I've been following this game for a few releases now and I think it's time to write a review.
- Amazing Honey Select renders. I've used HS myself quite a bit and have played many other HS games too and I can safely say the dev has done an amazing job with getting his renders looking of this quality. The characters and environment look great and the dev has done a great job with showing the post-apocalyptic environment.
- Fantastic characters. We haven't met a lot of characters yet (which makes sense since a lot of people are dead), but the characters we have met are fleshed out well and I assume will continue to be as the story progresses. The MC is written well and has the traits I like in an MC, especially for a post-apocalyptic setting. Smart, Leader, Caring, Resourceful, etc. Carol who is my favourite LI has a great personality, design, dialogue, etc. So the characters are very well done.
- Well written dialogue. The dialogue for this game flows and immerses you in the story. It's coherent and makes sense as well as balancing a lot of key elements. Post-apocalyptic survival, romance, intimacy, interactions, daily life. I also judge dialogue based on whether I think what the character said aligns with their personality and I can say that the dialogue in the game does. All the characters have a unique voice and personality which perfectly correspond with what they say.
- The overall story is great. It is very interesting and appealing. It balances all the elements involved in the game perfectly and is seriously engaging. The premise behind the game is interesting and so far all the scenes in the game have been fun to read. I have high hopes going forward with what is to happen and I think the story will only get better from here.
- Great choices. You don't really make many choices in the game, but the ones you do make, matter. I like that the choices we have to make carry weight and aren't purely pointless. I also like how you're not forced to be with other girls, but can choose based on your choices who you end up with which was something I wasn't sure would happen.
- There are a few minor things I think can be improved but I wouldn't consider them enough to be a con so I don't have any cons for the game.
Story 5/5
Characters 5/5
Graphics 5/5
Dialogue 5/5
Overall 5/5