- Feb 19, 2018
- 361
- 326
Thanks for your comment Vanity! From top to bottom:Even if it´s barebone so far, i do like the promise of it and see potential
Most knowing bugs already are reported, but i may have two more
1. Flame Strike does no damage
2. If Lilly grabs you (where you have to wait til you struggle free) she does 0 pleasure dmg
Generally there are times here and there, where text says you deal take dmg/pleasure dmg, but in reality you dont :O
Things i wish to see:
1. Description for what Stat does what, the game says it in the intro, but if you don´t memorize it there, you never will know, unless you play the intro again
2.Unequipping traits/skills, right now you can equip them, but well that´s it, after you do you are stuck with it, no way to unequip
3.Reseting my Stats, same as with traits/skills, the second you level a stat, there is no way to reverse it
For 2/3 i mostly wish for it for freedom, like if i want to play around with amy, i would like to make my char weaker, instead of oneshotting her, also might be helpful to have this for testing
4. More Content obviously
Believe you asked for this on your patreon, as of now the Girls are super weak in my opinion, basically the only time i lose, is if i do it on purpose xD
That said, i don´t even know if they have all there planned skills in battle yet or not, so they might actually be stronger then they seem right now lol
There is an Image for Amy with a "Succubus Tattoo", this made me thing they could evolve in some for, tried everything i could think of, but never got the image to show up, guess whatever it is for, isn´t implemented yet...
Speaking of evolve, Amy sucks of this one dude and says she grew stronger, again making me think there is a way for them to evolve, but i don´t feel any difference in the fight itself, she still is as weak as i remembered her lol
Like i said i do like the Idea for this, it´s fun to play and i look forward to more
Also you may want to throw out updated Version of the Game if you have fixed the majority of bugs (call it 1.1a or something), rather then saying you did and keep the bugged version up for the time being, this will make it look better for people trying it out and also prevents people from reporting the same bug over and over again![]()
I've only been working on this project for the better part of 3 weeks and I have added 2 girls, but i'm going to spend the next week or so on the story/improving elements from Lilly and Amy. Then i'll try and balance them both. I don't have any girl picked out yet for the next update.I hope in long term we will have random enemy system. And how often do you like to add new girls? And whos will be the first few new girls?
i wonder who you would add.......I've only been working on this project for the better part of 3 weeks and I have added 2 girls, but i'm going to spend the next week or so on the story/improving elements from Lilly and Amy. Then i'll try and balance them both. I don't have any girl picked out yet for the next update.
Thanks for the bug report, happened because I changed the amount of points stats cost from 5 going up by 3 to 1 going up by 2. When you rewind it still reduces the cost by 3 for every point spent instead of 2. The bug has been fixed and ready for the next update so until then enjoy free points.Haven´t done much on the fixed version yet, but i found a bug
If you place your skill points and then rewind, you get more skillpoints back then you actually have spend, this ends up giving you negative skillpoints (that you actually can spend) and you can do this as much as you want, in short on your first level up you pretty much could get all stats to 99 if you repeat this process for a while xD
As far as Amy goes:
Don´t really have an Idea for her, mostly cause i have no idea what can even be done with renpy, but generally speaking here are a few Ideas:
1. A struggling System, somewhat like Lilly, but instead of it being automatic, you have to pass a Stat check, for example if they seduce you into fucking, you would go into a State like "restrained" and would have to get out of it by struggling, if you succes you are free to attack again, if you fail, they will keep fucking you and you have to try struggling out of it again
2. More Debuffs in the fights, for example there could be some that add onto the struggling mechanic mentioned above, for example if you fail to break out of the "restrain", you could get some debuffs that make the harder if you break free, they even could "drain your stats temporarily this way" or if they kiss you there could be a chance for it to debuff you in a way that makes it harder to struggle
3. Speaking of draining, we talk Succubi, an ability that can drain stats from you would be cool in general and there are a lot of ways this could be done, you could lose stats temporary in the fight itself, they could get said stats temporary, there could be a obvious move, that if you don´t counter it does the same permanently, they could steal levels if you cum inside, you know just succubi things
4. If there is enough Content, instead of going after them one after another, there could be routes where you fight multiple ones randomly or there could be a chance to encounter a Succubi you aren´t after, like if you search for Amy on hard, you maybe run into a Medium Lilly that you have to fight, before you can continue your search for Amy
5. "Permanent" Debuffs that only can be removed by going to a new Location and paying some money
6. A Weakness System (if you are weak to Blowjobs, you take more pleasure dmg/have a harder time to resist/get out of restrains, as well as the opposite, if you are resistant to blowjobs, you take less dmg/have an easier time to resist/get out of restrains)
7. Some of this Ideas, like having them drain Levels from you, could even lead into another Idea of having them "Evolve", like if you cum 5 times inside Amy and she drains 5 Levels from you this way, she could change into a whole new Model, with a different fight and there would be an excuse for this to happen as well
And yeah i think this is all i can think of right now![]()
For now, yes. After you beat the girl in a fight, you have two choices, win and fuck her. When you fuck her you will go through some difficult skill checks and if manage to outlast her without orgasming you will win.Let me get this straight. The object of the game is to not fuck the girl?