I avoided this longer than most top-tier products, because the models did not actually appeal to me (but they are in fact among the highest quality I have seen...aside from the fact they all look like they have butt-implants).
I have no particular affinity (or aversion) to incest, and this game is dripping with it. If incest is your particular fetish; stop reading, and download this now - you are welcome.
I tend to factor heavily animation quality, on VN games especially, and this game is easily the worst animations of any of the VN games I would consider 5-star, other than DA, which is even worse but still a quality game. There is zero reason I would be subjectively biased toward this game. AND - It is a very good game.
The single most absurd thing people cite in these reviews is "it is not believable". Not a single game here is "believable". A believable sex-game would be a boring sex-game. This is not believable - but it is entertaining. I should not need to state this, but based on half of the ratings I shall; EVERY WOMEN YOU MEET WILL NEVER, EVER, WANT TO FUCK YOU. YOUR DAUGHTERS WILL ALMOST CERTAINLY NEVER WISH TO FUCK YOU. These games are amusing exactly because they are not realistic, so stop rating a game 2-stars because "it is not realistic", virgins.
The writing is quality. "Loli Hitler" made me laugh out loud, and Sofi surprised me by really tugging on my heart-strings, which I did not anticipate at all. There are 4-5 NSFW games that have achieved that in any real way, so to me this is the most impressive feat of a sex-game. To make me care, sincerely, about a character is not easy, because I am a monster. (if you want to know the games, please ask me. they are all amazing games and almost all are horribly under-valued here).
If this game had quality animations, I would make a serious argument this being a top-3 VN, but given how poor animation is on all the top VNs (excluding HaremHotel), it would be illogical for me to fault it on that factor alone. I was pleased that the breasts were mostly very viable, yet the butts (which are my favorite body-part) broke the 4th wall, for me. Five petite blondes, with "Serena Williams booty". That is ...new. I tend to prefer petite women, and I like the fact they all have slender hips - but you can not just slap thick booty on every women and expect it not to shatter the 4th wall, especially if they all have tiny hips. Math.
That aside, this is a rather unexpected, but very easy 5/5, for me. This is a solid effort. I wish this game would commit to quality animations - It would then easily be a contender for best game on the site. It is so close, but the sex scenes just fall short.
I have no particular affinity (or aversion) to incest, and this game is dripping with it. If incest is your particular fetish; stop reading, and download this now - you are welcome.
I tend to factor heavily animation quality, on VN games especially, and this game is easily the worst animations of any of the VN games I would consider 5-star, other than DA, which is even worse but still a quality game. There is zero reason I would be subjectively biased toward this game. AND - It is a very good game.
The single most absurd thing people cite in these reviews is "it is not believable". Not a single game here is "believable". A believable sex-game would be a boring sex-game. This is not believable - but it is entertaining. I should not need to state this, but based on half of the ratings I shall; EVERY WOMEN YOU MEET WILL NEVER, EVER, WANT TO FUCK YOU. YOUR DAUGHTERS WILL ALMOST CERTAINLY NEVER WISH TO FUCK YOU. These games are amusing exactly because they are not realistic, so stop rating a game 2-stars because "it is not realistic", virgins.
The writing is quality. "Loli Hitler" made me laugh out loud, and Sofi surprised me by really tugging on my heart-strings, which I did not anticipate at all. There are 4-5 NSFW games that have achieved that in any real way, so to me this is the most impressive feat of a sex-game. To make me care, sincerely, about a character is not easy, because I am a monster. (if you want to know the games, please ask me. they are all amazing games and almost all are horribly under-valued here).
If this game had quality animations, I would make a serious argument this being a top-3 VN, but given how poor animation is on all the top VNs (excluding HaremHotel), it would be illogical for me to fault it on that factor alone. I was pleased that the breasts were mostly very viable, yet the butts (which are my favorite body-part) broke the 4th wall, for me. Five petite blondes, with "Serena Williams booty". That is ...new. I tend to prefer petite women, and I like the fact they all have slender hips - but you can not just slap thick booty on every women and expect it not to shatter the 4th wall, especially if they all have tiny hips. Math.
That aside, this is a rather unexpected, but very easy 5/5, for me. This is a solid effort. I wish this game would commit to quality animations - It would then easily be a contender for best game on the site. It is so close, but the sex scenes just fall short.