And that day is today!
I uploaded it to my GDrive, but I would appreciate it if someone could download it and upload it to GoFile or provide more links if necessary (I don't really know how haha).
Have a look at it, this is v.0.3.1:
Google Drive
Let me know if you have troubles accessing it.
By the way, this is the changelog:
Changelog v.0.3.1:
[Main Character]
- Completely reworked damage system based on falling velocity
[Game Difficulty]
- Now game difficulty does not affect the amount of Stamina
- Now game difficulty does not affect the amount of C-Scanner Battery
- Added Key Binding settings
- Added the option to change the difficulty during the game in the settings
- Changed the implant menu
- Added character animation to the implant menu
- New implant added: Retin-A Sensors
- New implant added: Pathfinder N-Link
- Added tutorial dynamic Windows
- Added showed tutorials in Journal
- Added dynamic Key hints messages
- Partially changed the sector of crew members
[Video Gallery]
- Added all the cut scenes to the gallery
- Added dynamic hints to use meds
- Elevator colliders have been reworked - now players won't get stuck in elevator collisions and jump over the railing
- Added the option to spend 2 Repair Kits to immediately repair the power panel
- The new game menu has been redesigned
- Amount of ammo in the Maintenance compartments location has been increased
- Added partial support for gamepads (does not work in UI)