Hi Everyone!
I haven't given up on the game (don't worry) but I have given up on designing a GUI for Day 3 of Gifted Tease:Rocky Road (GT:RR

3). While the task could be completed in about an hour by a competent Renpy coder, I've been beating my face into the keyboard for months trying to figure it out. I've taken apart several other games with similar functions to see how they do it, but I just can't seem to do it for myself.
I really, really suck at Renpy.
Basically, here's what I'm trying to do: remember MC's cell-phone? Well, that's gonna be a prominent part of the GTRRD3 gameplay. I'd like a cell-phone button to be present in the corner of the screen (a common feature of Renpy games), and when a player clicks that button, the cell-phone screen expands to the whole screen, and a menu of different functions becomes available: basically, players will be able to allocate "points" into different categories. There's a few hover elements, but that's about it. (I'd give more details, but I don't want to let out too many spoilers.)
Anyway, if anyone reading this thinks, "oh, I know how to do that--I can help out SS..." ... well, that would be awesome. If someone could direct me to a resource that can explain to morons how to do this, that would be great.
Or, if you mind doing it yourself, that would be great too. I can't afford to pay you or anything, but I'd put your name in the game and you could show your grandkids someday. Tell them how you once gave assistance to "The World's Slowest Erotic Amateur Game Developer." Basically, your assistance would be:
- we exchange a few DMs in which I explain in more detail what I'm trying to do
- I send you some already-created menu renders
- You craft a functional GUI in-game phone interface thingy
- You send everything back to me, and then I'll post it into the script
So, if you think you could help out with this, please reply here or send me a message or something.
Thanks for taking the time to read and consider my humble plea for assistance.