3.80 star(s) 20 Votes

*Sigh* Guys . . . Dinoussy Poll, which Dinosaur are we smashing and breeding.

  • Tropius

    Votes: 247 2.5%
  • Tyranitar

    Votes: 1,283 12.8%
  • Rampardos

    Votes: 155 1.6%
  • Dracozolt

    Votes: 238 2.4%
  • Aerodactyl

    Votes: 327 3.3%
  • Aurorus

    Votes: 1,237 12.4%
  • Tyrantrum

    Votes: 371 3.7%
  • Meganium

    Votes: 1,396 14.0%
  • Lapras

    Votes: 3,958 39.6%
  • Haxorus

    Votes: 780 7.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


May 16, 2018
I think I have figured out the Grunt Double Battle in Granite Cave, Get a Pineco, make sure it keeps Self Destruct, give it a Normal Gem and get the shadow pokemon out at the same turn, Normal gem boosted Self Destruct should OHKO both of them.


May 16, 2018
I think I have figured out the Grunt Double Battle in Granite Cave, Get a Pineco, make sure it keeps Self Destruct, give it a Normal Gem and get the shadow pokemon out at the same turn, Normal gem boosted Self Destruct should OHKO both of them.
Just did it, Max attack Pineco, with an IV of 3 got it done, One shot both Houndoom and Simipour. Only notes, you have to get a little lucky, if both Simipour and Houndoom target Pineco, it will die, and if Simipour Burns Pineco with Scald, you might not do enough damage, but if only Houndoom targets it, Sturdy will keep it alive, the Raw output of Normal Gem Self Destruct should carry you to victory here.


Oct 23, 2018
I think I have figured out the Grunt Double Battle in Granite Cave, Get a Pineco, make sure it keeps Self Destruct, give it a Normal Gem and get the shadow pokemon out at the same turn, Normal gem boosted Self Destruct should OHKO both of them.
I defeated that fight with pokemon a level or 2 under. the main strategy is to not bring out both Shadow pokemon at once, focus on one mon and the shadow pokemon that comes after. I did this with the help of ivysaur always having both pokemon life seeded and pouring all damage moves on the left side.


Dec 28, 2017
didn't know there's a dragon eevee so maybe the dragon evolution item in the voidkip store?
Ok so i did a test, using debug menu I added Draceon to my party, he doesn't have an icon even yet. So im guessing it is strictly for the eevee in your house, you can't actually evolve a hybrid eevee into draceon yet. But if you do give the eevee when it ready evolves at 50 trust in your basement a dragonscale it evolves into draceon.


Dec 28, 2017
is there a guide to where and how to find all the breedable pokemon?
Im not done yet, but pretty sure you get most of them from just progressing the story or doing quests for characters. Most will be story which if you click quest then click the top quest that will always be the guide for main story progression. And an example for breedable pokemon. The Hex girl in the bottom house in petalburg gives a misdreaveus once you complete all of her quests. So just try to complete all the quests you can, and you should find them all.


May 16, 2018
is there a guide to where and how to find all the breedable pokemon?
Ralts, Dragonair, and Braxien are encountered via the story.
Primarina, Cinderace, and Meowscrada are currently mutually exclusive choices from Void Mudkip at the end of Petalburg Woods
Eevee is found via a mission from Caroline that you unlock by doing May's quests
A man with a Lopunny in the Rustboro City Ranger station will give you a quest to go after a Rookidee
After Completing the Grunt Double Battle in Granite Cave, return to that location and you will encounter Mawile
After Completing the Grunt Double Battle in Granite Cave a man in the Dewford City Ranger Station will ask you to look for his Girlfriend, you will encounter Noibat during this mission
After completing May's first round of quests you will be given a quest to find her pendant, encountering a Whimsicott
After completing the first round of missions from the Hex Maniac you will fight her and be awarded Misdreavus
Both Alolan and Kantonian Vulpix are encountered via a mission given to you from a breeder in the Mauvile City Ranger Station
After beating the Mauvile city Gym, you will find Watson in the Mauvile Ranger Station, who will ask you to go investigate a power Surge in a near by powerplant, you will encounter Luxio during this mission
Handing in 5 or 6 of the Fish for the Legendary Fisherman quest will allow you to battle Lana for a Feebas (do not sell the big pearls you get from this quest line, you will need them for Feebas and Lapras)
After completing all Berry related side quests, the Girls in the Berry Shop will give you a quest to deal with a Fomanits behind their shop
Machoke can be found via a quest gotten from the Rustboro Ranger Quest board
Lapras can be obtained from a quest from the Dewford City Ranger Questboard where you fill fight Shelly
Weavile can be found by collecting 15000 game corner coins and obtaining a quest from the Mauvile City Ranger Questboard.
Last edited:


New Member
Oct 8, 2018
i don't know how to get basculegion i know where the forest is but i have no idea where in the forest it is
You can "cheat" by fishing up a Basculin and evolving it. I got one at level 25, used one of the exp candies, which shoot them up to lv 33 in which it evolved.


Oct 23, 2018
Ok so i did a test, using debug menu I added Draceon to my party, he doesn't have an icon even yet. So im guessing it is strictly for the eevee in your house, you can't actually evolve a hybrid eevee into draceon yet. But if you do give the eevee when it ready evolves at 50 trust in your basement a dragonscale it evolves into draceon.
I can confirm. The breedable Evee can be evolved into Draceon and battled by having a dragon scale. Finishing the training completely, it becomes breedable and does give special Evee egg. Oddly though, the Draceon overwold sprite does not apear until she's situated upstairs. However the Dragon scale is not a use item and cannot be used to turn sexy evee to Draceon. If there's some other evolution condition like holding the scale when at a certain level, idk ‍♂


Apr 28, 2021
I can confirm. The breedable Evee can be evolved into Draceon and battled by having a dragon scale. Finishing the training completely, it becomes breedable and does give special Evee egg. Oddly though, the Draceon overwold sprite does not apear until she's situated upstairs. However the Dragon scale is not a use item and cannot be used to turn sexy evee to Draceon. If there's some other evolution condition like holding the scale when at a certain level, idk ‍♂
great so i missed it welp might as well restart i guess


Oct 23, 2018
great so i missed it welp might as well restart i guess
lol, once I saw that choice pop up I saved on a different file. for when I wanna eventually see each eveelution. BTW as far as I know, while sexy evee can evolve to the official eveelutions, only Vaporeon gets a sexy form.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2019
lol, once I saw that choice pop up I saved on a different file. for when I wanna eventually see each eveelution. BTW as far as I know, while sexy evee can evolve to the official eveelutions, only Vaporeon gets a sexy form.
Vaporeon, Flareon and Glaceon. The others are the official ones. Leafeon doesn't even exist lol


Active Member
May 7, 2020
After a period of time the Girls in the Berry Shop will give you a quest to deal with a Fomanits behind their shop
To be more exact, after doing the water pokemon quest you need to find one of the berry sisters shopping in Slateport. She will say that she needs some berries to complete the grocery shopping, and after completing the quest by giving her the berries the Formantis encounter event will start.

The NPC can be particularly hidden by the tents, but for me she appears on the lowest right side tent. Spam your interact button.
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Apr 28, 2021
lol, once I saw that choice pop up I saved on a different file. for when I wanna eventually see each eveelution. BTW as far as I know, while sexy evee can evolve to the official eveelutions, only Vaporeon gets a sexy form.
i meant i missed one i saw the scene for all the other ones and since saved over that. also not just vaporeon: flareon, umbreon and glaceon got custom forms too
3.80 star(s) 20 Votes