually puts in effort and animates just some random scenes during the story, which adds quite a lot to immersion, and it just is nice to see. Also, I obviously always appreciate when devs do not just use the standard, pre-made, sex scenes that come with Honey Select but actually create their own.

    The humour is exactly what I like (it's been a while I actually laughed out loud playing a porn game), but this is highly subjective and, depending on what you want, could also turn off a few people. It is very "anime-y" in feel and execution.

    Sound and music seem fine, not much out of the ordinary, but tbh. I see that as a plus, as usually the biggest sin of these games is to not add any music or sound at all.

    I definitely will follow the dev and hope he keeps at it with this quality, if you can spare the few bucks, I can just encourage people to support their endeavours.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I think I never laughed that much playing a VN, it's such a dumb slapstick humor that works perfectly with the sound effects, it reminds me of Grand Blue in a way. It's a must to play with sound on.

    The renders are about average tbh, there is some really pretty ones but also others with lighting issues that make the skin tones and face complexions kinda weird. However there is a clear evolution in render quality as the game progresses so kudos to that.

    Animation wise is something else entirely, plenty of high quality ones that complement the sexy and humorous scenes really well. Speaking of sexy, the lewd scenes are well crafted with tension, dialogues, music and the animations working together in it's favor.

    The plot itself is very tropey, and, so far, didn't develop enough to differentiate itself from other games, besides the geat humour. The cast is diverse and lovable, if you're into the wholesome vanilla romance with your 'landlady and roomates' there is lot to like here.

    Can't wait enough for the next update and specially more content with Grace! The best of wishes to the dev.