I don't see that mentioned anywhere on the main page.
I just saw "You have seen 0 out of 8 main endings" ingame and assumed they are reachable in this version of the game.
If the endings aren't implemented yet it should be clearly communicated to the player.
Well, the story is sexbots are banned and basically impossible to get - so far so good.
Then a military truck is driving recklessly through the inner city of a densely-populated area and a highly-advanced sexbot randomly falls out of it, which the MC manages to bring home without being seen or being raided half an hour later.
This completely unbelievable because:
- The military is always driving very carefully inside their own country and usually in company of other vehicles
- Even cheap chinese sex dolls come inside a box that is either safely secured to the floor or behind closed doors when transported, so they can't just "fall off"
- The driver would be court-martialed for his driving and having a high value banned item "fall off" his truck
- An event like this makes some noise which many people are curious to check out so it's unlikely MC was not seen by anyone
- Even if MC wasn't seen - these trucks are GPS-tracked and the area would be swarming with military within the hour
Being a low-budget adult game is also no excuse for having a terrible intro story.
I'm no writer, but I could write a much better intro than this.
The current intro is equal to the sexbot being delivered to the MC by a knight on a flying unicorn (in a realistic setting).
Oooooh, you severely overestimate humans.

There are idiots everywhere and even competent people are subject to human error from time to time.
As someone who was in the (german) army, let me tell you: the military is a silly place.

Military equipment gets lost
all the time. People fuck up
on a regular basis.
Driver court-martialed for his driving? Hahaha. Naaaah. Truck drivers are crazy.
It's not "their" car, and it gets free repair and maintenance.... And they drive like it.
And I'm pretty sure its the same everywhere. You don't believe they would lose a sex bot?
The US military had several fuckups with
nuclear weapons, including dropping/losing them several times over US territory
by accident and
forgetting them unsupervised for days on an airfield. No "swarming with military" occurred.
Just google for "broken arrow" incidents.

In light of that, I can
totally believe the loss of a sex bot.