Now & Then [Complete] - MINOR SPOILERS
My second attempt at writing this review after accidentally tabbing out of my first. Whoops.
Now & Then deserves a 3.5 rating from me, but I'm rounding up because I respect and admire the creator for completing what was clearly a massive undertaking in a relatively short amount of time, and for delivering a finished story (albeit with a rushed ending).
The author seems to be an older gentleman, but his writing style irks me and seems to follow the same patterns as modern sitcoms written by millenials. I can't stand most of the banter. Why does everyone, despite having different personalities, exchange the same, inane quips in back-and-forth sessions that drag on too long? Why, especially, during sex scenes?!
The other major problem with the writing is the omission of pronouns. Think of sentences like, "Chilly day. Gotta bundle up. Don't wanna be out long." Maybe it reads fine on its own, but there were too many jarring moments where it didn't suit person-to-person dialogue. Maybe it's fine in online conversation, but it's just unnatural in spoken conversation, and it shouldn't have been so prevalent in this game.
Speaking of unnatural, the conversations during the sex scenes were so often out of place. Again, there's the problem with overused banter, but the pillow talk and even the foreplay scenes were so unrealistic. There are tons of sex scenes from the beginning of the story and right through the epilogue, but the characters didn't behave differently whether they were new partners or longtime lovers. You could easily take a sex scene from the end of the game, slot it into the beginning, and no one would be the wiser. That IS a problem when it's supposedly the writing that's carrying a game. Combine all of these issues with the fact that many of the sex scenes were predictable and repetitive, and you too will find yourself skipping through them in due time.
I'll stick to talking about the writing since that's where my grievances lie. If you want to know more about what the creator did well, check out some other reviews.
Now, the MC... This is a Gary Stu if I've ever seen one. Why doesn't he feel more negative and sad emotion? Why can't he express it properly when he does? He doesn't have a traumatic past that would manifest into what I'm describing. Without getting into examples, it just annoys me that we (the audience) are denied the opportunity to connect - or at least sympathise - with the MC during what ought to be traumatic or difficult experiences.
In typical harem style, other male characters are either too old, too young, or removed from the story so that the MC may have his way. A certain father to one of the girls is horrendously shamed posthumously because... well, he was just bad, okay?! If it isn't clear, I'm not impressed by the motivations that characters had for bashing the poor guy. He wasn't perfect, but neither is are shining star of a main character. Hell, the MC cheats multiple times without repercussions. There are some instances that are forgivable or understandable, but then there are others where there are no good excuses for betraying your true love.
To sum it up, there are inconsistencies in the writing, and they're most damaging to the characters' personalities; particularly the MC's. Other characters showed great potential by having different personalities, but they either weren't utilized effectively in the remaining chapters, or they were shoehorned to fit certain roles and eventually fade into the background.
That's it for the complains that impacted my review score. There are many more minor ones, but nothing that ought to sway someone's decision to play or not play this title. I recommend reading this because you will get to experience an interesting story filled with intrigue. It drags on at times and could use more suspenseful moments, but to be a completed game on this website--well, that's got to count for something.
(Maybe 3 stars would have been more fitting?)