I'm just going to point out that an adult on an adult website should be able to figure this out, since loading a table in cheat engine tables literally 5 clicks. But I'm going to assume because I am so familiar with it that im biased. You aren't actually building a table in most cases. You're usually using a table, which is a prewritten script for the game. Usually based on version of the game, because code can change. My table for empire at war does one thing less now because of an update. Lost no unit limit with the updated script. But that script was made by someone else, they just share it and all i have to do is a few simple things.
1 : Open cheat engine
2 : Click top left icon, Pc with a microscope. Here, you pick the process of your game. It's just what the game is called as a process. So empire at war for me is FOC.exe, i double click that.
3 : Click second top left icon, folder icon. Here, you will find the table you got. Either from here, the cheat engine forums, or the cheat engine god king Recifense and his patron (he makes the overwhelming majority of tables on the forum if not all. Some are locked behind a paywall, his patreon is 2 or 3 bucks a month so its not an issue for the good word he's done) and then I double click that.
4 : Table is loaded, cheats available are now selectable on the white space on the bottom of the cheat engine window. How it works can vary, sometimes for god mode you just click the box to the left and it'll give an X. Mod active. Sometimes its a variable on the right where you can set your gold. It varies from game, creator, and complexity.
5 : Use youtube or google. The post on the official forum for how to use cheat engine from 2015 is still completely valid. Again, you aren't building a table (unless you want to try) so look for videos or parts of videos just showing how to load a table for a visual reference. Visual references are what works best for me, so that's my biggest recommend even if you understand all this.