If you like N&T, then I recommend trying The Interim Domain, the second completed AVN by this dev.
Be advised, it will take a bit of time to get into TID and it starts out
as the world ends, but that is the catalyst for the rest of this story. I won't get into spoilers, but I will offer that it will also be getting a Director's Cut rev sometime later this year, much like N&T got a Director's Cut rev.
In TID, I recommend proceeding with each of the women you encounter at about the same pace (so don't play one woman until her content is over than start another as this choice will result in missing content - like 3sums involving that woman as well as story events involving multiple women).
There is a good WT that I used to help make sure I did not miss out on content.
FYI - the dev just started his 3rd AVN - TOXICity, but there is currently very little content as we are only up to v 0.2 with the 3rd rev arriving in mid Feb.