Unity - !Ω Factorial Omega: My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend [v0.90.15] [Incontinent Cell]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I've followed this game since the early days when the sex scenes we're very simple and there was only doggie style. The game has come along way, and I believe in time it will be the best game out there. The possibilities are almost endless for the game and the game dev's are very active in there discord.

    So for the review of different parts of the game.

    The story:(10/10) The story is probably the most unique ideas that I have come across. Your a loser in society and you are suffering from mental issues due to past drama. You find a sex bot one day and you live day to day with her, making money by streaming sex with her. You can completely play the game with out streaming the sex with taking jobs from the labor office. The sex bot "Jun" at first has a very bare personality and she slowly starts to fall in love with the main character. Its a very wholesome story so far with some ends being kind of bad.
    The story is very interesting and I can not wait for more of the story to be revealed.

    H-Scenes: (9.9/10) The H-Scenes are really good imo. You can either stream or not stream the sex scenes (Which currently don't have a difference other that not making money)and you can choose different types of positions (Currently doggie and missionary). You control the speed, which orifice of her's to use and then you go to town. You can only cum a certain amount of times, but you can buy medicine to increase this number. The more time you spend with jun (whether it be talking or friking) the more expression you get during friking. As long as you can cum, you can continue to frik as long as you don't run out of energy. As you get into the late game, streamed sex becomes more of a auto-clicker since you can keep cumming for almost 24 hours, which is kinda funny.

    Overall, the sex scenes are dynamic so you can frik jun how you want. There are no scripted sex scenes, or at least i haven't seen any yet. I really like this style of h-scenes since you control it, and in the future there is going to be alot of different updates that completely overhaul the game and i can not wait.

    Game loop: (10/10) The game loop is pretty intense when you don't know how the game works, but once you have a grasp of how things work, its relatively easy. You start in your low income apartment with the "Jun" model sexbot. You have to pay rent every week which is $600. So you need to find ways to make money to not get kicked out. The first way that is introduced to you is live streaming sex with jun. Another method is getting jobs from the labor office. So at a bare minimum, all you have to do is make $600 a week. Then after that you need to maintain your hunger which you need to either buy food from the convenience store, or stand in like to get free food from the food dispenser. So you will need roughly $1000 a week to sustain yourself. Going the route of working for the labor office is the least profitable route but if you want to keep jun all to yourself then this is the way to go. Live streaming dwarfs the alternative method of making money by a county mile. This is because the money you make from live streaming is exponential. You also passively make money from it by subs on your channel. This loop is pretty enjoyable to play since you feel jun slowly getting interested in you as you frik her, talk to her and survive week by week. There are many different ends, but you can continue playing the game indefinitely making millions and look at the land lords stupid face every time you pay him with a smurk on your face. You can also spend some of your excess money on clothes and different body parts for jun( Currently they do not change anything dealing with the monetary amount you make, just makes jun look sexy and you and her can comment on it). When you first get jun she does not have legs or arms, which limits you to missionary position.

    overall the game loop is fun and enjoyable with trying to find the exquisite parts for jun and the perfect clothing to put on her. At first its hard to make the payments for the weekly rent, but overtime it becomes easy to handle.

    Final verdict: (10/10) This game is amazing and is going to become even more fantastic in the future. The art style is unique and refreshing and the sex scenes are dynamic. The game loop is hard at the beginning, but over time it becomes easy and you can just sit back and enjoy your time with jun. This is by far the best game on F95 zone and probably the best h game out there.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Smol Latin Weeb

    This game feels like a Teaching Feeling that has the potential to become what that game never could. The setting and the way its constructed is great. I am more invested in what the story or the character's actions might take them rather than the lewd scenes. I just hope devs might allow choices in certain dialouge that makes MC look like less of a schizo and more as a person that just as Jun, can change.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't really know what to say. The feelings of me just wanting to hug this robot is outstanding.
    I know it a porn game, but I just wanna teach this robot the feelings and understanding of humanity. Tho it might be just my fetish to love robots.
    Since I always loved robots. Or it might be my fear of the day that the robot will take over the world, and I hope that they remember me being kind to them.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    SINtax EroRR

    Basically the Robot version of Teaching Feeling, but with much less underaged lolis, and much more Matoi Ryuko-looking-ass robo-waifu.

    What delighted me the most, is the unique premise of being able to upgrade and customize your girl in many different ways. I hope to see this part expanded even more, either by the devs or by modders.

    Story is pretty straightforward but anything that doesn't have anything to do with the girl, is pretty boring. But I do appreciate the side quests and NPCs that have different routes and unique achievements for each one. Still waiting for a chance to fuck the clothes shopkeeper lady.

    Gameplay is... boring. You fuck your robohottie, get money, upgrade her, fuck her some more. It seems that money is not affected by how well you treat your girl, but by how expensive her parts are, and how long and often you can cum inside her. I'm not against that, and a simple gameplay makes it easier to play this one-handed. My issue, is that the gameplay itself have very few sex positions, variants of actions, and inconsequential Chat user bans.

    Basically, I love the concept of this game, love the girl's design, love the feature to upgrade and custom design your waifu. But boy, is this game severely lacking in sex positions, and intimate interactions when picking thee 'Talk' option or touching her during said interactions. The adult portion of this game needs to be fleshed out much more.

    Aside from that gripe, its a solid experience. Definitely worth spending a few hours of your time on, and its always a pleasure to have a waifu that you can actively headpat.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Love this game, it's very well done. Not even just the H aspect, the grind itself is fun and feels rewarding and the news gave me a couple giggles for sure. Going into the playthrough blind: I was anticipating that getting the legs would give me some foot / leg fun options like a footjob / thighjob (intercrural) set and admittedly was a little let down, but still hopeful since this game claims beta status. ⁽ ´◡` ⁾
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay - 3/5
    It's nothing special; standard VN "open ended" stories with different endings depending on your choices. Most of the interaction comes from the sex scenes or playing blackjack for cash, lol. Neither particularly good or bad.

    Characters - 4/5
    There aren't many characters and what time we can spend with them is limited so far. That being said, none of them stood-out as being poorly written or obnoxious. The MC is a bit of a NEET schizo, but the devs aren't pretending otherwise. I'd like to see what happens to him as the game continues.
    Of course the main draw is the Robot herself. I was hoping for a little slower, more carefully written relationship between Bot and the MC, but there's still plenty of time for that development to happen or for some minor rewrites to occur. The other side of that opportunity, however, is the unfortunate reality that there isn't much here yet. Bot expresses gratitude as you purchase upgrades and clothes for her, and does promise to protect the MC from annoyances like the... IRS and your landlord... :D Don't come in expecting Sylvie from Teaching, Feeling, but please keep your fingers crossed along with me that the devs give Bot the treatment she needs to carry the story.

    Lewd + Graphics - 5/5
    I'm lumping these two together. The artstyle and the ambience that goes with it does a good job of selling the dystopian environment. I like the character designs present so far, though some more for minor characters present in the story would be appreciated.
    The sex itself is the best part of the artwork. The animated interactions with Bot impressed me; pictures don't do it justice. It's one thing to have a looping GIF, it's another to be able to physically interact with a "Live2D" character. The fact that you can customize her clothing and underwear is just the cherry on top.
    The actual sexual content is pretty limited, though. Vaginal and Anal in a couple of positions, as well as some minor hands-on stimulation is as much as you can get. Bot's reactions to the sex are also lacking in variety and are an area I would really like to see some improvement on. I mean, even for a sex robot she's pretty apathetic, despite indicating in dialogue that she does enjoy it. More vocal responses, visual indication of orgasms or pleasure, facial expressions etc. would all go a long way to making the sex minigame more enjoyable to actually participate in versus letting it run in the background for that sweet sweet dough.

    Overall this game is a great foundation both thematically and technically. The most important additions I think it needs to keep the 5/5 rating by its final release would be more writing for Bot and an expansion to the sex scenes.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game does a lot of things right and has steadily improved since it's first release. Where its at now even minor additions have the potential to go a long way. Personally I'd like to see an improvement in her mobility and capabilities after you install limbs and purchase clothing (different idle art). To people who say the game is grindy I honestly don't understand. With a basic trading strategy you can reliably become a multimillionaire within a few days. You don't have to stream anything to generate money but it does help a little at the beginning. Unlike real markets in this game the four asset options never go bankrupt so buying when stuff is cheap is a foolproof strategy. Dollar cost averaging down as the price falls is basically already an infinite money cheat.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Really liked the game so far, it's way more attention grabbing then i first thought when i downloaded it. It really surprised me.

    I would really like to see more sexual positions and maybe even the robot taking the initiative. Also different personalities.
    Maybe different types of arms and legs? Like furred ones, muscled ones or even something more unique (like tentacles or so). More interaction options would be good too. And maybe some body changing drugs for MC? Like dick size changing drugs or cum ammount changing drugs (that actually sounds fun if you could inflate her with cum). Also, i would REALLY, REALLY like that dick module that was mentioned in the stream's comments, the more kinky options available the better.

    Maybe something like date options with the robot with you disguising her as a human. Maybe giving the robot some pocket change so she can spend on things she want or maybe even invest it? The robot's personal money could be treated as a second currency for you, but she would be upset if you forcefully got all her money or could even lend you some if you needed. It's really easy to earn money in the game btw and i feel that some players could find good a more difficult gameplay (like a hard mode), that's actually the only thing that kept me from giving it a five star rating. And maybe when you are really well off, you could get a second robot even? A threeway would be rad.

    That's some ideas i had when playing for the first time, really found the project enchanting and hope it grows even bigger. Kudos and congratulations on the good job for now, please keep it!
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty interesting game. Story is a joke, so it's sort of good, sorta... Cringe? Artstyle is mixed, but nothing too ugly. Enough interaction and stuff to go around for a beta. Not worth several hours of grinding just for another position but... Not too bad. Also slots is broken (in a good way).

    Gameplay, 4/5: Kind of Interesting, Pretty Unique
    So the core gameplay is that you stream yourself fucking a sexbot and make money through your streams. Now, it's not the most unique premise, since other games do that as well, but not a lot of games do it so... It's good.
    You also have to manage your life, such as mental health, hunger, and energy. Eating shitty dispenser bread hurts your mental health a bit, so eating it once or twice won't be bad. Every day, just like in real life, is gonna make you feel like shit. It's not a huge problem once you get started, and get enough cash. TBH, it's kind of easy. The only hurdle I see is keeping sanity up in time to get meds. Otherwise... EZ.
    The big problem is the grind part of the gameplay; To get parts for your sexbot (who, when you find it, is in disrepair) you need to acquire lots of cash. You can get it via streaming (probably supposed to be the main method), stocks (second) and (funny enough, most consistent and easy) gambling (currently, there's slots and blackjack). Good quality parts cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Streaming is really slow to start, stocks is entirely luck, but gambling is dumb too. Slots gives lots of tokens, and takes a bit of luck to get started, but once it gets going, it's good. Blackjack bad. I'll go into more depth at the end.
    You can also interact with your roboGF, and it's okay... But there's no real affection system I think. Though, I did choose all nice choices when going through b/c take care of your roboGF. There's a couple of interactions and dialogue, but not much.
    There's also only two positions, one of which you need to buy two legs for, which will cost quite a bit, which means it's "late game" which is disappointing but... Everything's drawn, so... No Unity 3D models (though perhaps it's referenced or smth). Live2D is used though. You can choose between vaginal and anal, and have an X-Ray view, and a few interactions with hands or mouth over parts of the body, but compared to other games, is quite lacking.
    Gameplay isn't bad, it's just a bit annoying after a while. There's enough elements to keep it interesting, but the sex bits are a bit stale after a while since there's only two positions. But, they're nice, so.

    Art, 4/5: Nice Overall, Some Parts are Weird.
    Robo GF looks nice when fricking. Environments and other characters are OK. For example, the fat fuck that is the landlord of your apartment; he looks funny, and is ugly on purpose, so good. But the art style is different from when fricking the robot, if you know what I mean. It just feels very different, as well as the environments, I.E. the house, Robot GF in background under the blanket, outside, etc. Of course, I'd say art comes second to actual gameplay, and it's still serviceable, just... I hope it get remedied by full release.

    Story, 3/5: Sort of Funny, Sort of Cringe, Some Dark Bits.
    So, basically you live in a world where sexbots were banned because war over them, something something, you find one in disrepair that fell out of a truck, now you do stuff. The world building is ok, as checking news reveals how dumb it is, as well as interactions with other characters.
    But the way some characters act is kind of... Too dumb, such as the police. I do appreciate the dark bits where, for a while you have an annoying behavior but you're not insane enough to shoot him, but when someone does go shoot, and you can hear the shouting and stuff, it actually takes a hit on your mental health, and you question it like, "Yeah it's annoying, maybe he did deserve it" and kind of debate over it... It's interesting, but some parts are meh.

    TL;DR, 4/5: Interesting, Fun at First, Needs Some Tweaks.
    Core gameplay loop is fine. If there was a way to get views, money, subscribers faster, that'd be nice. Or maybe parts could be a little cheaper overall. Art needs to become consistent as well. It's still nice, and I like the roboGF art (when fricking) the most. Story is okay. Unless there's a plan to rewrite the whole thing before it's released, I don't see it being 5 star. 4 star at most. It's not a shit story, some interactions are realistic, but the world doesn't feel jokey enough, nor serious enough. It's like that family guy episode where an elephant and penguin have a kid, it's weird, and funny, but doesn't really mix well.

    So, if you made it through my entire review, or skipped, here's my strategy for making money;
    As soon as you get slots, start with low bets. You only have 100 tokens, and you don't want to spend any, yet. Keep betting 10 until maybe you get to 250, then bet 20, to maybe 500. Then 50 till 1000. So on, until you get to about 10K tokens. Remember to save often. When you get to 10K, start betting 1K tokens, and keep spamming it. If you're really unlucky, you'll run out of tokens. But if you have ANY luck, you'll start slowly increasing in tokens. It takes maybe 30 minutes to get to 200K tokens if you're mildly lucky. Then you can cashout, and get about 150K dosh. Maybe it's not the fastest, but it's pretty consistent. Also, don't cash out ALL of it. Leave 10K-20K so you can keep going when you need.
    Likes: Fdna
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The storyline is idiotic and often funny but then again I don't play fap games for the story.

    The gameplay is grindy as fuck. Don't recommend putting any effort into it. Huge time sink. Just cheat and give yourself a bunch of cash.

    Art is pretty good and so is the animation. Needs gapes and creampies though. Also no BJs yet
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    v0.75.2 beta
    Game starts super cool and has you thinking it's a nice fresh experience with unique gameplay etc but quickly turns into yet another sandboxy grinder. I played 3 hours before calling it quits simply because the gameplay is way too repetitive and money+stats grind is a real slog. You need to pay rent weekly and pay for food/clothing/upgrades etc but money making is very slow. You can either choose to work a normal job and make a few hundred dollars or you can stream on a chaturbate/twitch hybrid. Income on the stream seems completely random. Some days I got literally thousands while other times I get 2 dollars and 1 subscriber. Couldn't afford any body parts because they costs tens of thousands and I never got anywhere close enough for even 1 piece, economy feels terribly inflated resulting in slogfest grind. The stream is extremely monotone because in the beginning you have no positions unlocked nor does the bot do or say anything. There is a chat window that quickly becomes annoying because you cannot scroll in it, so banning people is way too hard when chat scrolls constantly without being able to freeze it. The mental health bar drains rapidly and refilling it takes forever, you can refill it by about 0.01% when taking walks or patting the bot. After research I learned later in the game I can fix this issue some other way, but that's very late in the game and I am frustrated already. Overall fun just got drained by the death-grind and the resulting monotony.

    + story/writing
    + art/style
    Ø music/sound
    - death-grind
    - extremely monotone bot-interactions/streams
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    The game's not bad, but it's still massively devoid of content; there's two sex poses and you can pick either anal or vaginal, but I don't think either change anything, and the game doesn't react any differently if you overfill her with cum, or you just spoot one little bit into her.
    It's overall just another one of those VNs where you just kinda DO things while you wait for something to happen, like you pretty much just have to waste time for until she starts talking, then waste time until her AI is normal.
    Still, that's all you really do, you cum into the bot over and over in the same sex scenes with no variation to try to build a nice profit through livestreaming your sex.

    I'd rate the game lower, but the dev seems to be pretty active and I find the obvious 4chan jokes and references funny.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few games that I have tried that I feel obligated to rate. What animations are there are very well done (Two sex scenarios at the time of writing this). I only have two gripes with the game so far that can be adjusted in future updates. 1.) after a while of playing and upgrading the protagonist to where you can shoot like a dozen loads, if you don't have the x-ray feature on, there is no physical indication of how "full" she is. A "bulge" feature would be nice. 2.) Trying to obtain a full set of pristine parts can take anywhere from a minute to several hours of save scumming just to get the right part. Overall I am very excited to see where this is going in the future in terms of both story and gameplay and I can't wait for the full game!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 for the Terry Davis church reference. Came for the emotionless waifu, stayed far too long for every other reference. Indians scammed me, lost money on stonks, couldn't read the chat once it popped off, the fascinating clickbaity news articles, everyone was spying on me for data, this game was way too realistic. Liked it, loved it, would heatpat again.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I gotta say this game is very unique the graphics is very cute for me of course but the main thing here is about the story it's really put you in a real-life scenario you have this Landlord who keeps pestering you about your payment every week and there is this neighbor who can't give a shit about anyone just to do shit he wants and there is this part of the story when the girl is sending you death threats because she is Lossing follower from his and goes to your house and tries to kill you btw I'm at day 23 but there is still a lot of things missing and many more element to add i wouldn't be surprised if the game is finish but the story is not yet satisfactory but all I could say

    Story 7/10 ( Maybe changed when game finish)

    Gameplay 10/10 (For me I'm satisfied with it but can be improved more i like how realistic is the gameplay there is this bitcoin-like thingy where the stocks goes up and down i feel pretty shit on it when i discovered them first and spent all my hard-earned money from working and now look at my sanity it is literally zero and the stream im waiting for its improvement )

    Characters 6/10 (More characters can be added to further progress the story and wish to have their own character portrait like the Landlord)

    S*xual Content (It's all we came for right) 7/10 (I wish if the game can be voiced for the robot that would be great and also the romance part i hope its progress depends on the meter of love if there's one and depends on the meter she will change her attitude towards you more like teaching feeling the more it goes up you know what will happen ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

    (I see android device i click download but hard to play on it but still bearable I still haven't tried it on pc)

    PS- this is my first ever Rating pls don't hate me I'm not really good at English T_T

  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good, I hope there will be some content where you let others use her at some point but I don't care if there won't be any at the end of production. Game is great tho and I recommend anyone play it atleast until day 17, there isn't much after 30 yet so I'll get back to it when it's done
    Likes: Donjo
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, here's hoping my first review is even worth it, lol.

    In games, I consider there to be 4 main aspects. A game can succeed with just one, but the more of them it has, the better. Visuals, Story, Gameplay, Characters (and development of them).

    I know the game is still in beta, 0.69 (funny number), yet it still has so much to offer.

    First, the visuals: Absolutely no complaints. She looks adorable as fuck, and while someone like the landlord looks mediocre, it fits with some of the comedic moments the game has.

    The Story
    As far as I could gather from my 20 day playthrough, it's pretty solid. I don't want to spoil anything, but there are definitely moments where you get attached to your sexbot, and I hope to see more like this. Maybe even a point where she exists for other reasons than to stick your dick in. Of course that's not something I expect since it is a porn game.

    Nice. I have one small complaint, but I'll get to that after the good. The hunger and the energy aspects feel really well balanced, I had to figure out that overeating wasn't such a good idea with quite the funny event, so.. yea. My sanity seemed completely and utterly fucked, with no way of improving it, until I had my therapy session and got the medicine unlocked. I'm not sure if this was intentional, but I can see how this can come into play in later versions. Interacting with the robot and having her develop and update her emotions was really cool. I hope there'd be more dialogue options other than small talk, though. But that's for the future.

    My one complaint is in regards to the money system. I know there are currently plenty of ways to get money, but it feels painful to grind the same thing over and over. I know the crypto part is probably randomized, but mine just kept increasing and increasing in value, making it impossible for me to really buy anything and profit off of it. Whenever I did buy something, it started dropping, so I had to go with the gambling. The only thing to spend my money on, were the parts, which... I obviously wanted. There wasn't really a sense of accomplishment. She didn't react to when she got the parts at all, which... after grinding for a week in the slots, I was hoping for something. But only after spending 60k-ish on two legs, was there any real merit. I didn't personally see it as worth it to spend over 100k on a single part for her, just so I could customize the color. Efter spending on the hair, the skin and the flesh I realized this.

    In terms of playtime, I played up to the 20 days during one day irl, but I hadn't gotten everything. I didn't bother getting the most expensive things for her, since I didn't feel like it was worth it.

    The Characters
    The star of the show is obviously the cute robot, so I'll start with her. I rarely get attached to characters in games and such, but much like another game where you take care of a girl, this game actually manages to do that. And that alone is really amazing. At first I was thinking I had to go buy some module to get her to be more interactable, but after a couple of days, she updated on her own. During a later event, it feels like she starts getting more important, so high hopes there. Seeing her develop is a really cool mechanic, which I honestly wasn't expecting.

    The landlord is a pretty great character to. The other characters that exists are also really well established. The main character is also relatable, especially during the therapy event.

    Other... things
    I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for updates for this game, since I feel like I reached a wall. There's plenty of content, and even if there isn't anything else story-wise, it still has great replayability. Voice acting would be phenomenal, but alas it doesn't need it. It's already a 10/10 game. The sound design that was there, was also great.

    This game is amazing and anyone who has the time to, should play it. It has a lot of potential, with or without the sex, the story is really engaging and the characters are all great, even the ones that are made to be annoying.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game might be a gem in the making.

    There is already a certain depth to many characters, and the way is already paved for further developement of the storyline.

    I really like the 4chan-inspired over the top American dystopia depicted in the game, the references are there and I love them. The humor and the situations are enjoyable, while retaining credibility, and making an overall believable universe.

    The game's concept of having sex while streaming with livechat to make a living is original, and the abundance of live chat comments ripped from Twitch and 4chan is awesome.

    Only issue at the moment is that I loved it for everything, except the porn, which is not very varied, but then again, this is a very early version.

    Also, a kind of mail notification would be appreciated so we don't miss any, since they are important elements of the story ^^

    Anyway, absolutely loved the few hours I sunk into this game as in 0.60
    Keep it up, OP!

    This is really nice!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    If done right this gonna be a really great game. The direction where its heading is good and really enjoyed it so far.
    Because its still an initial release, its understandable but till now things i found to be improvable would be the food system and income.
    At the beginning foods are too expensive and the gains from it isnt worth it even with the most epensive food the mc still sh*tting his own pant xD.
    About the income i really like the streaming so far and it motivates to do naugthy things with bot. naugthy things are good and find but if u gain something from it, it makes things even better :D
    what i want to say is that buying stocks is too broken, it makes other activities kinda meaningless. now i have like 10mil only from buying stocks.
    Because of that i rarely touch my bot and in one of the dialog she even asked if i have become a religion man lol

    PS: Still a great game so far, hope in the future its content wouldnt be like grinding for sex(like many other games) but more like sex for more sexes

    PSS: if GM read this pls dont pressure yourself because of this
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Cute art, interesting and comedic commentary that makes fun of every kind of group instead of singling out certain ones. Gameplay loop is a bit basic and confusing at first, but it's probably for the best that it stays simple until the foundation is ready. Overall great potential much like everyone else has said, so good luck to the developers and try not to burn yourself out trying to meet everyone's expectations. Consistency is better than rapid development and then nothing for months.