VN - Ren'Py - Raptus [Ep.10 P3 v1.0] [RedStarStudios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Hooray for doin' it like you want to, Dev.
    None of this mambee-pambee, "Oh gash, did my aunt just stroke me?"

    Hell no! Let's get right down to it!!
    "Suck my dick, Mommy, now, you whore."
    Please give me a moment. I'm a bit vaklempt(sp?).

    [where is that faithful 'ol word count ambassadore of fruitful goodnes(my "S" key doesnt work as often as it could[lazy fuckin key])?]

    ANYHOW, nice, sweet, family geenra game. I'd recommend it to my sister, if I had one,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, anyone with an extrra?


    I love the over-the-top violence and stuff

    I dont know how this Dev got so angry, but I want to see him explore ALL his demons/artistic avenues


    I have been warned before, that I MUST use two hundred words in a "Review" or possibly lose(not "loose,for you Devs home-studying) the opportunity to express myself at all. Which I think is generally fair(Ignoring some obviously [dis-enchantingly(pretty sure the dictionary app is well off-base here)] mediocre attempts at equanimity/("fairness to you ignoramouses that think language is meerly a way to keep "Your People" down, or "score")

    But, turns out I got a teensie weenie itsie bitsie bit bored so I admit that this IS ONE OF THE BEST GAMES EVER. If you dont like its material, fine. Shocker!
    But if you peeps can manage to be honest with yourself.... noone else matters, I think you won't ever look back after play this game. It is what is, and Then Some.

    "Have fun with it!"

    5.22/5 ;)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Cornpop is a bad dude and he does bad things to women in this game. This is sadist visual novel no doubt about it, you can kill people and everything down from that sex slaves in dungeon etc. and lemme tell ya it is great. You have pervert psychologist and sister too helping you out. Also your mom but she is not so into it as you are.

    The story is that you are some crazy person and you are released to the world and you instantly start killing and raping. Now some might say this is ridiculous but this kind of thing happens quite often, crazy people get away with murder constantly you know "insanity plea" is a thing for a reason. But what is crazy to me is not that these people are out there but that nobody bats an eye that they are released. You have an utter nutjob going around killing people and you release him because he is so insane he cant stand trial. That sounds like exactly a good reason why you should not release him in the first place!

    Now again you get to do sexy sadist stuff with women, and it gets rather cruel. It is brilliant. But, there isnt a lot of dialogue or exposition outside of sex scenes so what happens is you blast through the game very very quickly. There are not a lot of women, and not that many scenes either it is rather short, but because games like this are rare, I would say it is a must play for anyone who enjoys some crazy happenings in games without hurling.

    Also guy below being morally outraged by people enjoying fantasy lemme tell ya, GTA 5 is one of the most popular games of all time where you go on murder sprees of innocent people on a regular basis yet nobody bats an eye. Go cry about people in real life doing bad things if you care that much and stop being a whiny bitch
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent visual novel, I took a lot of pleasure to play it. It's daring but really enjoyable, the player has a freedom of action quite varied. It's really this style of game that I like and the lack of sound doesn't really bother. It's violent and exciting, the women are beautiful and a crazy protagonist who has charisma. Congratulations to the developer, hoping for a final version.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    It is very comendable that the dev doesn't go soft as his game progresses, which unfortunately often happens because most creators, even when they have a promising start, often switch to their vanilla audience.

    One star has to be removed tho because I agree with one of the previous posts that the story is jumping around just a little bit too much. This whole "i kill my father for abusing my mom, which I will later abuse even more" is not just "unrealistic in a normal way to make this story happen, but just completely bad. Still, overall nice constellation to allow MC to even team up with his sister and shrink and so on. I would prefer however if their was another teenage family member (a cousin maybe?) which they could also team up against, so it's not just against their mom.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2022930

    I fucking love this game! High quality and best game so far with rape and graphic violence :3 I checked all options and they are mind blowing haha :D
    also every time it is hard decision to fuck sister or mother haha :D I hope more incest will come
  6. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5195460

    I have to start sayng that this game is not meant for everyone, is pretty fucked up.

    Story 1/5: the story of this game doesn't make any sense, the MC is a fucking psycho which i find to be very interesting in the start, but some things about the story
    are just too unrealistic, the MC got in prison for 7 years because he killed his own father to "save" his mother from his abusive behavior, and when he comes back home he treats her worse than his father did,
    it seens he would even kill her without any remorse, it just dont make sense for me wtf, most characters are fucked up just like him, like his own sister who rapes her mother at night and his psychologist that encourage him to rape and kill
    why is everyone pure evil in this game? doesn't make sense.

    Models 4/5: most models in this game are well chosen, the best being MC psychologist and the daughter.

    Choices/Gameplay: 3/5: Not much to it, choices dont matter that much, but it is cool to choose only the fetishs that you like to see, or the models, because you can kill them sometimes.

    Renders: 3/5: they are average with simple animations not that bad.

    In conclusion, i think if you are a fucked up person you should check it out, but dont espect a story that makes sense, go for the evil shit and the renders.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    here my review 5/5 for all of it
    ps my grammar is mess

    render, damn ive always been hook by girl like mc's sister model , her hair , clothes, all of it,
    second is the doctor , third is the daughter , rest is decent but pretty much loving cuz the bdsm scene presented

    story, , pretty hardcore/dark, not recommend for those who love or just wanna try some new level of porn, theres also lot option, rather u wanna keep the girl or not but this might still new feature, and a bit of humor

    ui, textbox not really disturbing bit transparent n bit small, decent, but gladly if theres no textbox will be better ;),

    genre/sex/fetish scene?, dunno why in beginning gave the option to choose the kinks but in the end when story goes theres still an option rather u wanna watch it or not
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Review based on Ep.5 Part 1 v1.1 Bugfix:

    To start; This game is not for everyone and I really do mean that! I absolutely love this game and the games like it (e.g Desert Stalker), the more twisted the scenes the happier I get. Not that I am a violent person irl, I just have this fucked up kink when it comes to adult games in particular.

    Onto the game itself. It rocks, like really rocks with the things it allows you to do towards its characters, you can be mild or a total psycho towards theme, your choice. Looks fabulous with unique characters and varied locations, only downside are the animations kind of sucks still serviceable though. Story is interesting if not a bit convoluted, but it does not overstay its welcome before moving onto a juicy scene. All in all so do I recommend the game if you enjoy games containing rape, killing etc, if not then just steer away!
  9. 1.00 star(s)

    Uncommon Sense

    Pros: The renders and choice of models.

    Cons: Everything else.

    I thought I was dark and a bit of a weirdo but nah I'm sane as fuck compared to this main character and the action surrounding this visual novel. I figured that this game would have some dark elements but that doesn't do what I experienced any justice. The entire game is just nonstop evil shit, some of these people don't even deserve these fates which is the most fucked up part. I could see if this guy had a get back List of bad people to take out then sure it makes it easier to digest but that's not the case here either. I turned it off after I got my fap from it, it was the least the game could do. Damn shame to because the models were well selected.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I didn't expect that! The amount of lewd content per Mb is great - I 'm using the compressed version. The girls are gorgeous! The story is decent - despite couple of silly typos.
    Yet I have to agree with other players about the lack of choice. I personally would like to stick to the no hole barred no sex too extreme theme of the game yet I hate when the MC punches the girls. And where is the 3some? I was expecting to see forced father/daughter/MC trio instead of shooting the dude.

    The game is fine even with the basic animations!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I just love this game! It's so excellent. It's the correct amount of dark and it does not hold any punches (pun intend :) ). I'm a big fan of this developers previous game "hard love" but this one is right up there. Graphics are very nice, story is good, scenes are well worked out. I can only recommend it if you're into this type of game elements (referring to the tags). Can't wait for the next update(s).
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit, where to start?
    This is one delightfully fucked up game. Rare are the titles with an actual evil MC, and this one just says "fuck it" and goes all in with that.
    Story wise, it has all the best stuff in matters of taboo. Sure, it's not for everyone, but for the rest of us... well... lets just say that the "five to one" shall be played on repeat.
    Render wise, it's perfect. Sure you can argue that there are better renders out there, but why would you? These ones are very solid, and just as awesome.
    All in all, every time I see an update of the game, I feel like a kid in Christmas.
    Show the dev some love and fap the night away.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a really f*cked up game and I LOVE it.
    This Game is truly amazing. It has such a dark perverse storyline with many kinks and I love how it doesn't shy away from it. The Characters are very interesting and each have different personalities, but all have a perverse and submissive side to them. The Story is amazing and leads you to the darkest places in the Mind of a Psycho R*pist which is really well implemented with the other Characters and makes you always want more. This is probably my all-time fav on this site, and I can't wait for the next parts. Big praise for the Developer for making such a great Game. This Game is definitely nothing for sensible people.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is difficult to rate. There was some effort put into it and the kinks are appealing to those concerned. But there are problems. Some spelling and bad formulations but it is acceptable. Some kinks were in my opinion poorly implemented and the madness aspect is reduced to hyperviolence. So I was let down, if the road was ultra violence there should have been more tortures and mutilations, and not just some poorly understood BDSM tropes. Only domination through necrophilia is clinically correct (if this makes sense).... And the major defect is the slutiness of almost all the girls (some are even more deranged than the MC), it seems the author creates a world where rape is a normal retribution for bad behavior...
    Finally the renders are not that good, some being really poor (and should have been redone). However I understand there were some risks involved in this approach so i will go for a 2.5... But the reader should try if he wants some darker kinks.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    A sinister game without morals. The story is dark and the kinks even more so. The story is plausible enough which explains why it doesn't feel completely off the hook.

    Minor spoilers: The MC is interesting enough due to the internal conflict and the way we can steer just how crazy it gets is a nice take on it all. Despite the tropes going on in the game it still feels fluid enough to be captivating.

    Fair warning however; from start to finish, the writing is severely impaired by poor grammar. It was a constant thorn for me, how can you get a good feel for the atmosphere when there's spelling errors all over the place? The dev needs someone to proofread it and check spelling.

    All in all it's an interesting game due to the dark nature of it all and that hasn't been overly done before which makes the game stand out from the rest.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like games with no regard for rules, and what is right, this is the game for you. A oasis of no consequences and "take what you want" kind of thing. Simply put: the best game ever, for me.

    Just give it a try, i'm sure you wont regret it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Perfect game for a rape-lover. Ignore the 1-star ratings, there really isn't a lot to bash about this porn game aside from the lack of proof-reading.


    - violent rape content, necrophilia is the cherry on top
    - beautiful renders and hot as fuck females
    - immersive story


    - could use a little proof reading, but everything is perfectly legible, unless you're hell bent on reading a PORN game like a book, this won't matter much

    Summary: Just play it, it has good visuals, hot rape scenes and a relatable MC. One of the best rape games out there and kudos to the dev, I'll support you. :)
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Because it's not my cup of tea and didn't like the visual graphics to the game either so that why i gave it this rating but i can see why some might like it. But that's about it. Everything else was ok about the game .
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is being written via google translate or something, the grammar and sentence structure is so bad you'll have to read lines 3 times to understand what's being said. Also riddled with typos and abbreviations that make no sense as speech,

    The author didn't wanna proofread
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is something.. bringing feelings out that is not acceptable in general.. bravo to the developer.. amazing work and for getting there where most are afraid of. You have gained a fan for sure for the current game and the future ones. Following you through. Keep up the good work with the storyline and graph.