RPGM - Completed - Nebel Geisterjäger [v1.2] [BBQ Lover]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Graphics :

    The CG and the graphics are good anime /hentai style with adorable big eyes staple of japanesse anime/hentai. The MC, and the female character are drawn excellent so it is enjoyable on the eyes.

    Sounds :

    The music is fine, not over the top, there is the music and it isn't the generic rpgmaker mv music so that's something, plus there is the Voice Over for the female character that is excellent get you more in the mood for the game.

    Gameplay :

    The gameplay the combat gameplay have a unique way about it, it is challenging at first but once you got use to it, it is easy, the crafting as well challenging as you kind of didn't get what you want straight up, or you can try to get something near as close for your parner and just not you, you also need to do a bit of grinding again once you got the hang of it, it just repetition kind of boring on this departement but at least you can progress and there is always challenges even in the late part of the game, as the enemy also progress with your strength.

    The NTR content, unlike other game that just you went out of control right off the bat, this one at least during my gameplay give you a fair chance of it, you still can attempt to try to distrupt the other character attempt to steal the MC's lover basically it reward your efforts for it and there is a true love ending avaiable , so at least the game give you a fair chance at it,

    English translation :

    It is passable, not mtl so it is way more enjoyable as offcourse , I don't see 'poem' or weird things that my my brain crawl as I read the text so this is good work.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Timmy Reed

    Art and story are very well done, game play/mechanics are absurd.

    The RNG is both great for stopping it being a scene click game, and frustrating as it can go 0-100 in no time at all, save early and often and rollback as required.

    With cheats/guides it's bearable and worthwhile, but needs some QoL changes.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Waste of time don't even try it guys the mechanism is so idiotic that you can't even trigger simple event to progress further and you need to do same repetitive dungeon for small reward it's just not worth it your time too much grind..Shame because graphic look good..
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I am 17 hours in and i tried to keep Lawrence away from her. My progression in the game is low; I learnt the mechanics, i only have 3 CGs unlocked. levels are getting too hard to increase now as the mobs grow stronger.
    After 17 hour, her submission is too low because of all the time i spent learning mechanics, why is her ECG red, where is she going etc etc. Cheating belittles my effort to raise my character levels, think sunk cost. Cheating submission stats ruins the progression of corruption. But levelling it the proper way is too long with no proper payout. So i think i'm dropping the game.
    I think the game is amazing. It captures the themes of ntr perfectly. Your lover treating u the same way while ruthlessly cucking you without your knowledge. Status 5 being hid away till late in the game gives u the perfect revelation for when u finally manage to access it. Hospital used to be my most hated map but now i think it's amazing after learning how it works.
    There are several ways to improve this game imo.
    1. the exp scaling of elite mobs need to be better. I rly dw to mindlessly grind levels in the same dungeons. I dont mind abit of grind but this game's grind is just too much.
    2. This game needs a proper tutorial. Kana has 60 iq or something. " i'm in a corridor/ lounge." Well no shit sherlock can u be more specific. Especially for hospital, which floor Kana takes, which route she follows, has 0 hints from the game. Clearly explaining this mechanic would make the game alot more enjoyable for most. Otherwise, you end up like me, malding and testing the mechanics until it made sense while spending too much time.
    3.Most importantly, the in town H events, has too much RNG involved. Lawrence needs certain condition to proc certain event, along with the RNG of being in the same place as where Kana is. Maybe someway to influence Lawrence's movement after 5pm would help.
    It's all too much imo. Kana saying she's in an alleyway is frustrating. It could be intentional, she could be a serial liar for all i know like cheaters IRL but please be more specific. I am in an alleyway in central district or something FFS. That would help alot. Unless the goal is to make us search around frantically, which honestly is never fun.

    All that being said, I did buy the game, I did buy the official TL, i dropped him a 5* review on dlsite. and i want to support the developer. I hope he refines the mechanics of the game with some QoL for the next game. The CGs are amazing i am almost tempted to redo and unlock NTR naturally instead of controlling it so harshly just to see the CGs. I also wish i knew male MC is a fucking NPC with 0 character development so I wouldnt hesitate cucking him.

    Lastly, thank you for this swift official EN translation. I dont see mistakes in it and I'm happy i didnt need to wait years for an official TL if it was picked up by Kagura games
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Very hot. Love the "competition" between the MC and antagonist. The best NTR is true the avoidable NTR because it hits harder when your actions or inactions triggers the NTR.

    TBF, I used guides, mtool, and such to see all the scenes and play how I wanted to play. Overall I had a great experience.

    The art style and voice was very good. I didn't really pay attention to the story. I wished the antagonist did a better job at being the NTR antagonist.

    I'm hoping for more games like this in the future.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm a big fan of NTR games and especially like ones with "hidden camera" themes, so I guess I'm the target audience for this.

    The gameplay is confusing and a huge pain in the ass. It takes a lot of time going through the boring gameplay to START to see some of the CG, which themselves are decent. The dev obviously put in a ton of work into this but this isn't fun at all.

    Only play this game if you have no other NTR games to play and can dedicate hours of your time on this.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    With a complete guide and some cheats to speed things up this is probably a 4-5 star game. As it stands I spent a little over six hours meandering around the same couple dungeons oneshotting ghosts for loot with random stats and one time the female protag got her boobs groped by the blonde one. I had little to no sense for if I was making progress, systems would be introduced and not explained at all, new dungeons would appear but they didn't seem to have a final boss and most of them were scaled well above the player character at the time. Eventually I got bored and checked out the gallery, decided it wasn't worth however many more hours grind there was to actually see the scenes organically and deleted the game.

    TLDR: Lots of interesting looking systems with next to no explaination on how they function, very unclear progression.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Disappointing compared to this group's last game. This got high praise for being great netorare so I was excited. However, It ends up being the typical setup where to get the netorare, you need to sabotage yourself.

    When I have to intentionally under gear the girl and even still choose to allow her to be assaulted and do nothing, it comes of as more netorase than netorare to me.

    Combat is tedious and the game mechanics are not very intuitive. I was 6hrs in and had only seen the girl get her tits rubbed in a blurry image. And even when exploring the overworld I didnt run into any pixel scenes or anything of consequence.

    Maybe things pick up, I did read some tips in the forum to speed things up (like taking all the girls gear off). But after 12hrs and having 1 picture of the girl in a bathtub and 1 blurry blowjob scene I decided that I'm just going to drop this and download a complete file.

    Overall Id say im disappointed, the game is far more netorase than netorare to me. And that is just not what does it for me.

    Updated - went back an looked at CGs with a complete save. Decent but not worth the effort it takes. Reducing to 1 star. Not sure why ppl give this 5 stars when their review is all negative, lol. Some people probably like the insanely slow pace, but it's not fo me. Especially sense this is not proper netorare.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Objectively there is a lot wrong with this game. It is too grindy. The mechanics are intransparent and it is hard to understand what needs to be done to achieve any end you want.

    BUT I still love it. The art is gorgeous and the setup is unique. There is a (hard) way to avoid the NTR and both routes are viable. NTR as a failure mechanism is great. More games need to do that.

    If you check it out, read up a bit. There is decent guides in this thread.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    • One of the best NTR out there. •
    Simple the top notch of BBQ Lover. This game is basically everything the team of BBQ Lover learned from all their previous games, .

    • First playthrough •
    It might be true that the first time I was playing, it was confusing. The exorcism and how Kana works is one of my main issue but after getting some hours the game become enjoyable.

    The Male Protagonist is something really hard to accomplish without forcing the player to see what's happening but this game accomplish it making it to have content while you decide to see it or not which for me is the main relevance of the NTR in Male Protagonist.

    • Going through the Gameplay in general •
    The gameplay is really unique since the main character is forced to go alone while other things are happening.

    The daytime is kinda confusing but when you get more and more Submission the game become defiant and one of the unique things of this is that... It's random. Sometimes Kana might be doing her job and sometimes she gets molested, the trouble for the protagonist is that, you can't know what she is doing. The integration of the phone is a double edged sword in this time, sometimes might be useful and sometimes will make Kana be distracted.

    Now the nighttime is another thing. The nighttime is basically the result of how good you did to protect Kana basically giving you no way to relax unless you wanna get cucked. Here the phone become more useful and can help you get hints of where she might be. Even some people might tell you if she is nearby.

    Now the fact that whether you protect her in day or night the result will be the same. While the protagonist try to protect Kana, Lawrence's anger grows bigger and bigger until one day he will get it without you knowing. Beginning the corruption of the heroine and the downfall of the protagonist.

    I can go through the story but there is some spoilers that are necessary for the opinion that I was going to make.

    Overall... This is all the knowledge BBQ Lover gathered into one game. Deserved 2022 award. Highly recommended to NTR Fans. Also the game have a good ending which some people appreciate.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This could be a pretty good game but it isnt. The whole game, as its already wrote in the OP, is with these "behind the scene" scenes. Means, you actually never see any sex scene.

    During the dungeon you can see your girlfriend, if she gets in trouble, getting harrassed from the other dude. But thats all. The nice scenes are all at the night.... The problem, you actually never see your girlfriend getting fucked, behind your back or as a voyeur. So every day you enter the recollection mode and see a new scene has unlocked. -.-

    Also the gameplay is pretty confusing. You really dont know how to progress the content; how to unlock more scenes; how to increase the mood; the submission which unlocks more sex scenes; atmosphere points which are also part of unlocking new scenes. There is a short tutorial at the start about the exorcism points and the battle and thats all, the most will not get explained.

    So, just use the 100% save file cuz the game is pretty grindy, boring and not really good.

    ps.: Played for 5 hours and saw how her bra stripped off during a dungeon.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is too frustrating, premise is good and exciting but in term of the way it presents the story, boy hero ken is much desirable. This game is too grindy and not to mention the MTL edit, some meanings are lost here and there. The edit can be said is no more than being lazy in hope for quick cash. But the guide they provide is pretty detailed altho unfinished. also the guide said for the earliest choices that "budget allowance or something like that" is better choice than "high res camera" is a false information. thanks to the guide I chose the budget allowence, got 5k and you can't buy additional high res cam from shop. but if u choose the high res cam, it will become available in the shop. so yeah high res cam is a much better option compare to others. Art is wholesome altho the FMC is not too slutty.
    edit : If u got this game from this site, first thing first, delete the save folder that come with the rar. otherwise all recollections in the game will be open at first playthrough, sloppy part of saikey the so called translator eh? anyway it will mess with your game and your whole experience so delete that file.
    if you find my info being helpful, please hit that like button ;)