To my personal taste, I would like Lena to be her cousin that she has not seen in a long time, or that at some point they introduce a relative, cousin or aunt. (I'm not a big fan of mother/sister incest).
Just to clarify but whose "her" are we talking about? I was under an impression that
Boobs Lover and I were talking about the potential non-romantic relationship, for the lack of better words, between the
male protagonist and Lena. Assuming you mean the male protagonist, I don't have a problem with Lena being his cousin instead, even though brother-sister is my top preference.
Nevertheless, I should emphasize that it is up to
Elsa94 as this is their game. I believe the author should at least have some control over the direction of their stories without market pressures. After all, money is not and should not be everything. Of course, I hope that the author would not fall to the market pressures and completely shave the pubic hair off like many developers did, either, but I am biased.

Basically what I am saying is that the market should not be allowed to dictate 100% of story development and features. I think the author should have some freedom / say in it. Obviously, it will be a give-and-take thing.
Elsa94 must decide what aspects of their game will be or will not be decided by the market. If Elsa94
does not want to add incest, that is their prerogative and should be respected as such. I hope that the presence of pubic hair, even though it can potentially reduce the market appeal (and therefore the number of potential Patrons), will be one of the areas that Elsa94 will decide to be off-limits to market decision but, again, I am biased. As always, an author should resist market pressures in the aspects of a game that they consider to be essential.
Finally, Elsa94, I hope you will continue with this game development regardless of the market outcome. I think the fact that you chose to have pubic hair on some characters even though it would obviously reduce the game's market appeal and thus the number of potential Patrons, is a testament to your willingness to sacrifice the popularity and such. And that is something I like to see in the creators. It is not that often we see this in creators.