That was a jab at how the game’s “power fantasy” mode is an easy version of “dark fantasy”. There are no significant changes between the two (wow, you get to choose if you want to sacrifice a couple of your girls to the hordes, instead of being forced to), so the further we get into the game’s development, the more it feels like a misnomer.Only the queen can give birth to dragons. This has nothing to do with "power fantasy".
For instance, one could imagine, in power fantasy mode, that the warlock (I forget his name) manages to clone Adeline’s power instead of ripping it from her—or at least manages to transfer it without making her braindead—or that the dragon could choose multiple consorts, or that Héloïse, Maëlys, and Marie-Anne could, together, get through to Valzira, or any other change that would make the “power fantasy” option into an ever so slightly less crapsack world than the “dark”.