This problem comes form the fact that your save must be from the ch5.08 update and not from the ch5.08a, in the later, I added a little fix to a scene as well as a flag variable, so when the game is testing this flag, the game crash since you do not have it.
Just reload a save from ch5.07 (last scene in the stables with the veterinarian) or earlier and redo the last update to fix your save, the flag will load properly then.
So to get this clear for me: when I come from a save before the stables scene I don't have to do anything Out of the ordinary. I just save and load within the content after the stable scene as I want. Or do I have to avoid saving while inside that content?
Thanks for the update btw! The amount of work you put in each month is really crazy!
So with this out of the way you finally can start working on Nubia content, right???
Just kidding mate. Have a good one and do as you like.
So to get this clear for me: when I come from a save before the stables scene I don't have to do anything Out of the ordinary. I just save and load within the content after the stable scene as I want. Or do I have to avoid saving while inside that content?
Thanks for the update btw! The amount of work you put in each month is really crazy!
So with this out of the way you finally can start working on Nubia content, right???
Just kidding mate. Have a good one and do as you like.
Yeah, you just have to load an older save and play.
The thing is that in each new update, the first line of code is adding all the new flag variables, so if you save behind this line, you can't load any new flag I add in a fix (like I did with ch5.08a), the only way to fix your save is to load a save from a previous update so that when you come into the update I fixed and added a new flag, your game will load properly all of them.
So cheating is a turn-off for me unfortunately, but can this be avoided in game without playing the role of the 'saint' ? Can you still access the rest of the fun?
So cheating is a turn-off for me unfortunately, but can this be avoided in game without playing the role of the 'saint' ? Can you still access the rest of the fun?
Apart from one early scene in the intro, everything in the game is avoidable and dependent on choices made by the player.
Best thing I can say is give it a try and if some things are not to your liking, either go back and try some other choices or have a look at the pdf walkthrough from hermesh to help you navigate the numerous choices in the game.
Apart from one early scene in the intro, everything in the game is avoidable and dependent on choices made by the player.
Best thing I can say is give it a try and if some things are not to your liking, either go back and try some other choices or have a look at the pdf walkthrough from hermesh to help you navigate the numerous choices in the game.
Apart from one early scene in the intro, everything in the game is avoidable and dependent on choices made by the player.
Best thing I can say is give it a try and if some things are not to your liking, either go back and try some other choices or have a look at the pdf walkthrough from hermesh to help you navigate the numerous choices in the game.
Bro, this is just a suggestion. I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it to you before, but this game would have been even more popular if it had been made in the style of games like "Straitened Times" or "A Very Full House," which have an open world or map with free roam, time cycling, grinding, repeatability and easy replayability.
Like in our current game, once we make choices, we can't get to see the other scenes. It's too linear and it hard to keep track & explore all options. But if we have a open world style/time-cycle like "MetF" or other two above mentioned games, then it would be easy to explore all the available choices since the events will be recurring. Naturally, I am aware that creating a game of that kind would be more difficult, time-consuming, and labor-intensive, but man, if this game had that kind of format, I'd throw money at it without a second thought!
If you make a new game later, I hope you consider my suggestion!
but this game would have been even more popular if it had been made in the style of games like "Straitened Times" or "A Very Full House," which have an open world or map with free roam, time cycling, grinding, repeatability and easy replayability.
add this line to "chapter 05.rpy"
"$ ch5_ignoring_jarvis = False" at line number 20571
Otherwise you will get an error about ch5_ignoring_jarvis not existing.
u have to either manually put spaces , turn off tabs in your editor, or change the tabs in the editor settings to spaces explicitly
As RenPy is based on Python and Python is tab sensitive
u have to either manually put spaces , turn off tabs in your editor, or change the tabs in the editor settings to spaces explicitly
As RenPy is based on Python and Python is tab sensitive
i'm using this one also, so just copy the text and after that, delete all the blank spaces in front of the copied text and then put spaces to align with the rest of the code in the file
or change the settings in the notepad++ tabs into spaces
i'm using this one also, so just copy the text and after that, delete all the blank spaces in front of the copied text and then put spaces to align with the rest of the code in the file
or change the settings in the notepad++ tabs into spaces
Save Naming
(Game version: 5.08 - Compatible with later versions)
Add the possibility to name your save (it's optional). You can use the keyboard to validate the name (Enter/Return) or cancel (Escape, Right Click).
It also slightly improves visual in preferences screen.
Give the possibility to skip the pages 10 by 10 Install: Use (see installation instructions below)
Grouped Notifications
(Game version: 5.08 - Probablycompatible with later versions)
Instead of displaying notifications one by one, they'll be displayed at the same time. The more lines, the longer it stays on the screen. Install: Use (see installation instructions below)
(Game version: 5.08 - Probably compatible with later versions)
Add the possibility to manually modify Traits, Kinks and Affection values (click on trait/kink/character in their respective lists using the top left icon).
!! NEW !! - You have now the possibility to modify "choice" variables thx to the Variables button in the menu accessible thx to the top left icon.
- Click on the variable in the list to toggle its value
- If you type something on your keyboard, it will automatically filter the list
Install: Use (see installation instructions below)
(Game version: 5.08 - Compatible with later versions) - For now, dialogs still contain incest for scenes up to 2.07
- Zorlun regulary fixes typos in the game. I've been trying to keep the mod up to date regarding typos but I've lost track for a while. So if you find typos in a gallery scene, it is probably already fixed in the original game. No need to ping Zorlun for that.
- Thumbnails in a scrollable grid (I hate "page" galleries)
- A lot of thumbnails displayed at screen
- Unlockable
- Filters (one for type of scene and one for characters). If you select a character, you can see its bio by hovering a character in the list. Note you can exit dropdown list by right-clicking. Install: Use (see installation instructions below)
Dialox Box Opacity
(Game version: 5.08 - Compatible with later versions)
Give you the possibility to adjust the dialog box opacity in Preferences screen. !!! This mod is incompatible with Walkthrough Mod (which already has this feature) !!! Install: Use (see installation instructions below)
No Waiting in Text Display
(Compatible with all versions)
Sentences are often displayed in split parts. You must click to view each part of the sentence. With this mod each sentence will be fully displayed at once. Install: Unzip in the folder where ProjectMyriamLifeandExplorations.exe file is located (The zip contains a file named environment.txt and it's normal. Ok xapican?! )
Customize Names
(Game version: 5.08 - Probablycompatible with later versions)
Allows you to customize any names in the game. In order to customize a name:
- Start a new game or load any save
- Access the customize names screen with the button in the top right corner (the button is transparent but you can see it by hovering over the area)
- Use the Add a name button to add a name to customize (type the original name like myriam, anthony, marc, ...)
==> The new name is added to the list
- Click on the name in the Current name column and type the name you want to see ingame Install: Use (see installation instructions below)
All in One
(Game version: 5.08)
Just a zip containing few of the above mods for easy downloading:
Save Naming
Grouped Notifications
Customize Names
Install: Use (see installation instructions below)
If I made mistakes (especially in english) or if you have an idea for improvement, you're welcome.