Unity - PocketSweeties [v1.6.2] [PocketSweeties]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    i decided to install it as "copy of hole house from some grifters to laugh at"
    Honestly its different than what i expected

    Futa things are optional
    Sex seems much better than i expected
    There is nothing else than sex and different characters have different sex-activities some much worse than other

    Character choice for this is also completely cursed
    some gremlin woman, half animal, sonic character
    some warewolf woman SCP and Female bowser...

    WHO MADE THAT... or rather you make mobile 1st game on unity and your 1st fuck options are so f weird man...

    4/5 mostly for sounds, animations and good controls
    i brush woman selection and futa options as not my taste
    with real -1 for lack of cool or non-sex things to do in this
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Best way to describe this is 90s porn flash game, because essentially this is what you get when you smash up a few of those into this single meatball to pass for a meal.

    There's really not much else to say about it because gameplay-wise its really just an extended gif with basic interactivity elements not too far away from kiddie's first video game. Click on stuff, watch as they do some other stuff while the digitial girl gets fucked by a disembodied floating dick.

    Well animated, and looks good because lets be honest this game absolutely needs to nail the aesthetics otherwise it'll be completely unplayable. Just about the only good thing I can say about the game is that its well drawn, well animated, and there was that brief 10 minute period where I was genuinely surprised before my dick subsequently deflated from the sheer shallowness on display.


    So, who is this game for? Well, if youre the sort of person who can jerk off to cold, souless, but fuckable balloon women, really well made inflatables I may add, then this game might just be right up your alley, but if youre looking for something with more life in it, then I can safely say with personal first hand experience that your boner would be mild at best.

    Game would have been better served just sticking to one girl with multiple positions, better reactions, and perhaps even a cheeky little storyline with actual progression. But hope as we may, what we get instead is something that wouldnt look out of place from rule34, complete with looping 5 second animations. Why indeed is so much effort being made to add all these customization options when everything around it remains the same, no different than putting lipstick on a pig.

    But If youre gonna play this anyway, heres my personal recommendation, just play through the goat mom because thats by far the best experience available and one which actually showcases potential to be even better. Sadly it doesnt get better, but at least goat mom makes an effort to be more than just an inflatable.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Play it till 1.4v
    It’s a cool simulator but short fun it’s polished
    hot gaming girls
    many scenes

    no story
    reused scenes
    not much to do

    200 characters sure is a lot many many
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    PocketSweeties [v1.4]
    A straight to the point click and fuck game, with 4 characters and some customization

    First of all this game is catered around GIGANTIC tits fetishes, if you like that then congrats, out of the 4 ''playable'' characters only one, the legend of zelda gnome and arguably the least popular one, this is not a bad thing, just odd, the game encourages you to grind to unlock more customization options and to find every single secret to unlock extra stuff, it doesnt change anything at all, you get the same experience in both your first minute of gameplay as the 3rd hour, there are better games from this genre but it does offer a smoth and nice animations, yet at the end of the day it's a game, if you dont like the gnome sadly you miss out on 75% of the content of the game, perhaps a one time fap, nothing else.

    If i had to give a summary of my opinion on this game it would be, you get the same experience just googling hentai animation from this characters instead of downloading and playing them, if you like the gnome the it gets an extra point, i, sadly, don't like the gnome.

    RANK F OR 1/5
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Version under review: 1.4

    I've been watching this game through several iterations now, but now that I think we've gotten something more fully fleshed out, it's time to give it a proper review, aaaand... y'know, I genuinely don't know what to make of this. There's so many great things to list here, but there are so many awkward design choices as well.

    This does not have the makings of a good interactive sex simulator, since it follows the same formula as the "MySexGames" or "Meet 'n' Fuck" titles of clicking a button, watching a scene play out to its inevitable conclusion, and doing it aaaall over again. This does, however, have the makings of an excellent dress-up game, and with many characters getting huge and diverse clothing pools that you can mix and match, it's something that I can play around with for a good long while when I'm bored. The cast of playable characters is diverse—some I like, some I couldn't care less about—but you can tell certain characters get a lot more love than others; Rouge is easily my favorite of the lot and the most customizable, but if you're a Toriel fan (which I am not), you're kinda starved for choice.

    The format of the game is also a curious choice. I get that this is primarily a smartphone game, so the 9:16 aspect ratio at least makes sense there, and the game doesn't really let you adjust the window size or the visible area within the game... except when you get to Midna, which lets you expand the background to a full screen width on your PC or laptop in order to find all the secret collectibles. And yet, you can't seem to do the same thing with Rouge, who follows a very similar pattern of events with finding red rings and emeralds—you try to widen the game screen, you get pillboxed on either side, forcing that narrow view angle. Honestly, I don't see a reason why you force it for most characters and then make a massive exception for one. Either treat them all the same, such that every character's backgrounds can be expanded wider to their tastes or constrained to the narrow vertical layout; or create a dedicated 16:9 option for PCs and people who want to play the game on Android tablets, with the option selectors on a vertically-oriented sidebar so that we can enjoy the animations you've crafted that are obscured by menus normally.

    To that end... some of the "special modes" that the game boasts don't really seem to have any tangible effect on gameplay. Going into futa mode gives the character of choice a cock and balls, but you're still fucking their vagina for almost all intents and purposes. This is more of a personal gripe, but this seems... unnatural to me. If you're gonna give them testicles, just go all in with it and call them shemales or MtF trans and let me fuck them up the ass, 'cause I'm basically fucking a dude with tits at that point. Nothing against futanari, but I'm part of the "no-balls" camp where I'd rather just see the penis in place of the clit. This all comes with one present exception: Rouge's new "Pose 2"—it grants the possibility of anal, but none of the special effects are visible there; I imagine this is just a testing ground for applying it to all girls in the future, but it feels... hastily pushed out. (Oh, and speaking of, if you have the "egg cell view" option ticked on, you can apparently get Rouge butt-pregnant. The game isn't advanced enough to know you're not fucking her pussy, so it plays the insemination and impregnation cutscene even after dumping a load in her ass.) Things like cum inflation aren't much better: you bloat the respective girl's belly to third trimester proportions, and then it just... [snap!] ...vanishes in an instant. No post-coital leakage, no gradual accumulation over several orgasms, no anything. Then again, if I want to keep the impression of persistent cum inflation, I guess I could lie to myself and tag the "pregnant" option on. Kind of a shame we can't combine effects like futa and pregnancy, either, given how much else we're able to do, but what're you gonna do? Oh, and Toriel... Toriel doesn't get any of these—the futa option I think is supposed to make it look like autofellatio, but it kinda just looks like she's sucking off Asgore or Asriel (especially when she says "such a good boy" after finishing blowing herself in futa mode)... and cum inflation for her just... does not work at all! It is entirely pointless, because her belly is obscured by the non-collapsible half-screen menu. And speaking of, I think the first and most important key factor would be making Toriel and Peach's menus similar to Rouge's and also Midna's to a lesser extent, such that when you click a customization item, you see a name for what item is equipped or a toggle if it's simply on/off.

    Part of me wants to like this game... well, perhaps not so much a game as it is an interactive wallpaper for the most part, but it is so inconsistent in its presentation that I can't give it the same glowing reviews as anyone else. Maybe these are changes on the way, and I need only wait for... say, version 2.0 to see the changes I hope for. But as it stands now, for as ambitious as it's trying to be, I can't call it anything better than "middle of the road". It has the chance to become something great... but it's all over the fucking place right now.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Not gonna lie, I'm a bit confused on this one. It's fine. Just. Fine. The animations are on par with a lot of good, classic flash hentai, and it has a few additions like borderline quirky elements that let you engage more, but that's it. There's nothing unique here. You can find hundreds of flash games just like this in massive packs half the size with 10x the games here on F95. They even come with SWF players.

    But my G O D, this game's VA is a joke. When I use "Twitter VA" as an insult, the exact cringe ass voice acting that comes to mind is garbage like Midna's VA. I've never shriveled up so fast. It lets you at least switch voices with that character. Rogue's isn't much better. Game at least comes with a mute button, but it still gets well earned criticism for hiring some bottom of the barrel VA. It is comically bad. I've heard people do hentai voices for the sake of satire that sounded more erotic than that.

    It's also been out since Aug, 2023, and only has 4 girls with just decent animations, and not impressive amount of them. The developer gets paid very well. Just something worth mentioning.

    tl;dr: Generic. Nothing here you haven't already seen hundreds of times over if you've been on this site for a week.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, gets straight to the point via the scenes. Two of the girls, Peach and Rouge, unfortunately has only one "scene" each.
    Toriel has technically two scenes, paizuri and fellatio, but a third of the two can be done at the same time. She also has an "extra" in which she can do autofellatio if you're into that sort of thing.
    Midna is the most fleshed out featuring clicker mechanics, click and find mechanics, and bonus secrets. She gets three scenes, one allowing a secondary option of backdoor action.
    Worth watching all in all if you like the presented characters as new scenes seem to be planned for the girls, plus additional characters in the future.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Reminds me of a flash game, the art is definitely the focus here and I'd say they knock it out of the park, the animation specifically is very impressive, though if you're looking for something with a story this isn't for you.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I am extremely impressed by what's on display here in Pocket Sweeties. The first few girls included are fairly basic snd unambitious (albeit very high quality) H-animations with some customization capabilities, à la Flash games by the likes of CreamBee and EroPharaoh, you shouldn't dismiss the game out of hand by what it opens with.

    Each of the girls included thus far in this game has been a drastic improvement in terms of scope, creativity, and quality. The newest character, Midna, not only includes 3 separate poses, but also far more extensive customization than the previous inclusions, full voice acting, and the addition of clicker elements that are engaging without overstaying their welcome.

    The update history for Pocket Sweeties so far has been a story of a dev team getting their sea legs and figuring out how to perfect a working formula, and if this level of quality holds up in the subsequent updates, I will be eagerly awaiting them.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Review Version: [v1.3]
    This is a very simple game of loop sex, no intro, story and stuff like that, just sex scenes. This kinda reminds me of hentai flash games, but even some of them had some kind of story before sex.

    At least this game doesn't promote itself as being something bigger than it really is, the devs know what are doing and i can see things getting better which each girl added.

    Toriel added some cool little things and more elements from the game where she is from. While Midna in the other hand, they really tried to make something more with her. 3 sex poses, a mini map to explore places, hidden stuff to collect, cliker game elements to gain ruppies, so you buy the stuff that was free before (along with other things).

    To be quite honest, the only reason I'm giving this game 4 stars is because of Midna's content. I honestly prefer the other 3 girls, but only Toriel's content was good for me besides Midna (and you can't have sex with the goat mommy, what a sin :c)
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    the first 3 characters are nice and simple, but i really like the fourth character having more of a grind to it, me likey the unlocks and collectibles, really gives more time to actually enjoy the animations instead of glossing over it quickly.

    moving forward i hope all the other implementations have more complexity and charm to them like the fourth, i personally wouldnt mind each one being just more cookie clicker but i would prefer distinguishing gameplay elements between them. either way, excited to see more!
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    (Score: 3.5/5, rounded up because even though I still hate how this guy draws faces and I find that weird jelly body jiggle the characters have, the game actually has content now and is still getting more.)

    There's four characters at this point:
    1. Rouge the bat
    2. Peach
    3. Toriel
    4. Midna
    Super annoyingly, the first three are all super basic and are practically just Basic Sex Game Flash Loop #25894270 that we've seen for decades, though not in Flash obviously. Rouge and Peach are just "watch meter fill, cum, watch meter fill, cum" again and again, plus clothing customization and whatever.
    Toriel's a LITTLE better since she's got a couple sex scenes to pick from and a "good/bad" mechanic that doesn't really do much, but the dev was a big oddball and cut her off at the torso so all she does are blowjobs and paizuri. I did get a good laugh out of trying to realize what the cumflation setting does (it makes her cheeks fill when you cum in her mouth.)

    Midna is the star here and actually has content, and is more than just a basic-ass cum loop.
    There's currency to earn, places to explore, poses to unlock, a store to unlock more cool shit, secrets to find, stuff to collect, and so on; there's even a silly Ankha-flavored hip swing animation you can unlock.
    Thankfully the dev seems to be aware of how underbaked the other characters are, and plan to update them all to bring them up to Midna's level.

    Outside of just the sex, all characters have cumflation and/or futa toggles, breast expansion, tons of clothing and accessories, it all makes for a pretty solid game, though it's unfortunately a bit shallow (minus Midna, of course.)
    Still, try it out, the game runs out of content pretty quick and even the longest one, Midna, can be 100% in mere minutes. Easy to pick up and play.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Fantastic but I do see how someone would get bored after a short while especially with the Rouge. The anticipation for new characters is compelling and I do like how the Toriel level changes things up with different options.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Satisfying. Nice customization. Looking forward to the addition of more characters. Big fan of pregnancy personally, and the adjustable boot slider is great aswell!
    I'd suggest different POV angles, like back view and additional sliders for thighs, butt, eyes, and feet (aswell as a camera moder for that, though that isn't for me personally).
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty simple right now but I think the art and UI is pretty solidly made. Animation is pretty solid as well. My biggest criticism (that I think could be fixed later, thus not taking any points off for it) is that there's not too much interactivity at the moment and for the most part you are pressing a button and waiting for a number to count up.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I liked it. Keeping it simple, sure but with more content on the way I expect this to be a solid little game. Definitely worth watching for later. I would like maybe a small selection of body type options like shape of boobs and size of tummy but that need is more than likely served by multiple characters which seems to be in the plans.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't see any reason why this needs to be a "Game".

    There is no game here, you click a button then wait until the video ends.

    Animation and the few outfits included are alright but that's it, it's just a loop.