As long as MrSL does not become a second IonDivvy, who promised much when he brought out his second game and delivered nothing but lies and prevarications for his first game (last update was nearly a year ago when he promised a fast update), it is all good.This matches the information that I have. MrSL is continuing to make progress, largely to plan. This included some time put aside to work on his other side project, and that quantum of work has been released already.
I've not yet completed all the proofreading/edits of the Ch7 pt2 text (although I am 80-90% done) and MrSL has confirmed he doesn't need it yet.
Also bear in mind that (if I understand correctly and he has not changed plan) that MrSL has abandoned the "two part" release format that was tried with Ch 7 due to negative feedback from patrons, and will be doing a full chapter release. NOTE: THIS IS JUST MY UNDERSTANDING, NOT CANON.