quality control


Jul 10, 2018
  • and presuming the fine print in the contract hasn't anything in it to worry about, I'm sure it's all cool. It'll be fine.
IIRC the problem with Breeding Season was that the artist in question was actually located in the UK, where unless otherwise explicitly stated in a contract, all creative works are retained by their creator. Even if you're paying them to create said things.

This is in contrast to the US, where the project's lead was located, where the opposite is true. If you're paid to work, everything you do on the clock is the assumed property of your employer unless otherwise stated. Something to be aware of if you're an artist or work in a technical career field like engineering and computer science.

In the case of 40k, [Malal](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Malice) was functionally written out of the lore after GW realized they'd screwed up.