Are the bugs as bad as the reviews suggest? Could someone tell me what's the deal with this game? If it's so bad I would assume the people would lose interest but then why does it have 2000 pages of replies and 150 reviews which are either 1 or 5 stars. Makes little sense to me.
It has some huge potential, but at some point for whatewher reason most of the girls became cloned nobrain bimbo toilets with few exeptions(in brains area, bodies are still cloned).
Story is decent about 25% of time, another 25% is good ideas implemented poorly and 50% is so shitty, that even AI can do better.It is clear as a day, there was no complete scenario editing. Everything you will read - was written in separate pieces,which sometimes contradict each other. Same with MC behaviour.
Mechanics wise - there is few interesting ideas with pretty much shit of an implementation. Thas soccer/football crap is so fucking degenerate that I fail to imagine how that even came to life. And those fucking timed events...
But worst of all is the bugs. BUGS EVERYWHERE! Minor, major, gamebreaking. You can try to fight them, you can make separate saves for the beginning od the day, end of the day and before every interaction - but it will not save you. Dialogs won't start, scenes doesn't appear, dissappearing NPC's and disabled doors with no way out - you will have all of it.
If you think you can manage that - try it. But - from here, don't give that lazy ass your money.
Oh, and one more thing - there is no clear walktrough guide. Existing ones are full of outdated shit.