If I remember right it doesn't. The sapphire necklace is the end of the school quests.After the mission to deliver the sapphire to Rachel, Tina's story doesn't continue? If it does, tell me where I have to go.
in BOF (if not bugged as f*ck), you should see what you have to do yet searching with "?" on school profil / girl profil / gang profil & cie.hello i want to ask about what i need to do now in the game because i finish the mission in spain and with the spanish teacher
in BOF (if not bugged as f*ck), you should see what you have to do yet searching with "?" on school profil / girl profil / gang profil & cie.
i suppose you can also look at changelog to see what you have yet to find
I hope that one day the dev will integrate mechanisms that will check what has been done for each path and each person and that will update BOF so we don't get misslead or bug like loop anymore or at least fewer than now..
or at least give me a save that are already in the new house and with amy's route finished, I do not know if I'm having bad luck that I have had too many bugs in almost all the game and I feel that I've been missing some routes.I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but someone could help me? I have a bug in the route of laura with clarisa, where I don't know if because I didn't activate all the scenes when I helped clarisa's mom to move, when I finish cleaning clarisa's mom's house and I have to go to see her and laura to tell them that she gave them permission, when I enter the room the scene of clarisa changing appears and I leave the house automatically and when I enter again I can't interact with clarisa's room's door.
1)I think that might need an expert to take a look at your save, did you do the punishment scenes too btw?.1) View attachment 4576011
How can I help Rosy in the hospital? They say you need to talk to your boss. I completed all the quest chains in the hospital, but when I approach the head doctor in the office, nothing happens.
2) View attachment 4576030
How do I work in an auto repair shop? I used to have to work at Hornet garage. It's closed all the time now.
Symphony of the Night Im stuck at the prom quest i just finished the voting and cant find carol or go to the bathroom, i tried going to her house in the afternoon and it wouldnt let me in.
I'm sorry I didn't fully get what is the issue. I have had that bar stuck after many sex scenes and it doesn't interfere with the next one and if I'm lucky it won't appear afterwards.I have encountered a game breaking bug in regards to the Pam relationship.
First, i understand this game has numerous bugs in it. This can be added to the list.
After finding her mother, you are able to "romance" Pam. On the second visit, you need to bring weed to the visit where the two of you will become intimate. The initial interaction screen is not typical of these scenes. After the Scene, part of the interaction menu will stay onscreen. This subsequently breaks quests down the line, preventing further advancement in the game.
A before and after save, along with the config and global files have been included.
Before interaction:
View attachment 4580672
A typical Interaction Screen:
View attachment 4580709
After interaction:
View attachment 4580712