
Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
well bisexual mc is fine....the dialog where she says she likes men(whatever they may be) do break my immersion a little but i remind my self this is someone else's character not my OC XD as long as i can avoid any sex with men ill be happy

so like if willpower is 40 or less you cant say no type of deal? or corruption is 40 or higher you cant say no?
is there a guide or general advise on how to avoid M/F?
Certain sex scenes will get triggered automatically if you are above certain corruption thresholds, some of those scenes are random weekly events and involve sex scenes with men. Only way to avoid them is either RNG not picking those events in your playthrough or not having enough corruption to go over the threshold.

There is a game guide linked in the first post of the thread, do be noted it is more of a collection of useful information than a proper walkthrough, a walkthrough would be difficult to make because the order of councillor events and the random weekly events are randomized in every playthrough.

The routes you are looking for are Evette, Amelia, and Maria.

For Evette's route you need to get her as your tutor, however it requires you to gain corruption to progress her route, so you run the risk of triggering the "getting handsy in the stables" scene (random MxF handjob scene).

Amelia does not require you to have any corruption, so if you can progress her route with low corruption you should be able to avoid any MxF scenes.

Maria's route (the player's character) is missing from the guide, I think it is always available but it might require corruption to actually get any sex scenes there.

There is also Cecily, but her content is futanari.

Evette and Maria have more sexual content but they require corruption, I recommend checking their routes out but you will be running the risk of getting at least 1 MxF scene.

Amelia has less sexual content but in theory you can do her route with no corruption, which should make it possible to avoid all MxF scenes.

Try to have Evette as your tutor (or at the very least not have the vizier, nor Ulric, nor Cecily as your tutor since they all might try to corrupt the princess in different ways)

Also be careful with the "banditry" event, the princess needs to be able to defend herself (or have enough combat reputation to not be taken lightly), otherwise the bandit will have his way with her.

Azi VonVeil

Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
Certain sex scenes will get triggered automatically if you are above certain corruption thresholds, some of those scenes are random weekly events and involve sex scenes with men. Only way to avoid them is either RNG not picking those events in your playthrough or not having enough corruption to go over the threshold.

There is a game guide linked in the first post of the thread, do be noted it is more of a collection of useful information than a proper walkthrough, a walkthrough would be difficult to make because the order of councillor events and the random weekly events are randomized in every playthrough.

The routes you are looking for are Evette, Amelia, and Maria.

For Evette's route you need to get her as your tutor, however it requires you to gain corruption to progress her route, so you run the risk of triggering the "getting handsy in the stables" scene (random MxF handjob scene).

Amelia does not require you to have any corruption, so if you can progress her route with low corruption you should be able to avoid any MxF scenes.

Maria's route (the player's character) is missing from the guide, I think it is always available but it might require corruption to actually get any sex scenes there.

There is also Cecily, but her content is futanari.

Evette and Maria have more sexual content but they require corruption, I recommend checking their routes out but you will be running the risk of getting at least 1 MxF scene.

Amelia has less sexual content but in theory you can do her route with no corruption, which should make it possible to avoid all MxF scenes.

Try to have Evette as your tutor (or at the very least not have the vizier, nor Ulric, nor Cecily as your tutor since they all might try to corrupt the princess in different ways)

Also be careful with the "banditry" event, the princess needs to be able to defend herself (or have enough combat reputation to not be taken lightly), otherwise the bandit will have his way with her.
yeah i was kinda worried about that, most games like this see sex with women as the same type of corruption as sex with men, and in order to get the lesbian stuff you have to do the hetero stuff, or doing the lesbian stuff forces the hetero stuff....and of course...the law states that one can not make a porn game without at least one rape scene
but it sounds like...with the "guide" i CAN have at least 2 pure lesbian routes(again i care less about the scenes and more about the story/romance) so ill happily take the low corruption less sex if it means a good romance

also thanks for the futa warning, i know im the odd one out, but futa is the same thing as sex with men so thanks for the heads up


Jul 24, 2021
I am not happy at all with the quality of the output I've made for this game. I know a lot of people don't seem to care if the writing is any good or not, but I do. These games are a form of artistic expression for me and I don't want to release updates that don't meet my standards of writing quality. The last batch of random events were pretty crap too to be honest.
Coming from a perspective of someone who does writing on the regular (although not game related and not even smut) - perfectionism is the enemy of good, which, i find, is a solid life advice in general.
Secondly, if you have an issue writing a particular scene, skip it, leave a placeholder outlining the scene and do another one instead. You can always come back to it after you hit an epiphany in the shower or doing some other unrelated stuff.
And thirdly - less is more.

Really love this game though. Can't wait to see what you cook up (no pressure) :censored:
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Aug 30, 2017
Apologize if this has already been answered, but what does the official cheat mod do? There is a lack of explanation.

Azi VonVeil

Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
how DOSE the "banditry" event play out anyway? i dont want to do a whole other play thru just to see one or two events
so can someone spoil just those two?(from what i understand those are the only two rape scenes )

yeah was looking at the events..some pop up with only 10 corruption....lets say i DO get those events, can i reload an old save and re run the RNG?

"and then fails a Defense 25 check. "
so to pass a defense 25 check i just need to have 25 or more? or is it a percent based off my skill and the check? like a D25 check could be passed with only 15d but only have like a 20% chance of passing where as a 50d would give you like a 80%
or is it a static check, is d 25? if yes you pass if less then 25(even 24.9) you fail?

Sexual reputation can be increased by doing well in the Athletics competition
also how dose track and field improve sexual fame?
"wow she tossed the shock put 50 years!...SEXY!!!"

also do i just start with 10 sexual fame? cuz im a woman? or that im attractive?

my first meeting with Amelia ...why is it a black check to meet her friends? is thee something in meeting hem? failing some checks...a good thing?

and do pink cards simply take up space of cards you would want? or do sex scenes need a pink card and corruption?

and while i would not want to pick it... i am curious as to what happens in the festival of flames, if you have the 8 corruption?(princes dances nude? gives blow jobs?) or the 20 corruption? (gang bang? public masturbation? )

another side note...the princess isn't a virgin?! shes only ever known the touch of a man?! a non virgin princess is useless in negotiations.....its..very odd and inaccurate that she was aloud to sleep around....also the way they are feels like the princess is going to end up marring some guy anyway T-T

also now i see what you mean by the RNG of corruption, i need 10 corruption to "play with tits" with Everette ...yet that same 10C would have me engage anal with a random stable boy(or at least i think thats how the event would have gone if i didn't have such low corruption)

um big i locked in the Maria path..and when i went to meet Lady Everette i told her we can do the naked wrestling anymore...but its Ulric who talking and not Everette. there is also some inconsistency with her two, i beat her in her last test...and now the characters are talking about how they have sex...but we never did...

"i know, and we don't even have sex in the council member meetings"
" are studding, right?"
"of course. after the sex."

umm what sex? no such thing took place....and now the game thinks im committed to Everette everything i did to get Maria is undone?

WHAT?! the ending isn't ready yet?! all that for no pay off ><
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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
how DOSE the "banditry" event play out anyway? i dont want to do a whole other play thru just to see one or two events
so can someone spoil just those two?(from what i understand those are the only two rape scenes )
It is a mini-story with 3 events that might have its own "bad ending" in the future.

Banditry 1: Princess is ambushed by a bandit in a random event, if she has low combat reputation she will be threatened into giving him a blowjob if she doesn't want to get shanked. You gain a card that can later be turned into special pink card called "shameful lust" or something like that.

Banditry 2: If you kept the "shameful lust" card in your deck, when the princess runs into the same bandit again she will be submissive to him and be coerced into penetrative sex.

Banditry 3: The bandit this time brings more members of his band, the princess is made to give a group blowjob to them. After she leaves one of the thugs asks the main bandit why didn't they just nab the princess then and there, main bandit answers something among the lines of "waiting for the right time" and "knows she will be back".

yeah was looking at the events..some pop up with only 10 corruption....lets say i DO get those events, can i reload an old save and re run the RNG?
Normal saves have their rng fixed, but I think you can reload from the "seasonal checkpoints" to reset the rng (I know it works for card draw rng, not 100% sure for the event list but I think so).
"and then fails a Defense 25 check. "
so to pass a defense 25 check i just need to have 25 or more? or is it a percent based off my skill and the check? like a D25 check could be passed with only 15d but only have like a 20% chance of passing where as a 50d would give you like a 80%
or is it a static check, is d 25? if yes you pass if less then 25(even 24.9) you fail?
It is a static check, yes. If you have 25 or more Defense points you "pass", if you have less you "fail".
Sexual reputation can be increased by doing well in the Athletics competition
also how dose track and field improve sexual fame?
"wow she tossed the shock put 50 years!...SEXY!!!"
Vizier makes you wear an athletic outfit that shows some skin, doing well in the competition keeps the princess participating in more events and being gawked at for longer.
also do i just start with 10 sexual fame? cuz im a woman? or that im attractive?
Both, and more specifically because you are a princess.
my first meeting with Amelia ...why is it a black check to meet her friends? is thee something in meeting hem? failing some checks...a good thing?
Failing some card checks can be a "good thing", depending on what you are aiming for.
But in Amelia's case, you won't meet her "friends" either way, if you drew a black card you won't due to the princess' own good sense and Amelia will respect you for it, otherwise she will take pity on you for being so trusting and choose to spare you from meeting them.
and do pink cards simply take up space of cards you would want? or do sex scenes need a pink card and corruption?
Pink cards are just useless cards that take space in your deck and get in the way of drawing useful ones. In the past, they used to be a requirement for sexy scenes, but dev replaced them with the "Corruption" system because getting the sexy scenes required too much RNG. Right now "Corruption" is supposed to be the only requirement for sexy scenes.
and while i would not want to pick it... i am curious as to what happens in the festival of flames, if you have the 8 corruption?(princes dances nude? gives blow jobs?) or the 20 corruption? (gang bang? public masturbation? )
8 Corruption is just for the princess to perform well as the "Maiden of flame", which involves wearing a kinda sultry outfit so she gets too embarassed if her corruption is low. 20 corruption is a blowjob to a random attendee that flirts with her after the play.
another side note...the princess isn't a virgin?! shes only ever known the touch of a man?! a non virgin princess is useless in negotiations.....its..very odd and inaccurate that she was aloud to sleep around....also the way they are feels like the princess is going to end up marring some guy anyway T-T
Story doesn't put any importance on virginity as far as I remember. You'd have to ask the dev if they are going for a setting where virginity isn't important.
I don't know how the endings will go, but nobility still implies the obligation to spawn heirs, doubly so for royalty. Dev might throw a curveball for some of the endings, but I understand why in some of the lesbian endings the princess might still need a "baby-daddy".
also now i see what you mean by the RNG of corruption, i need 10 corruption to "play with tits" with Everette ...yet that same 10C would have me engage anal with a random stable boy(or at least i think thats how the event would have gone if i didn't have such low corruption)
IIRC, the first stable boy scene is just a handjob, but yeah, some kinkier scenes don't require much corruption relative to some routes with "tamer" scenes.
um big i locked in the Maria path..and when i went to meet Lady Everette i told her we can do the naked wrestling anymore...but its Ulric who talking and not Everette. there is also some inconsistency with her two, i beat her in her last test...and now the characters are talking about how they have sex...but we never did...

"i know, and we don't even have sex in the council member meetings"
" are studding, right?"
"of course. after the sex."

umm what sex? no such thing took place....and now the game thinks im committed to Everette everything i did to get Maria is undone?
Sounds like a bug where the game is assuming that, just because Evette is your tutor then you are in her "route". Still worth reporting to the dev the exact sequences where that bug is occuring, but it might be limited to just playing the "wrong" dialogue in certain scenes. Logic-wise the game still knows you are in Maria's route (but also you should be close to the current End of Content so there might not be much content left with Maria).

Azi VonVeil

Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
ohh so its not that her friends are bad or anything its more of her testing us to see if we are naive.

and i wish, and i know this is just me, but i wish the corruption simple gave us the option to have sex..cuz a lot of corruption checks are only 10c and you need 10c to do any of the lesbian sex much like how i was told, you cant go lesbian without risking rng hetero...witch sucks...

i just feel that the way she talks at low corruption make it seem like she is, and the way she reacts to some events and the way others just REALLY hints that shes a virgin.... and the only hint other wise is "iv only known the touch of men" we talking petting? or is princess a whore? cuz she acts like a virgin XD(not that its a bad thing ether way)
and i really REALLY hope it dosent go down the route of "we dont care you who marry just have a kid" plenty of those games like this have been ruined by that

hand job? well he talked about putting in my "end-o", but my point stands, just playing with a girls tits is some how the same as giving a guy a hand job? im not complaining but i feel there could be another way to do this i said make it simply unlock sex option not force sex scenes

yeah so for the bug, i did the winter ball and danced with Maria, then after that i had my final test from Everette, and the last few lines where along the lines of they where gonna have sex next week, and later that night the princess told Maria about how they have sex before the training(even though we dont) and when i picked the pink flirt option, Maria asked to have sex with the princess two but was shot down with a "im committed to Everette"

overall i see now, most of this is hetero stuff of a princess turning into a slut...sad but thats what it is...idk why its so hard to make this game...but more choice focused or lesbian friendly(or gay...why is it always a princess?)

but all in all, you can EASILY go 0 corruption the whole game and see 0 sex, hell you can avid romance two and just be lonely
its good..but could be so much more

Apollo Seven

Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 15, 2018
ohh so its not that her friends are bad or anything its more of her testing us to see if we are naive.

and i wish, and i know this is just me, but i wish the corruption simple gave us the option to have sex..cuz a lot of corruption checks are only 10c and you need 10c to do any of the lesbian sex much like how i was told, you cant go lesbian without risking rng hetero...witch sucks...

i just feel that the way she talks at low corruption make it seem like she is, and the way she reacts to some events and the way others just REALLY hints that shes a virgin.... and the only hint other wise is "iv only known the touch of men" we talking petting? or is princess a whore? cuz she acts like a virgin XD(not that its a bad thing ether way)
and i really REALLY hope it dosent go down the route of "we dont care you who marry just have a kid" plenty of those games like this have been ruined by that

hand job? well he talked about putting in my "end-o", but my point stands, just playing with a girls tits is some how the same as giving a guy a hand job? im not complaining but i feel there could be another way to do this i said make it simply unlock sex option not force sex scenes

yeah so for the bug, i did the winter ball and danced with Maria, then after that i had my final test from Everette, and the last few lines where along the lines of they where gonna have sex next week, and later that night the princess told Maria about how they have sex before the training(even though we dont) and when i picked the pink flirt option, Maria asked to have sex with the princess two but was shot down with a "im committed to Everette"

overall i see now, most of this is hetero stuff of a princess turning into a slut...sad but thats what it is...idk why its so hard to make this game...but more choice focused or lesbian friendly(or gay...why is it always a princess?)

but all in all, you can EASILY go 0 corruption the whole game and see 0 sex, hell you can avid romance two and just be lonely
its good..but could be so much more
The core theme of the game is that you don't play as the Princess, you play as Maria. You can affect the Princess's mindset and outlook on things, but in the end she's making her own decisions. It's hard to do lesbian playthrough because the Princess isn't a lesbian. Thematically, how would choosing to have a sex scene happen or not work? The Princess stops the conversation mid-way to go and ask Maria if she should fuck them or not?

Azi VonVeil

Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
The core theme of the game is that you don't play as the Princess, you play as Maria. You can affect the Princess's mindset and outlook on things, but in the end she's making her own decisions. It's hard to do lesbian playthrough because the Princess isn't a lesbian. Thematically, how would choosing to have a sex scene happen or not work? The Princess stops the conversation mid-way to go and ask Maria if she should fuck them or not?
I mean I get that I do, but who said she has to go back ad ask? Maybe she just reconsider before thing go to far? Maybe weigh the love stat against the corruption? High enough love cancels out curroption outside of the love interest? As in the named npc's . Like it doesn't have to be Maria, it could be any of the other women or men, their love stat counters your curroption (letting you say no despite passing the curroption check) so you can have the needed curroption for sex with your LI without the princess fucking everything that asks

Azi VonVeil

Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
Idk, im not asking you to change your game. make it however you want, these are just ideas leaking out of my brain

Also I really don't feel like I'm playing as Maria as 90% of what happens on screen is the princesses point of view

Azi VonVeil

Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
Ohh it just hit me...why not just remove curroption checks for love interest? So only random npc whoring gives/needs curroption
Oct 15, 2017
The game has always felt to a higher standard than other works on the site so I dont know where the self criticism is stemming from, if you never make anything till you make the perfect game or the perfect story you will make nothing and be an old man one day wishing you made more things.

When I occasionally come back and play this game I more so feel that sex is infrequent as opposed to the quality is low. If you dont stay with the creepy guy or the second creepy guy you get lumped with it often feels like you arent playing a H-game at all. The greatest sexual content is with the main character maria, this progresses naturally and feels real. Most of the other routes are forced and transactional or very bare bones like the black dude and what have you atleast last time I played. I wish there was more people to H in this H game I guess and that it felt and progressed like the maria H. There just isnt many avenues to have normal healthy loving sexual relations but I guess that may be the point, maybe if she could meet some normal people and hang out with them in the evening instead of maria.
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