Man, I hate those 90's Oakley sunglasses the MC has.

And the vest is equally as cringey and old looking. He looks like he went jogging back in 1999 and suddenly was transported into the future. xD I hope he gets rid of this outfit.
But I like the game overall. So far I like that the main character isn't some kind of overpowered S-Rank isekai Marry Sue, but is weaker than most at the beginning. Despite sometimes the writing being pretty naive, especially the MC's inner dialogue, and ocasional "Engrish", the writing is fine. And the girls are really nice looking and written. It's deffinitelly one of the better looking games using Honey Select assets here. I haven't gotten very far, just finished the prolog and got to the main game of building the vigilante club, but so far it's pretty sweet.