What I want/hope for their next game :
-Need to have a proper ending/conclusion (not the mirror thing like Oba-sans Saga);
-Repeatable scenes with a different dialogue after you unlock the scene for the first time;
-Multiple endings (one for each heroine and maybe a harem ending with the main heroines);
-Secondary characters like The Queen, Chie, Vega, etc... from Oba-sans Saga (even if unlikely since no mention about it in the sample images);
-Oba-sans Saga really have as a fetish : the body odor, and will it be likely the for their next game. Found it weird that there's nothing related to feet at least for the main heroines and it can add a little bit of variety;
-I DEFINITELY need to have dialogues for the MC, found the MC of Oba-sans Saga really boring because of it;
-The choice to change the MC's name is always welcome;
Anyway, I'm really glad that the MC this time doesn't seem to look like a shota like their recent previous works, just hope that he won't act like one now. I really love the design of the main heroines especially the mom one.
This has the potential to be my favorite H-RPGM work ever so I'm kinda hype to see what the game will offer !