Finished prologue. What can I say...
First is: I liked the plot, it's great so far.
Second is: Art is totally awesome(non-sexual one), while the art dipicting sex can be quite inconsistent with so many artists working together on it, they are doing great work in keeping it hot. Also I find it a bit lacking in terms of quantity(so to say the scene consists of 3 parts, while art exist only for one of them, or the art doesn't show change described in text for example), but that's probably coz I just got greedy.

Btw, when I saw the pic of MC in the battle, I thought it's some old bearded guy with mustache.
Third: Battle system... Damage is too random, I passed the first training fight only on the third try with 1 HP, coz I got very lucky))) Also... Why the heck losing practice fight with a friend is giving a game over? Then from what I seen the range of possible damage is way too big, so in the fight with scorpion Kiara got oneshot by scorpion from full HP to like -30 with active shield which should have lessened enemy attack by 30%, also in the final fight of prologue by using same ability I got damage of 15-25 in the first round from the enemies, and 20-50 on the second one(did the enemy crit or something?). After that there is a limit, one enemy can be attacked only twice in the same turn, which makes it impossible to kill one enemy in a single round, was it made deliberately?
Forth: If you somehow misclick and will need to turn back dialogue, every time you press "Back" button the UI will hide the menu and you will need to summon it again to be able to press "Back" button once more.
Update: forgot to mention a few things.
1) Animations, they are well made, expecially I was impressed with moving pedestrians at the background, nice detail. sadly after such a show off I kind of expected every scene to contain at least some of it, so got a bit dissapointed when the next one was static, you rised a bar too high with the first scene)
2) lack of cumshot in Adara's scene, felt it was missing coz kinda waited for it, the image shows before and after but not the moment itself. Also X-ray option in Kiara's scene lacks the same cumshot, it's not depicted there at all.