VN - Others - Completed - NTR Homestay [Final] [ANIM.teamMM]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Yuh know it was actually a pretty good game. I hesitated to play it at first since I am not a huge fan of VN games and I wasn't a fan of the characters (look wise).

    But I decided to give it a go and honestly some of the features presented were pretty good and the story wasn't horrible. I will say it was a lot of text though so I did skip a lot of it still. So the missing star is for the not bad/not good story.

    But I absolutely loved the flow chart mechanic for this game it was super cool and would love to see that in some of the other VN games that I choose not to play. (I have played a few VN games and they don't have flow charts just to clarify).

    Other then that the art is pretty good and overall its not a bad game. I think its worth playing even if you have to skip a lot of the text.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I hate a thing about NTR tag and is japanese's Whims about relationships and personality + stereotypes of foreign people, seriously a muscular dude BLONDE with brown skin who is entering your house instead of a teenager with a scholarship, the story is forced included to be NTR, also the animations are not as good as i thought, in simple words not good enough
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This game kinda sucked. I would recommend it if you're a fan of NTR. But even then it's not that great.

    • The flow system in this game is nice. It makes sure you don't miss anything from the game
    • art and music is good
    • voiced (japanese) and the voice acting is good

    • Multiple perspectives but you can't play as the main guy that's fucking. ie strictly no netori. If an NTR game is going to have multiple perspectives why would they not include the perspective of the guy that's actually fucking.
    • Way too much text, I found myself skipping through text a lot. This game ends up facing the same situation that a lot of games face where there is just one CG but just line after line of text with that that CG. Literally a whole sexual encounter from kissing to fingering to actual sex with just one CG(minor changes to the CG would happen but I'm not counting that as multiple CGs)
    • Repeated CGs, the same CG used for different scenes
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The game makes this ridiculous looking character or situation likeable or credible only to blast it. The entire problem is the sexual writing being set up for an actual teenage character, yet the antagonist looks like 30 or 40. Thus, some dialogs or sexual steps appear illogical and some could be easily resolved with one call to the police.
    Such a character requires a different sexual story.

    In addition, the ability to freely switch perspectives only makes the protagonist's working days irrelevant since he isn't aware of what's going on. No erotic link, no storial benefit, no purpose.
    I'm not against switching perspectives though, as long it's linear for the effect a writer wants to achieve.

    The sexual poses are okay and repeat in variations, slightly animated.
    Unfortunately, I don't recommend this game. Its discrepancy between pictorial and written story is just too plain bad.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I basicly have only one question after playing this game. Why can't more games be like this one? I'm not a big NTR fan but this game just did it right and while it was not what I hoped for (no, I did not read the tags) I really like it.

    Without spoiling anything I have to say I was disappointed that the guy was not what I anticipated and same goes for the story, but the whole game made up for it. The build up was just the right pace, the scenes where plausible and allowing me to jump between scenes and experience that some things actually happend behind the backs is whole experience in itself. I think they could have done this more often but I guess the devs did not, because they actually tried to keep the whole plot believable instead of jumping from h-scene to h-scene.

    I think the strongest point of this game is the flow system, telling the story in the different POVs and allowing you to switch whenever.
    Splitting should be a natural choice for almost every NTR game or games alike, where one person is hiding their relationship. It really makes a difference if you have the POV of e.g. a daughter getting a drink from the kitchen talking to her mum and return to her room instead of seeing the mother POV, getting fucked behind the counter and have her daughter suddenly walk in on her.

    Beside that it has neat art and it's so so refreshing seeing a adulty husband, instead of the often small dick, no confidence, junior worker guy.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best h-games I've played. Played the japanese version since release 4-5 times completely through (just love most anim team-MM games).

    If you hate NTR I suggest to skip through one playthrough. Afterwards you can play the game again either from the moms or daughters point of view by clicking 'flow' (there aren't even many h-scenes from the cucks perspective anyway). So it feels more like you playing the blond guy and slowly corrupting the mom / daughter.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game so much, I've never been a huge VN game, but this game just hooked me up. (Maybe because I love the premises of this game)
    The voice acting is top-notch. CG? Yeah, this game got ANIMATED CG, damn, there is so much aspect of this game that's so fkn awesome.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Young Breezy

    Typical NTR stuff but very very hot. Husband's POV gives a good idea as to what is going on back home and sets up the wife's/daughter's POV well. The corruption aspect is done well and its a nicely paced transformation of the daughter and wife into complete sluts. Factoring in the multiple endings, it's enough for NTR fans to get the level of darkness desired. Would love to see more works from Anim.TeamMM translated. This was a great game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    NTR, as a genre has something of a bad reputation. And to be entirely honest, its somewhat deserved. Bar a few extraordinary examples, games and VNs that prominently feature it tend to be either lazy fuckfests or just overall shit. And I say that as a lover of the genre.

    But hoo boy. This game is something else. Heck, basically every hentai VN out there could stand to learn a thing or two from this game's structure. This game has it all. An actual plot, good characters, sensible NTR progression, an actual plot, plenty of good sex, and the pure beauty that is its scene selector.

    I'd go on much longer about this game and its triumphs, but its 4AM here and I'm sleepy.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible NTR game. One of my favorites.

    -Great NTR paths and scenes
    -Multiple NTR paths and choices. There is even a vanilla route with no NTR for anyone who is needing a straight route. I don't know why you would play a NTR game just to go with the straight route but that is your choice....
    -Art is fantastic. Doesn't look like 3d crap. Looks well drawn and erotic.
    -Lengthy. Not a short cash grab game. Lots of reading and visual arts.

    -Wish the mother had longer hair. I am not into short hair chicks. The art and scenes make up for it tho.
    -More than 1 guy to NTR the family will be better. Just 1 dude is ok.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Best (translated) NTR Visual Novel I've ever seen, the art is gold, voice acting is very nice and the scenarios are godly. The game is lengthy but absolutely packed with scenes, some of the poses are re-used but for me it doesn't detract at all from the overall package as it's the context surrounding the scenes that makes them so great. The game also has a flow chart feature to jump to any moment you've seen from any of the 3 protagonists, so if you don't want to view each route linearly then it's possible to switch at any moment.

    So, to summarize; 10/10, the only negative I can give it is that I can't get past a scene without busting (y)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    NTR Homestay is a game about the Oosaki family, a family made up of father Tohru, wife Akie and daughter Reiko. This family hosts many homestay students, but this time it will be different. First because the student in question will be staying in their house for a long time and second because he is a huge and muscular student, Daniel. Daniel, however, proves to be nice and affectionate with this family and manages to win everyone's trust. But when Tohru is forced to go on a business trip for four months, the matter will change.
    This game is very simple but also a lot of fun. The interesting thing is the various points of view in which it is narrated. We have the point of view of Tohru, Akie and Reiko. Obviously we will find a lot of H-scenes playing Akie, but the same goes for Reiko. It will be interesting to discover new information through the different points of view and the game will offer some choices to change the current ending. It will also be easy to go back to a past choice, since the game allows it. I really like Akie and Reiko's design and found the animations very good. A game that I recommend with pleasure!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Really Good!

    + Art/CGs
    + Translation is great
    + Story from different Angles

    - Daniel is weirdly written and his pic could be better

    Overall i had a great time with this game. For my personal taste the corruption happens a bit too fast, but apart from that it's well written.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This visual novel shows you 3 points of view, from the husband, the wife and the daughter. You can freely take any of the routes and choose the one you like best, the detail of corruption is splendidly narrated from the wife's point of view and the daughter's point of view.

    The animations, the voices of the seiyuus and the drawing style are also exquisite.

    masterpiece! amazing NTR VN!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally The masterpiece got a translation I could not believe my eyes when I see it.

    It was first game from "anim" I played, and man I played with textractor translation was not so good but you could understand the story action.
    Now I can play again in english and it is worth it...I enjoy more than first time, this is how "ntr genre" should be so damn good.

    Danny will save the day xD when father is away. hahaha
    I love the path of mother and daughter interraction that's the best route and I will recommand to play protagonist view first time even if you don't see any h-scene the Discreet Sex and Discreet Phone sex is gold.

    Anim do the best games ntr genre quality with ANIMATION, NTR homestay first and second one are masterpiece I hope the Sequel of this game will be translate.

    Good aspect:
    Animation is good.
    Sound excelent it help create environment.
    Voice have nice quality.
    Story is one of the best I read it in term of ntr genre(and I read many story ntr genre no at all is good as this one)
    Finally is in english, someone kiss that translators.

    Bad aspect:
    Not found yet.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Best NTR game had I played for a while. I haven't completed it yet, but I can tell you that it's a must play.

    It had a typical NTR plot at a first glance. A family of 3 offer some homestay service to a Chad Black America dude with a Shota energy. Featuring a MILF and a Loli package in a single NTR game.

    What make this game different from others is the "Flowchart system". With multiple route branching to different ending, you could make some important choice as the MC, then change your POV to the the MILF or Loli any time you want. That's right , no more Save/Load scumming, just go straight to the flowchart.

    The story is fine too. Despite being an NTR game with some questionable dumb character, it makes me care for the MC and the Loli (not the MILF, she's a slut) about what happen to their family..

    The H-scene are high quality and nicely written. Think of it in like in "Atelier NTR" game level. Sadly, the MILF is the main heroine here, so don't expect the black guy to be a natural Lolicon .

    In summary :
    - NTR
    - MILF
    - Loli
    - Beautiful 3DCG
    - Great 2D H- Scene
    - Mutilple route
    -Flowchart system supported by multiple POV

    A must play for every NTR fans out there. Even if you aren't one, think about the MILF. Or the Loli. Or both.