TL;DR - teach a man to fish....
I dunno man, why do I always picture you making the same face as your profile going, "bruhhhh".
I always thought that was his cum face....
My game right now is a very basic VN with one significant choice at the end of the current update. As of right now it's just click and read. Someone in the thread asked for a walkthrough.

This and V0.1 [demo] - walkthrough, save?
Asking is one thing, being stupid about it is another. I have responded to people that it's linear and no walkthrough is needed only for the very next post to be a request for a walkthrough.
Everything now generation have no time to waste to search (look at thread, can't even read 2 posts previous theirs), they just need to consume at massive i want it now and give it to me, this is internet i can have everything in a blink of an eye.
These days, I mainly just extract the CG and look at the pretty pictures.
That's another one (obviously not you as you do your own), the requests for CG - read you download it, extract the CG and then upload them for me.
Absolutely, my friend. You're often the voice of reasoned debate & calmness in a sea of utter carnage.
HA!! He's like a duck, all calm and reasoned on the surface, but stirring like mad below the surface
Why begrudge somebody a quick jerk? You don't want to provide a savegame or walkthrough, you don't have to. Randoms on the forum don't have any power over you.
Because it gives power over them?
OR better still, not begrudging anyone anything, just don't expect me to do all the work for them.
And you'll never fix them all. Every day a new fledgling perv finds this forum and wants all 'dem tiddies right now. So make peace with the fact that until mass sterilization happens, there will always be some moron wandering into the Internet who doesn't give a shit that manners are nice.
Which is one of things I look at - post count/member since. I know I'm a bit of whore, but if you've posted in 3 figures, you should know some basics like how to search, how to use spoilers, what the site etiquette is.
I don't give a flying damn who you are or where you're from there is no excuse to forget at least a please or thank you (or a like). On that basis if you don't give a shit about manners, don't expect me to respond to you.
Then there is expectation and laziness. Expectation that someone do it for you and laziness to either do it yourself or even look through for an answer.
A number of people here will have seen my response to some requests and I know I come across as snarky at times, I think it's better to give people information on how to get answers for themselves.
As a rule of thumb I don't post saves, no comeback on the name I've chosen or the fiddles I've done, however occasionally you get screwed by your hardware so if a regular in a thread were to ask I may do it.
Anyway waffled on too long.