
Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2020
I named mine Anna. But I wish she had a canon name too, it just being head maid is weird.
I ended up naming mine Madelaine, I just hope no other character uses that name.

Doing a WT like you suggest is almost impossible. To many variables to get the trigger for the event. However, knowing where to find the girls would be useful.

The hints does need to be improved though.
Just a list of scenes per character in a pdf file would be enough then, together with an improved hint system of course.
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Jan 14, 2023
Ok, hello Dev. To say it's rare that I'd bother to make an account on these kinds of forums is... well. an understatement. But it's rare I note someone putting out this much content on a first release (even using a very basic and ugly engine).

Some input:


1) Ignore any / all feedback regarding kinks / sexual tastes etc. It's subjective nonsense and won't make you money. 99% of the people complaining about NTR or lesbians or how they hate clown make-up do not pay for your product. Ignore them. If the game is good - they'll play through it anyway.
2) Read the stuff about user feedback - there's at least three people here telling you what you need to prioritise in your next build (hint: it ain't more content) and most of them are correct.

Stuff that will make you money and needs to be in v0.2:

1) Quit the cute bullshit: this is a (really quite impressive) 0.1 release. Stick to that: hint every other game uses it, and all the search engine algos react to that, not some silly 0.00000000001v build. Rename it, and the files, ASAP. You name it v0.1 because... that's what it is, that's what makes sense to everyone and that's what makes sense to search engines. Sure, you can name your next release "0.1sdfsgdgh210123BEEP"... but guess what? Search engines will ignore it. This is bad (for your pocket).

2) You need to code a visual system to show where each woman is in the game world. Flat out - you need visual representation of each room and a little floating tag (usually top left of the icon) showing if an interaction is possible at that time. Currently you have five dorms with eight people in each and no way for the player to tell if randomly clicking them leads to anything. This is a death sentence - I almost got RSI just checking out your current build design. Code that puppy before you add more renders. Hint says: "Talk to her in her room after class" .... if I have to click the same room on 1hr progressions to even attempt to trigger this nebulous content, you've annoyed me.
2a) Code a time progression system ASAP. Click the button, +1 hr. Do it.

3) For the love of god put some effort into the MC and his penis. It randomly changes size in different scenes and he's currently a plastic doll. Does this matter? Yes. Aesthetic penis model = hook for horney players, it's easier to relate to. Having a plastic mushroom oddity that randomly grows a foot is not. No, you're not using a current gen model system, but it doesn't have to be... so fucking beige.

4) The GUI on the list of women: you've the right idea (bunching them and sorting, shows good planning, here's hoping you've actually planned and mapped your Progress Chart out) but you need a GUI. I'd strongly suggest making copy/paste of icons from your locations and then creating a "spider web" off of them when you click them. e.g. Splash is each location, you click a location and up pops each woman with their face as an icon. Your engine is really not good enough for me to visually identify one of the 100 characters at a glance without references.
4a) Make your icons not squares /rectangles. It looks terrible. This goes for locations through the entire project. People want to masturbate, hard corners are bad for this (the Mind starts doing Maths).
4b) Looking at the overall design - go with a Pyramid/Diamond then fanned circle splash. Have the GUI start with a Diamond (Mansion top, College Left, Downtown Right, Park/Homes Bottom) that when you click does a little splash around them. Nesting is fine (esp. for dormitories). The idea is that if a player wants to see, for example, who is available in the dorms, they do this: CLICK MANSION ICON > CLICK (E/W) DORM ICON FROM SPLASH > NESTED ICONS POP UP AROUND THAT ICON--- so the player can see instantly if there's any interactions available. You want the maximum information displayed using icons per click.
4c) Text lists are for Accountants, not pr0n users. "One handed navigation".... is not a joke or a funny line, it's literally your design maxim (and if you end up doing an android port, you'll thank me for this later). You probably should code a nice pink circle around women who still have content and a nice blue one for those whose content is completed: Players will not care (if you keep up content) if woman #19 has no content this build as long as you make it graphically clear and easy for players who are returning to your game to immediately note which of the 68 Waifus HAVE NEW CONTENT. This is paramount: code it now, save yourself drama later. Literally, you're asking people to strap into a wild 2-4 year ride where their cash might get them some Xmas renders. At least make it easy for them: doing so will up your monetization by ~23% roughly. Seriously.

5) Fix your cum graphics: currently it's bright white 0,0,0 RGB and looks like a rendering error or nuclear flash. Cum is hard, especially on older engines (seriously): but making it radioactive white is a bad choice.

6) Ignore players voting for content: it just slows you down. Make the content you're feeling enthused about. Literally, the death of this type of game is Patreon / Milking and users doing content votes in lieu of actually getting the game they paid for. I mean, sure: do it, but know the mechanics of it and how utterly you're taking the piss out of these Patreon fools.

Stuff you need to work over in v0.3:

1) Story. Yes, yes: your MC is a super-rich play-boy who is apparently so sexy the furniture wants to fuck him. But get some kind of story / progression / thread going. Ideally have at least three major event sequences mapped out and build around adding more. e.g. perhaps there's a fire at the college (meaning protagonist has to rescue / do events to help) or there's an upcoming opening town fair for the new island which the player has to contribute to. At the moment there's little real game friction to drive player engagement (because, literally, he has to put zero effort into anything to get everyone to sleep with him). Add a bit of work (not grind, please not grind, there's a difference) and positive player feedback will increase. Also remember: if you're adding fetch quests (i.e. get McGuffin from X, via Y to give to Z) you really need a responsive hint system, your players are usually not very smart.

2) Ignore any / all feedback or votes or content pushes via player feedback: this kills projects. Churn it out, do what you want to do and they'll still wank to it. If required add a skip button for those wall-flowers who really can't handle NTR but apart from that: go wild and ignore the feedback.

3) Buy a copy of the karma sutra; do some research; spend a good month learning how to model non-vanilla positions. Trust me on this. You're using an old gen engine (which is fine, uncanny valley is a thing), but missionary #230 with waifu #53 will merge into missionary #1923 with waifu #68 if you're not careful. You've got the right basic idea with tropes so far (e.g. goth girlfriend etc), try to make each waifu distinct otherwise they serve no purpose in your game for player engagement, just using your time / GPU cycles.

4) Draw up a design doc and plan out routines for at least 40 of your menagerie. Currently there's some questionable choices for location density and event spread, mainly due to the College being so heavy on characters e.g. Why is the nightclub closed / not active during the weekends? Friday night should be stretched to Sat / Sun night. Likewise, since college is a major focal point, do two things: add a cafeteria / sports area (etc etc) to allow non-class interactions and flesh out the Park / Homes a bit more - add a scenic mountain trail, a woods etc. At the moment the weighting for events is a bit janky: ideally, you'll want 2-4 possible events in each section / three hour segment, enough to give the player a real feeling of "open world" but not too much that every time they move they're hit with another event (event fatigue, especially if 90% of them are sexual, will actually damage the player's experience: refractory periods / actually playing the game is part of why people aren't just watching Pr0nTube or whatever).

5) Since you have a stat system (which is largely unrequired at this point, tbh), give good visual feedback on the character cards of potential unlocks. e.g. If event X happens at Hate 40, put a marker on the stat field. Players need this to a) know what to aim for and b) focus their attention / desire on the characters they prefer. Doing this = player satisfaction = more money for you (we hope).

Anyhow. Post #1. Why? Because Dev actually seems to have put some effort in and while not original, actually has some talent under her belt. While using an old gen engine, so is probably poor as a mouse as well. Good luck dev: and remember - ignore any fool stating lesbians are bad in a pr0n game. Utter Muppet.

Edited with a bit more detail - wall of text ends.
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Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2020
You need to talk to one of the students (I forget which one) and they will give you another subject. Which you can then go to the library and study.
See, I would never have figured that out myself, that's why a walkthrough and less vague hints are very important.
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markus T

Engaged Member
Jun 11, 2017
i don't know what to do with stephany
Its all rng with her. Catch her randomly in the east hallway a few times I think and then randomly in the swimming pool which YOU have to pick swim and she may or may not appear. Way too much fishing for event triggers in this...thats my true gripe with this one.

markus T

Engaged Member
Jun 11, 2017
I'm missing a mansion girl, the one 2nd from the bottom. any idea where to find her or is she not in game yet?
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Mar 11, 2018
Its all rng with her. Catch her randomly in the east hallway a few times I think and then randomly in the swimming pool which YOU have to pick swim and she may or may not appear. Way too much fishing for event triggers in this...thats my true gripe with this one.
Not as random as you think. The hallway event happens in the morning. The pool event in the afternoon I believe. Though yeah it's still rng during these times


Jul 13, 2021
Loving the game thus far, I know Zink said its possible to find stephany in 3 locations but i cannot find her anywhere. Any clues? Also is there any content with Teresa and if so how does it start?


Jul 13, 2021
Unless I messed something up (which is entirely possible) you should still be able to go to their house every weekday night between 11pm and midnight and choose between the 3 of them.

2 PM

The Admin can be found on the Private Beach weeknights between 9pm and 11pm if you go looking. Needs 5 Love and 40 Slutty, plus under 100 anger

The Secretary can be found at the Pool at night. Needs 1 Love and 10 Slutty (starting stats are higher than this).

Secretary's sister will join you in the Pool during the day when swimming. Needs 1 Love and under 20 Anger. Currently only able to get Love from Hug in East Wing Hall during day (future versions will have multiple other events to gain Love with her).

For the Librarian, currently only one subject can provoke her interest. In the future there will be multiple such subjects. The only subject currently is an option gained after helping Erin (White-Blue Dress, Class Four) with her studies at night in her room between 8pm and 10pm.

The last two girls I mentioned in an earlier post. Both come from daytime interactions in Secretary's Bedroom after reaching either Progress 3 (for the one) or 2 sex times with your Secretary plus seeing the Maid when you enter the Mansion (for the other).

Even though the percentage is rather high, the overnight shift girl who works weekdays at the Gym does seem to be missing more than she should. I will need to look into this and remedy in a future version.

Park Ranger needs 10 Love and 20 Slutty to initiate a daytime event at the Park to progress the story. She starts the game with 5. The initial event should give 3 Love. Talking to her in the Park gives 1. Thus, at minimum, meeting her and having two chat events should be enough to get the stats to proc the daytime event you're looking for.

Phoebe (Shy girl, Class One) can be found at College Way after class and afterward might ask you to walk her to school in the morning when you wake up.

Hope that helps! Each of these questions on 'how to progress a character' are very useful to me in that they let me know specifically where I need to add clarity and/or additional hints to help the player figure this out. I hope to improve the hints in future versions.

How can i increase the admins love to trigger thisevent, I can't find her anywhere
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