Does someone have a properly laid out guide? The PDF guide is so confusing idk what its trying to day and it doesn't seem properly translated. I'm just trying to figure out how to get to the delinquent route with Saya
Does someone have a properly laid out guide? The PDF guide is so confusing idk what its trying to day and it doesn't seem properly translated. I'm just trying to figure out how to get to the delinquent route with Saya
Saya and the delinquent bros: Progress Saya's love route far enough to spawn an event (?) potential at the Entrance Hall during Noon 2 phase. Activate this event to force the Riverside event (Delinquent path). If Saya could not tank 6 hits going into the Riverside event it is an instant game over as she would have been raped and impregnated by Jouji (Delinquent 1). Otherwise she will survive and you can play Shinji (Delinquent 2) route as usual.
Bit late to this but i think only Kotone is for a bit in that room with the smoke but the others you can protect them. I used a guide for the harem route.