Just answering a few messages posted recently.
Also, be careful files from 1.6 are not compatible with 1.7
I would do a new save for other to uses...but the game is so buggy I can't even load saves I made in 1.7. So my recommendation is to just wait for a few fixes to be done.
Saves files are now stored at C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Local\Pasec1\SaveGameswhere you put the save file
Also, be careful files from 1.6 are not compatible with 1.7
I would do a new save for other to uses...but the game is so buggy I can't even load saves I made in 1.7. So my recommendation is to just wait for a few fixes to be done.
Yeah, for some reason you can't open the console anymore in 1.7 (maybe the change of engine's version) . It's quite annoying especially with the new gameover system since you need to be captured, then find the enemy to finally have the gameover animation you want.I can't open the console no matter what I try, even using US keyboard layout.