VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Rainy Day [v0.6.2] [Red Rocket]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is incredibly well written, even though I'm not too much into the mystic stuff, it makes the characters really interesting.

    The characters are unique, thoughtfull and I love em all.

    The dialogue are interesting and engaging.

    There are suprising twists and turns, with a dash of humor, love it.

    Hands down, amazing work on all fronts.

    Cant wait to read and play more!
    ps. i love red too xD
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a pretty hilarious game and with an actually decent story (funny, cheesy as hell and just dark enough to give it a nice rounding out). Red Rocket (the in-game one, I mean) is an insta boner.
    I've played through what is already there twice because I really needed a good laugh, twice. Give it a go for sure.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the story, characters, models/renders, humor, so far there's nothing about this game I don't like. The humor obviously won't be for everyone, that's just the nature of humor (as the dev even points out in one of the between the episode chats with the dev's avatar, which I also love).
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Game version: [EP. 4]

    Charming little game. Updates are very short, not many choices, but it's an interesting story with unique looking and pretty characters. The renders fluctuate between mediocre and decent. Clearly someone still learning the tools. The writing is snappy and entertaining and despite the dev preemptively apologizing for bad English pretty free from errors.

    Even the dev self insert character stuff is pulled off in a way that's endearing instead of cringy, like it sometimes is in other games. I'm usually not a fan of a lot of humor in my games, but it's kept at the right level here, where it doesn't turn the whole game into a comedy.

    For me, the selling point of this game are the distinctly maledom oriented sex scenes, which basically always come in "hard" and "extra hard" flavors. It's clearly a focus for the game and the writing for these scenes manages to avoid the pitfalls of making the MC sound like too much of a cringy douchebag or somebody just roleplaying a tough guy.

    The intro said there won't be incest but you get some options to perv on your cute stepdaughter, so I hope the dev doesn't consider that incest, otherwise it seems a little cruel if that won't go anywhere.

    Zaida and Legna, the slutty Latina (?) demon sisters are lovely. The submissive Asian secretary is a little cliché and one-note. Violet is convincing enough as the troubled teen who'd be into an older guy, but so far you don't really get enough time with her to really judge her.

    Anyway, I'll keep checking in with this one.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This isn't a bad VN. The dev seems passionate about their work here

    Good story
    Good renders
    Some sexy ladies

    Some grammar mishaps

    This VN has a good story up to this update. The story has several twist so far. I wish there were more serious choices. It's linear and it really doesn't affect the plot. I recommend giving this VN a shot. Good job to the dev, and keep up the good work. Looking forward to future updates.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the first VN I played that makes absolutely no attempt to be "heavy", but still manages to cover the entire range of emotions those "heavy" VNs elicit. It's sad, it's funny, it's kinky, does it all without giving you an entire Sunday's worth of reading material. But short doesn't mean shallow, quite the opposite, the shortness here is just a telltale sign of "show, don't tell" being executed right, which is one of the most basic tenets of good storytelling! I'm impressed!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Wait, I have a chance to be in a porn game? Look ma, I made it!

    Jokes aside,

    Models, 8/10. Quality is great. Not top nodge, but much higher than mediocre. For your first time (?) very well done. Improving yourself is important. Keep it up.

    Story 10/10. Cannot have a game with only sex. And cannot have a 18+ game without a compelling story. I mean, without a story, you should go to the sad panda. Really liking this one. You set yourself up for a lot of possible directions. I hope you have it figured out and do not go overboard with 20+ harem choices. Less is more in most cases ;)

    Choices 10/10. I think this is an important subject. If given a choice, do they feel right/normal and is it "measured". I wonder what you do with the karma, but you can do a lot of great things with it. Choices that are currently given are simple. Wonder if you go a bit more overboard later on.

    Humor/Humour 0/10. You should like what I like. Different opinions than mine are wrong.

    Looking forward to future updates!

    P.s. Pretty short for a v3 ;)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Why are those episodes so short! Work faster! : slap :

    Lovely game, actually something different for once, the story keeps on delivering. And it's pretty funny as well.

    Already overly attached to all the characters and I'm not even done playing this last update.

    Great job with renders too.

    I also enjoyed how you actually took the time to answer people's requests and quoting them too, both hilarious AND showing how you care about feedback.

    Never stop!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.3Z Fix (Chapter 3)

    I must say I overlooked this game based on the rather average renders on the banner image at first, but few days day stumbled upon this again after seeing the votes coming in.

    This game is the biggest surprise of 2020 so far.

    Going into the intro, where Red Rocket (developer) gave us a quick warning that English is not her first language, so I was embracing myself for the worst. Yet, the writing has been top notch so far. You can tell each character's personality through their dialogues, and the 1 hour or so I've spent in this game, I already feel like I know each of the characters intimately.

    • Story (9/10) This is a game I can see myself keep guessing what will be coming up in the next chapters, but will be pleasantly surprised each time. It's the way Red Rocket convenes the story, flashbacks between actions that really brings the characters to life. Sometimes the humor might be a little abrupt, but I couldn't help chuckle along at some of the sick burns offered and received by the MC.
    • Characters (10/10) Definitely the highlight of this game. The daughter is done perfectly that I feel like I really want to protect her innocence instead of corrupting her. I honestly will feel bad if in later chapters she becomes a slut. Violet is this little mystery that I'm so ready to unravel. The secretary is a dream, and I don't want to wake up. Got to say Zaida is probably the one that I'm least interested in, as I feel like I've known her already from every other game with a similar succubus familiar.
    • Renders (7/10) Just by looking at the renders alone, the score might be a 5 at most. Yet somehow while engrossed in the story, things are perfect. The renders also seem to be improving with each new chapter, and chapter 3 really starting to hit all the marks with the introduction of the secretary.
    • Kinks (8/10) Very few games on this site deserves the male domination tag, but the "very hard" path during sex, nice. Although only a few scenes so far, as someone who's main kink is domination, I've really enjoyed the sex. Looking forward to more, especially the secretary, and ready to see where Violet story goes.
    This is a game where the developer really put their passion into making it. My suggestion for Red Rocket is that don't get too caught up on people complaining about the renders, focus what you are good at, the characters and the story. Maybe later on you can find someone in the community to just touch up the renders a little bit, but even without that, I might have to finally figure out how to get Patreon working in this country.

    Can't wait for more.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game! I saw some people complaining about the lack of music and short updates, i honestly think you guys got spoiled by some devs that have huge resources, not everyone has 2 PCs with a RTX 2080 Ti just for rendering...So lets have patience and support the dev because he/she is developing an awesome game.

    Anyway, about the game:
    - Very nice renders;
    - Story looks promising (didn't see too much of it until this point, but i liked it);
    - Sex scenes could be a bit longer, but that's not the most important thing for me;
    - I love the "talk" with the dev we have between updates, more devs should do this.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Episode 3 review (first time playing)
    So my thoughts on this game are confusing . This game is a very dark at the same time comic and emotional. For the third episode it is by far very interesting . The game is i guess one of a kind generally these kind of dark games are made in honey select but i liked this too. Yes giving 5 stars is something everyone should do who liked the game also the developer reads to the comments and discussion thats something new to me havent seen one other than long trip to your moms who listend to the community and made changes to the game accordingly.
    Renders :8.9
    Story :10
    Humor: 6.9
    Animations well there are not many but complaining or bitching wont do anygood , maybe in future longer and smoother animations would be there.
    Until then i hereby award this game 5 stars so people could play it and be the judge .
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm intrigued, not your usual game so far, it's a combination of humour, nice looking women/girls (IMHO), uncertainty (I don't yet know if the MC is an a-hole or not. (I hope not!)). There's more to good things "say" about it, but I think that will spoil your own playthrough I played Episode 3 (and had a really good time - but it took a "short" time to play through those 3 episodes - including the developers creative and refreshing take on "What's to come" and answers to the comment's that I recommend you to leave on! When the playtime quadrupled I (we?) will know more. Looking forward to the continuation anyhow.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked this vn, a bit short but very good, the history is pretty and the renders are very good too, the characters are so good, I really liked the MC.
    maybe a bit of music would be fine xD

    Good luck dev :D
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    [Ep. 2]

    This was a pleasant surprise. Maybe its a bit early to rate it 5 stars, but what we got so far is quite good, if a bit short.

    The render quality is obviously very average for this day and age, but the dev makes the best of it. There is some thought that went into framing the scenes and it pulls of the mostly first person view pretty well. The models are also original as far as I can tell (except the ex GF). On that note, I decided not to dock any points for the hardware limitations.

    The strong point of this game will be in the writing. Even though there is a disclamer that English is not the dev's first language, I didn't notice any glaring Engrish that stood out or got in the way of natural dialogue.

    The MC is a bit of a sarcastic clown. Some exchanges even got a chuckle out of me. It's just at that cusp of being obnoxious but still grounded. He is no saint by any means but seem genuine to those close to him.

    Now I will briefly get to the part that brought me to write a good review for the game. The relationship with the adppted daughter is done so well. She is a sweetheart and the game really portrays how much the MC cares for her without doing needless exposition or spamming us with cheesy lines. It's done naturally through proper use of flashbacks at opportune moments and how the characters interact with one another. This dev knows how to apply the "show, don't tell" mantra in story telling. Now this game has the corruption tag (which is why I even downloaded it) and the MC literally makes a deal to work for the devil in the first 5 minutes, but my protective instincts kicked in and I wouldn't even mind doing a good dad path . I usually revel in the degeneracy of corrupting and mind breaking family members and such, so the dev is probably doing something right in creating endearing characters. The daughters friend is super hot so it's all good.

    Let's keep an eye out for this game as more updates roll out.

    Edit: Oh I almost forgot. The daughter's friend goes home and comes back the next day with a different outfit. I did an internal fist bump when I saw it. The game didn't have any other scenes so far where a character could have changed outfits, so I can't be sure if this will hold up throughout the game. It's so refreshing when characters actually have a functional wardrobe though. Too many games fail at this.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh FFS KMN... Lost my review, not in the mood for going through everything again :FacePalm:

    I liked the game, true that it's not much content but if the dev keeps up the good work I believe it will be a really fun game! Maybe move to releasing them as parts of an episode to avoid getting spanked in the comments (I really enjoyed the ... well... the dev getting spanked there :KEK: kind of hoping there will be more content with ... again weird... you)
    There is a backstory that seems to hold up and might lead to some good things.
    The renders are good, and kind of refreshing.
    Characters don't seem to be far from the usual chars but from what I have seen for now I like them, the "adopted" daughter really looks like a good character to me (damn I hope she's adopted for the sake of Patreon, hehe would be fun to know Patreons position on Woody Allen)] Will have to see more of them to actually know if I like them or are just picking up on things that won't be there.

    Sorry I did have more to say but I'll be back with an update!

    Update ep. 3 : Not much to add though importantly there has been quite the debate about possible NTR in the game:

    no matter how you feel about that scene it is now avoidable!

    And the 3 episode is just great, moves the story forward, I would regard this as a long intro into the story and is definitely worth trying out
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this.
    Story:The story is interesting as heck...the flashbacks tell a sordid tale of WTFery all over the place....the black cat(no more details) is used perfectly in ways i enjoy...
    Graphics:good...not the top level but better than average so your eyes will be happy..
    Gameplay:easy peasy smooth and error free..standard ren'py VN with no "ima try special stuffs" surprises..
    Characters:awesome..very well written..alot of personality in this game..that's what hooks me.
    all in all one of the better be found here at pirate central...get your booty mateys...maybe slip the dev some bucks..he/she(i hope or i'm spanking a dude as a dame ingame..EWWW) earned it!!!
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Well done renders in another supernatural fuck fantasy. There are a few differences in this game that make it more than typical but overall, after two short updates, it isn't a very impressive introduction to the story. Trigger Warning for those who really can't handle anything close to NTR: As of the second update the only sexual content involves a character that some people may consider to be an NTR situation (she isn't a LI and I personally don't consider it NTR and the Dev has confirmed it isn't in anyway NTR) and a flashback to when the MC was younger and had been cheated on by his girlfriend (you don't see the cheating, the MC confronts her about it).

    Pros: Characters aren't the typical seen in VN's, MC is older than the standard 18-21 year old seen in most games. The women are attractive but not supermodels.

    Cons: 1) The player doesn't have a lot to do besides watch either flashbacks about the MC and his "adopted" daughter or as things happen around the MC. At this time there are no real choices to make, of course the player isn't allowed to refuse the deal with "Bob" since it is central to the plot so if you don't like the standard "Devil's contract" trope this isn't the game for you.
    2) Developer self insertion between episodes as a narrator/commentator, be warned that they think they are funny (also true of the game itself - they think they are humorous). However, you can turn this off when you first start the game which I recommend the player do.

    Overall an average start to a new game. Time will tell if it ends up abandoned or if the developer will stick around and create a more memorable game than what is available so far. I wish them luck but this isn't a game for me.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a nice start, and a remarkable story. The renders are really good, lack some different camera angles though. You have said animation is hard for you now, but if you add different camera angles for the sex action it could be sufficient to replace that feature.

    Considering to do patreon support as the game evolves in chapter 2 or 3. Nice work and good luck!