This is just great, really awesome...
The Dialogues are easy in the Top 5 around all the games around here, just really fun to read and very entertaining without being ridiculous... and all just feels "real" Flawless writing here, just perfect, i enjoyed every second.
The models are unique around here too, didnt see anything "recycled" besides the environment of course... (little sidejoke there to about knowing the apartments

) really like the renders, all girls look differently, very unique and her style are a match to their personalty too. Love that.
the game starts with a low point, i mean... you feel kinda bad for chelsea, such a sweet girl, not the best start to witness how the MC breaks up with her. But you know what? It works perfectly for the game... so everything makes sense and if youre not cheating on her you dont feel like a dick, just that something was missing for the MC... nothing to bad about that, of course it was really bad and sad to see her cry, but i think its ok for now... and i would bet there will be a chance to get back to her if we want.
The Animations are decent, not really awesome, but good enough to be a plus for the game. So worth it to keep them up and improving i guess.
The amount of content is "ok" i would say... i enjoyed every second of it, but it feels a little bit short for 1 and half year of development i would say. But in average, its ok Hopefully the updates keep on coming!
Ah something that most of the games are lacking... this one got real good background music! To say it clear, i dont like actual SONGs as background music when i read visual novels... when people actually are singing its to distracting. But if its just instrumental music, fitting to the scene... its perfect... and of course, i dont like to hear the same "tune" play opver and over again, and that is also not the case in this game... so, the bakcgorund music is on point! aprreciate it very much.
Overall, i would give 4,5 stars, but as you cant do it... i give 5, cause the game is not just "good" its "very good" and just needs more content and maybe better animations to get excellent!
One of my favorites now, cant wait for the next update...