It's cute and simple. It's a very linear title though, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but it pretends it isn't and gets a little weird about letting you run around the space before stripping away your controls again. H-scenes have a habit of running unnecessarily long and the corruption is equally kind of slow for what this is, but that's all still just nitpicks. The biggest thing I have against it is I feel like I've played out these scenes in countless other titles, which is less the game's fault really that someone getting stuck in a hole in the wall, inexplicitly, leads to them getting chain-raped for a bit. Or at least that's the trope.
Game good. Curb your expectations a little as far as the run-around part of it, but it more then makes up for it in the art.
Game good. Curb your expectations a little as far as the run-around part of it, but it more then makes up for it in the art.