Found this game today, and played to the end of chapter 1, then went back and made alternate choices to get both outcomes at the end of that chapter. The VN has an interesting structure. It's well made and most of the english is fine. A few mismatched pronouns, but all in all pretty solid. I found the chess matches entertaining. So this was a generally positive experience.
This was a very good feedback, thanks for taking your time to write it. I quite enjoy to discuss the game, especially with players that have different viewpoints than myself. It’s the only way to take in different views that can be used to improve the game. I’ll try to explain you my own points of views, but please don’t take any of this as me trying to convince you to liking my game or playing more, or that your points aren’t valid, or something like that. It’s just genuinely fun for me to argue about these topics, and I have like 3 days after the game is updated to talk to people about it, before this thread goes to hibernation once again and I'm all alone in my porncave working on the next chapter

. So I always jump to the opportunity!
Having to use those point to purchase skills that determine my choice options in interacting with LIs in the game feels like overkill. Further, many of the skills are too rigid and limiting. The potential nuances that could be in the game are locked out. Also the personalities are too superficial. Someone can be honorable, and clever, and charismatic. One can be "manly" and also sensitive to the needs and moods of someone with whom they are involved. One can be secure in their approach to the boundaries in a relationship without being dominant or submissive.
I completely agree with this and I will be using the skill system in ways that "reward" players that develop all personalities (to a certain extent), while "punishing" players that min-max certain stats and become kind of a "caricature" of a person by only choosing, for example, "manly" choices and being a "macho man". There's a time and a place to be sensitive and caring, or impetuous and a leader, or charismatic, or honorable, etc. When you look at the skill system, you don’t see what I see. Not all game mechanics can, or should, be introduced in chapter 1. Give me time to bring the system to its full potential. Of course you'll need to just take my word on this one, but believe me that we are on the same page here.
I like Emma quite a lot. Feisty and enjoyably argumentative can be very attractive. Hateful behavior not so much. Having the pursuit of her result in either abusing her or being abused by her, or having her simply stalk away screaming was very disappointing.
Honestly, that’s what I was going for. They were arguing, it’s supposed to be tense and that you feel how disturbed the situation left the MC. I think I did my job right here, if that’s how you feel. But, even though you can't avoid all the arguing and fallout because both the mc and Emma are quite disturbed at that moment, this is just the 1st chapter. In the future, with a cold head, the MC will be able to make choices to fix the situation.
I've read that certain women have certain kinks and to be with them you have to satisfy those kinks. Well perhaps that works if I know the kinks and the required skill(s) BEFORE I play for a few hours to find out I'm utterly disinterested in those kinks. I'm sure you think that it's entertaining to gather clues to figure out their kink(s) and then hope you have the necessary points to by the required skill. If you don't care for her kink or can't buy the needed skill it's very annoying.
I'm torn about this game. Competently made and fairly well written, but it's a cumbersome process to make progress with a woman and you can't tell if you're going to actually like her until you made a heavy investment. For me such games are about enjoyment, fantasies that cater to our personal tastes, not parallels of real life relationships.
These are good points and perhaps I underestimate the frustration of being interested in a LI just to find out you aren't into her kinks, or worse, be rejected by her. My reasoning was that this would add personality and complexity to the characters. Not all girls in the game will bend backwards for you just because, like in 99% of the games. You actually have to have a personality that they like and can fall for. But I see your point about it potentially being a frustrating situation.
I think at least I’m not lying to the players. I think this mechanic is well explained and people know what they are getting themselves in. That’s the best answer I can give to this point. If this is not the sort of game that a player might enjoy, I try to be as clear as possible so he can stop as early as possible and not waste his time.
How about adding some complexity to the women so that they aren't tied to one kink, and more than one approach will work and you get different encounters? You produced two different scenes at the end of chapter 1. It would have been far more enjoyable if instead of two hate fucks differing only in who was the abuser, I might have found a "softer" aspect and opened a different basis for a relationship. Doesn't seem like a lot more work for a "hard" scene and a "soft" scene, instead of two scenes based solely on mutual hostility.
As for the hateful sex, you can avoid it without losing her, if you aren't into that sort of thing. But you can’t have a “soft” scene here, sorry. This is just for story reasons.
You can see this chapter establishing the Emma/MC relationship as one where they care for each other, but can’t articulate/admit their feelings and keep arguing instead. All the time. This, surprisingly, has its own charm, as you have found out. But that’s also the obstacle they need to overcome if they ever want to get into a respectful relationship. There’s so much sexual tension between them, but they can only deal with that by arguing and fighting. And that culminates with them even having sex while bashing each other. It’s the only way they can show they want each other. That's the "drama" they need to overcome.
Now they are the sort of people that argue, and fight, and run away at the sight of the first problem. They need to become the sort of people that can instead talk about the issues, and not just banging with the door and run away because they don't know how to deal with their feelings. It's easier to just run away. Being vulnerable and admitting you like someone else, it’s hard. You can get hurt. It’s easier to just attack the other person instead. I’m sure you have observed this kind of behavior/defense mechanism in other people. Maybe even in yourself. I know I have.
They need to become better people and overcome their flaws before having their "soft" scene. In the middle of a heat discussion, given what you know about them both, it wouldn't fit the characters to have such a scene.This was the time where they need to fall, so they can rise again later as better people. You want the end of the movie after 20 mins. They have a whole character arc to go through before that.
At least that’s the story I’m trying to tell. You have the right of nothing liking it. Or of saying that I’m doing a bad job as a writer if I have to explain it to you. I’d prefer if all of this subtext was kind of obvious for people playing the game.
Given the descriptions of Deb in chapter 2 I'm pretty certain she's not a fit for me either, so I may hold off playing further until there's another option down the road. I sincerely wish you the very best luck with your game. It reflects competence and commitment and I greatly respect that.
Deb isn’t the only girl with lewd scenes in chapter 2. I find it curious that the other one is barely mentioned. Perhaps because this game attracts the kind of people that like more hardcore kinks and that particular girl is innocent and has vanilla and “soft” scenes. Perhaps you might like her. Oops, maybe I
am trying to convince you to keep playing the game