Hooray for doin' it like you want to, Dev.
None of this mambee-pambee, "Oh gash, did my aunt just stroke me?"
Hell no! Let's get right down to it!!
"Suck my dick, Mommy, now, you whore."
Please give me a moment. I'm a bit vaklempt(sp?).
[where is that faithful 'ol word count ambassadore of fruitful goodnes(my "S" key doesnt work as often as it could[lazy fuckin key])?]
ANYHOW, nice, sweet, family geenra game. I'd recommend it to my sister, if I had one,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, anyone with an extrra?
I love the over-the-top violence and stuff
I dont know how this Dev got so angry, but I want to see him explore ALL his demons/artistic avenues
I have been warned before, that I MUST use two hundred words in a "Review" or possibly lose(not "loose,for you Devs home-studying) the opportunity to express myself at all. Which I think is generally fair(Ignoring some obviously [dis-enchantingly(pretty sure the dictionary app is well off-base here)] mediocre attempts at equanimity/("fairness to you ignoramouses that think language is meerly a way to keep "Your People" down, or "score")
But, turns out I got a teensie weenie itsie bitsie bit bored so I admit that this IS ONE OF THE BEST GAMES EVER. If you dont like its material, fine. Shocker!
But if you peeps can manage to be honest with yourself.... noone else matters, I think you won't ever look back after play this game. It is what is, and Then Some.
"Have fun with it!"
None of this mambee-pambee, "Oh gash, did my aunt just stroke me?"
Hell no! Let's get right down to it!!
"Suck my dick, Mommy, now, you whore."
Please give me a moment. I'm a bit vaklempt(sp?).
[where is that faithful 'ol word count ambassadore of fruitful goodnes(my "S" key doesnt work as often as it could[lazy fuckin key])?]
ANYHOW, nice, sweet, family geenra game. I'd recommend it to my sister, if I had one,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, anyone with an extrra?
I love the over-the-top violence and stuff
I dont know how this Dev got so angry, but I want to see him explore ALL his demons/artistic avenues
I have been warned before, that I MUST use two hundred words in a "Review" or possibly lose(not "loose,for you Devs home-studying) the opportunity to express myself at all. Which I think is generally fair(Ignoring some obviously [dis-enchantingly(pretty sure the dictionary app is well off-base here)] mediocre attempts at equanimity/("fairness to you ignoramouses that think language is meerly a way to keep "Your People" down, or "score")
But, turns out I got a teensie weenie itsie bitsie bit bored so I admit that this IS ONE OF THE BEST GAMES EVER. If you dont like its material, fine. Shocker!
But if you peeps can manage to be honest with yourself.... noone else matters, I think you won't ever look back after play this game. It is what is, and Then Some.
"Have fun with it!"