VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Once in a Lifetime [v1.0] [Caribdis]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Once in a Lifetime is undoubtedly one of the best games I have ever played, with its best story, good animation, best dialogues, and best ending. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a Good Storyline and Good animation experience.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is great, the girls are super cute, the humor is self aware, the animations are good too. I must say it was pleasure to get my own harem with all of these sexy girls with actual personality. And with incest patch its perfect game , many choices which ones are changing the girls attitiude 5/5. Would blind play again.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    IIRC this was the first western VN I've tried. Not sure what can se said about it, that hasn't been mentioned before - it's a quality product with sizeable content variety and branching. Personally didn't take well cringy humour and some of the scenes and characters (like Mike) made my eyes rolling, but to each their own.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I had played.
    Loved the story, the girls, the relationship between characters, enjoyed every minute of that game. There was funny, sad, horny moments and at the end all i wanted more of this girls, their smiles and was really happy with happy ending. 10/10
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    It’s not fair to benchmark OIALT with Eternum, but since I had the “misfortune” of playing the latter first, I couldn’t help but compare one against the other. All I can say is Eternum is a big improvement in all aspects compared to OIALT, but make no mistake - on its own this game can still garner a 4.6+ stars as well.

    The story is relatively straight forward i.e. MC and his two step sisters will be investigating an evil cult and of course at the same time have lots of “fun” along the way with other LIs. The story itself might not be much, but Caribdis’s top notch skill in script writing that amalgamates adventure, humour, tension and emotions is on full display here.

    The developer is also very good at making use of cut scenes to make a point or maximize humor impact. I will always remember the rapid alternate close ups between Oliver, fat girl and the elephant statue at the pool. OMG, that was scary and funny at the same time.

    Game Mechanics
    AVN with choices - most of the choices affect your points / scenes with a LI although there are a couple of them towards the end that will affect the ending.

    Background / Character Renders
    You can trace the developer’s improvements in graphic rendering along with the game. Initially most of the background and character models were very Honey Select default, as the story progressed they improved significantly and some of backgrounds in the hospital and mansion were actually very detailed and carried the horror mood well.

    Character Development
    This is a light hearted harem story so naturally you ain’t gonna see much in terms of character development. However I would say that OIALT has managed to craft each of the LIs to be lovable in their own way - Lauren is sporty & cute, Judie shy & smart and of course other minor LIs who are adorable in their own ways.

    Other non-LI characters like Tom, Jack, Stubby Mike, Oliver also add a lot of fun into the story. Not many AVNs bother to spend much time developing other male characters, so kudos to Caribdis for making the effort.

    Sex Scenes
    Similar to the graphics, players witness the improvements along the way. The initial few lewd scenes were bleh… typical plain Honey Select animations. By the time you reach the last quarter of them, the developer has injected his own unique style and many of the threesome scenes were steamy hot!

    BGM and Sound Effects
    One of the sad missing areas is the lack of BGM during much of the game. While there is some minor background noise and sound effect, you will be playing the game mostly in silence.

    Thankfully things start to pick up during the second half with BGMs and sound effects becoming more pronounced. The scene where MC got trapped in the bath with other males with that strange Chinese song was goddam hilarious and has stuck with me ever since.

    OIALT is Caribdis’s first game and it shows - the initial graphics and music were bland and did not stick out from the competition. Thankfully the quirky dialogues and funny cut scenes provided initial entertainment for players to grind on and by the time the second half came by things have improved tremendously to the point the game can stand in the first tier on its own.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    It's been 3 years since I've read the ending of this game and it remains an unforgettable experience. There are many technical faults you can find within the game, such as the lack of music and sfx during a large part of it, or considerable visual choices that don't really look that great, especially when compared to the developers' next game, but that's just the mark that the developer has improved over time; even OIAL itself fixes these towards the end of the game, having more music and becoming more visually appealing.

    Nonetheless, no amount of technical fault or stylistic choice can hide the fact that this game is simply fantastic. An incredible story, lovable characters, keeps you interested throughout, will make you laugh and is just a good time in general. The game is excellent.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    it's the first game by the developer of eternum. of course it's not as good visually, but the personalities of the characters and the plot are excellent. you can't stop laughing in many parts of the game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    While I adore this game, I admit that I can't talk about how intuitive any choices may be to make since I simply followed the dev's walkthrough to do things.

    That being said, I adored almost all of the characters and the writing really pulled me in. I cracked up numerous times and felt a genuine connection to the characters because the dev actually made me give a damn. I honestly didn't understand why people mentioned "Stabby Mike" so often with regards to the game, but my GOD is he a wonderful character. He really grew on me and became my favorite character if not at least being in the top three.

    The scene quality is pretty nice and the characters all look great. I personally highly recommend using the dev's official walkthrough, but that's just because it's nice imo to only have to play through once per ending instead of having to spend a lot of time experimenting to figure out how to get stuff (although it may not be bad at all since I'm not able to properly comment on difficulty of achieving endings).
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best AVN's I have played. I am a big fan of harem games and this one delivers. The other paths are also good. Graphics and animations are better nowadays, but were top of the game as the AVN was published (you can see what the designers are capable of with their successor Eternum).
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Just trying to keep a list of games I've played already.

    Just 2 characters for fun, but good storywriting
    Somewhat immersive worldbuilding, leaves us clueless at times
    Decent dialogue,
    Forgettable MC
    Sex is forgettable
    Not grindy
    Play time was about ~10 hours.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Just a quick review, but beautiful and amazingly written and done AVN.

    The best ever and should be considered world gem, great work Caribdis, you are master in your art.

    Thanks for doing this and have only the best luck in your life.

    (And I see you watch these reviews and rate them,
    so I hope this will make your day just a bit better :D)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the first game I had played back in the day where I really enjoyed myself purely for the story.
    Though, the sex scenes made everything better and the sexual tension was amazing to "read."
    Highly recommend if you never played a full story porn game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    After much procrastination I finally got to this game. And I'm damn glad I did.
    If you love Eternum, you'll also like this.

    The story kept me hooked from start to finish
    Your choices affect what ending you get and who you will end up with.
    Don't expect anything super serious or realistic, you won't find that here. I always go into games with no expectations and I am usually pleasantly surprised, this game is no exception.

    The renders looks good but they definitely show their age, especially in the early chapters. And the animations are smooth and with good quality, I don't know what else to say.

    LIs are enjoyable there is little variation between them, even if it could have been a little better. I also felt like the main girls started acting a little differently at a certain point in the game, like if the dev said in the middle of the game that he will change their traits a bit, but maybe that was just me.
    But I really liked the other characters too, and I can definitely see where the dev took inspiration for a character in Eternum who likes to sell things. :LOL:

    The whole game isn't very long, which is definitely not a bad thing, and you can get through it in a couple of evenings or in one or two long sessions.

    I recommend playing the game at night, as there are a few horror parts, and playing it at night made them much better.

    And did I mention the humor this game has? I laughed out LOUD several times during the game, which is not something any game can do.

    Also appreciate the references to other games this game has and the use of some Source engine textures :LOL:

    The weakest part of the game is the audio, most of the game is silent with no background music, there is background music in certain moments of the game to set the atmosphere or to enhance the joke.

    If you haven't tried Once in a Lifetime, you should fix that!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is very goated, very good plot and twist, animations are decent but cus its the first game of the creator so ignore it. But the ending is so fucking good ( legit made me teared ). So it's recommend if people want to like play and watch a good story with a different outcome based off their choices
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Okay, this one hasn't aged well.
    OiaLT started as sweet school setting incestous harem VN with decent HS graphics (for 2019, of course) and lovely characters. But then it turned into the non-stop trip with constantly changing decorations which was kinda hard for me to follow. Well, it was cool to see girls in different sexy costumes, but Eternum has more believable excuse for that.
    And the final nail in the coffin — Stabby Mike. His appearance was brilliant first time, funny at the second one... And became absolutely disgusting when Stabby Mike became the only one story driving thing. The whole experience is ruined for me.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Kind awkward that literally all females are children faces and no pubes at all. Doesn't appeal to me as I am not that kind of person. The story is good and it's amazing how other devs steer away from the horror genre and I'm guessing most heterosexual males that play AVNs love some horror/thriller
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Accurate title. This is one of the best stories ever told on this site. I still wish there were more games like this. Not only was the story incredible, but the models used are perfect. Very expressive, pretty, and fit in to the world.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    I dident really find the story all that good, its a pretty standard incest game with some relationship build-up which is nice for once, but for the main plot it just feels bland and boring.

    Why do so many devs make MC to be an all out pervert, undresing girls by looking at them and thinking about how hot they are, its idiotic when you dont feel the same as the player, it feels more like game is trying to force shit on you instend, it also makes the MC feel cringy and childish which just isent good and it dosent get any better giving a horse dick its just stupid.

    It also fails with virgin scenes, no blood and not even any pain what so ever from the girl so there is absolutly no virgin vibe feeling and its just a standard normal sex scene like any other in the game, so yeah virgin tag shouldent really be there in my eyes when they are this bad and its purely someone saying "im a virgin" nothing else.

    If you pick two girls like the sisters they will turn into lesbian/BI girls which feels idiotic, same for Aiko and the cousin, i always found it stupid when they all turn into lesbians for no reason other then being with MC.

    Then theres the pregnancy tag, which truely should be removed since theres absolutly nothing, not even a single image of any girls being pregnant they dont even tell MC they are pregnant, so game has no pregnancy other then a girl saying shes pregnant (not to MC) and that sure as hell shouldent warrent the tag thats just worng....ive heard if you play it like a fuckfest and get harem ending you see one or two images with a girl being pregnant but thats it and its only in the ending where theres 0 dialogs just some random images so again pregnancy just dosent have any content at all, which makes you wonder why it ask you in the start if you want pregnancy content or not when there arent anything thats just stupid.

    Its like they just trew in a dialogs to add some random tags but never added the content for it, theres just no way this should be rated so highly its just not fair to other games.

    Girls 2/5
    Girls just look way to much like the same girl reused, just with diffrent hair and such and when its also missing diversity in builds it only makes it even worse, its like looking at the same girl for the hole game.

    Animations 3/5
    Standard as they get for HS characters, nothing you havent seen before.

    Music 1/5
    Its 95% silent with a few effects every now a then and some short tunes, so yeah not really good.

    Choices 4/5
    You can deside who MC fucks which is really the best part of the game, but it can be tricky since some triggers for sex scenes makes no real sense, like if you hide in a locker room you will then fuck the rich bitch, its not something you would connect with saying yes to someone.

    How this is rated so highly just makes very little sense to me, i do see alot of 2 line reviews which arent really a review but just a 5 star dump which could explain why it has 900+ reviews and such a high rating, to me it smells a bit funny, since game is lacking in so many things and has tags it dosent deliver on.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I decided to come back and play this game from scratch after the latest release of Eternum (the devs newer game) and you could really tell that this dev was something special. As a honey select hater, this dev made me a believer. He converted me into actually trying out more honey select games, sadly I still haven't played many as good as this.

    If you're a honey select hater like me, I get it, but I must tell you.. You will miss out if you don't try this game.

    It truly is a once in a life time experience.

    Also check out Eternum if you haven't, it's even better.

    Lauren best girl, but Penelope from Eternum clears, I'm sorry.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall - 8/10
    Felt like a watered down version of Eternum, but it hits the right notes. From the similar looking women to the Hscenes.
    The emptyness of BGM in most of the game was the main different from this and Eternum, suspense and immersion. But the fact that this game can be compared to Eternum tells you how good this VN is.
    Story - 8/10
    Solving a dark secret with your step sisters. Mysterious, dark themes thought out.
    Sound - 5/10

    BGM is there when its needed, but it is lacking during a lot of the play through
    Animation - 8/10
    Hscenes amazing
    Playability - 7/10
    Many girls you can prioritize for their path, but main story is with the step sisters.
    Amount of Content - 7/10

    10 Chapters quite lengthy, do recommend a guide do to some tediousness for puzzles etc.