Ren'Py - My Maid Dreams of Electric Sheep [v0.7.12] [dodongamagnifico]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Very high quality animations with lots of love and time put into it. There are only two girls in the game right now with which you can have sex, but they have both great scenes. The only thing I'd critizis is that there could be a bit more dialogue/casual dialogue options for the main girl.
    Thematically it's what you expect, a robot girl who has seemingly has more to her than just being a lifeless robot.
    Really excited for future updates
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed it quite a lot. Awesome graphics and animation, lovely story. The only downside is that the game is quite short, and that the developers are still adding new content. (Really wish to see Uemura not only as side character *sigh*)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The developer delivers a strong opening with a thick atmosphere and clear vision fitting the inspirations this draws from. There is careful levity that doesn't undermine the overall dreary daily living of general dystopia, and sweet punctuations of H. It delivers standard sex animations at a pace best consumed by about 3 days of intense minigame grinding to establish the monotony trying to be simulated, and then cheat code the rest of the way. The best scene is by far the first one with an android who doesn't quite understand why her oral module is being used for fellatio. The rest are quite vanilla with a lack of camera angles or interactivity. The convenience girl's scenes are a notch hotter because of the tenuous consent there in stark contrast to an obedient robot, which is a very nice inclusion. For the android, there's a "gravure" requests option which would be perfect to check-up on with stills of the android on the laptop with patrons to her for light NTR which I hope is added and kept contained in that choice to allow her to help with money.
    It's pretty fucking kino. The heart in this makes it very special, but I need better quality H to call it a masterpiece. Dialogue during scenes, unique plays into the scenario of an obedient robot, and a few more camera angles would definitely improve things if the animation stayed exactly the same. I noticed some testing with "Ah!" coming from the convenience girl in her thighjob scene making me hope that will be worked in smoothly. I doubt it due the koikatsu + renpy being a finicky pairing throughout the game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game seriously surprised me! I like to try new titles and rarely come across one to write a review about. This game is one of the few in such good quality. Interesting story, smooth animations, gradual progress. (y)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly atmospheric anthem to Japanese working man alienation and sexual repression. Yes, it is grindy, but the whole "live a life with your android girl, and try to not go insane from the pressure of making money" gameplay can draw you in. The only thing detracting from a magnificent gaming experience is that it's so unfinished and bugged in places still.

    Other than that, it's an A++ quality project and the erotic parts are very sexy,. There are sorta not enough of them still, so the dev stretches them thin and there's a lot of grind to go through before you can see more. It works, but with more content this android maid game will be so much better, you can already tell it's a masterpiece in the making.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Already very good. Limitless potential.

    The story is ok but pretty thin. Obviously A LOT more work has went into the animations than the story but I'm not sure that's a bad thing entirely. I mean, the animations for each scene sells it. The pacing of the story is fantastic but the pacing of the game progression seems a bit winded.

    I think people should be watching this one and I might add this to my list of devs to actually support on . And that says something because I really only support Eternum.

    The problem I have is that progression doesn't feel important or really linked too much with the story. The system of progression just feels like it's there only for us as the player rather than to also push the narrative. I know that sounds stupid seeing as we're all here for the lewds but at the same time there is an art to these kinds of games and it's kind of lacking in this one even though the animations are top notch.

    I'm really just looking forward to seeing where this one goes.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Do androids dream of eternal grind?
    Version reviewed: 0.2.2
    I don't imagine they do. And neither do I. So this is definitely not a dream game for me, but how good or bad is it really? Let's find out.

    The setting.
    The game is set in an utopia where all the problems are solved because everyone is happy, by being drugged with a mysterious pill. This is very similar to Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" utopia where everyone had to rely on the same drug to keep the society going - Soma. Otherwise both Huxley's world and this world turns into a dystopia instantly. Which happens in this case for one man, who is obviously brought to the brink of crippling depression by just refusing the drug.

    The plot.
    The plot of the game is in the description. The main character has a bucket list: buy an android maid and fuck it. Simple as that. And this all happens in first 10 minutes of the gameplay, in what could be considered a tutorial or intro. What next? Well, the main character draws a pistol and shoots himself in the head, but is saved by his maid. And the hero of the story is left to live his miserable without the saving drug life while being on the brink of depression and suicide.

    The gameplay.
    And oh man is his life miserable. The job he has is so simple it could be solved with a tiny microcontroller, which in a world filled with human-like robots should not be unheard of. And this man is placed to grind this stupid action for hours, producing nothing of value to society and waiting for someone to realise how useless this job is and replacing it with said microcontroller. So the player is left with grinding this mind numbing activity all day, every day, for the main character to get enough money to not starve.

    The player has to measure 2 gauges, which are the energy of the character, raised by sleeping and lowered by working, and saturation, raised by eating and lowered by simply existing. And also the unseen third gauge which is the player's own sanity, raised by doing something we like and lowered by playing this game.

    The entire progression is stated as following: "Wait for MAID_NAME to request something from you". And this can take days, this can take weeks. Every day the player has to work a mind numbing shift, buy some food to not to starve, go home to meet the maid, talk to her and hope she has something to request from the MC. In any case, MC goes to bed and the same thing happens on the next day.

    Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change...
    - Vaas, Far Cry 3.

    So what if, what if this does change? Then what? The player gets a quest which looks like: "Buy module N for over9000 coins you grinded so far and enjoy at best another sex scene, and at worst nothing." The game intentionally stalemates the progression behind the artificially created time constraints, forcing the player to spend more and more time doing same goddamn action.

    The art.
    What is this all for?
    6 scenes. 3 with the maid, 3 with the shopkeeper. Which are not bad, but also not really great either. The player can chose between faster or slower loop playback, but it is only one angle and one action each scene, and the angle is not really the best possible. The art is not bad, but it is what is currently a lower end of "acceptable" in the industry. And considering the underwhelming quantity, it is not carrying out the rest of the game.

    The summary.
    Current content took me 65 days to unlock, with infinite money, which I obviously cheated in by editing my save because I value my sanity over the mastery in a simplistic game. 65 days is over 2 ingame months, during which almost nothing happened with the main character. Ah yeah, he tried to end his life twice during this period. Rookie numbers, if it was me, I would be more decisive.

    The gameplay simply sucks. I hate every part of it - the grind, the intentionally stupidly simple minigame, the gauges I need to manage as if it was some kind of a Sims game, having absolutely nothing to do outside working and buying supplies and waiting, waiting for something to happen.

    The art is average and does not carry anything else.

    Currently, the game has a nice idea, but it looks like the author didn't really plan to get further than the intro, at least the game looks like that. There is not much to play the game for currently. There really isn't.

    I really hope the game will improve in the future, but as of now, it is just poor - 2/5. I am supposed to review the current state of the game, which does not allow me to imagine how the game could develop and drag the points from future into my current review. As for now, great idea, but poor execution, in every aspect. I do not recommend this game in its current state, maybe give it 2-3 years and stuff will change for the better.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Sin Cara

    Interesting plot good graphics smooth animations this game definitely deserves a good rating I am looking forward to continuing this game it has sunk into my soul If only in life such a robot could not even get married xD
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: v.0.2.1

    Overview: Fall in love with your robot waifu

    Story: The world is a dystopia where emotions are suppressed but you are an iconoclast that decides to feel things again. Those feelings are mostly horniness, but you find a sexy maid in a local store and make your life goal to buy her and fuck her. Although you maybe should have considered a sexbot instead.

    Anyway, it turns out the maid is an experimental model that tries to be a real girl and serve you. There is also a local convenience store girl who is being exploited by her boss. Sadly this story doesn't go very far in the current game as the focus switches entirely to the robot maid pretty quickly.

    Art: it's lovely. There are animations all over the place that really put this a step above your typical H-game. The sex scenes are all animated and are nice and smooth, but limited to a single animation with no additional dialog or variations. There are three sex animations with the clerk and three more with your robot maid. You can buy a couple of aphrodesiacs and use them on your robot (or yourself?), but they don't seem to do anything. Protip: You can fast forward the sex animations using the ctrl key, if you don't they take about 3 minutes to complete.

    Gameplay: Here's where the game loses a point for me. It's stupendously grindy and boring. There is a job minigame that is absolute tedium and you have to do it like a thousand time to grind enough cash to continue the game. Fortunately there is a skip button you can click, but even then it's an outrageous amount of clicking through days to grind cash. Even when you have fully upgraded your job level the quests are strictly limited to one at a time, and your quest tracker will pretty much always read "wait until the next stage triggers", typically after 5 or so days.

    Conclusion: The story is well written and interesting, but the gameplay pads it out far too much. I guess the monotony is supposed to be part of the atmosphere of the game, but I was often bored waiting for events to trigger and clicking through the unchanging job grind day after day. The animations are nice, but repetitive. In this very early stage the game takes at last a couple of hours to grind through, and I can't imagine how it's going to be once it is complete. There's a solid 20-30 minutes of content in here padded out to 2-3 hours.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    what a great start! love the game's unique style, the dystopian atmosphere and just the whole vibe. game does tend do be a bit grindy, but the rewards keep you going. at this moment it's a bit rough around the edges, but with enough time this could be one of the greats. good luck to dev!!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game which I want to see more of.

    The story is something that feels somewhat familiar - an android that can feel somehow enters the life of a suicidal loner. Will she be able to help him get out of his hole?

    There are orwellian / huxley-ish vibes to the worldbuilding which I personally really enjoy.

    The animations and graphics are crisp, the two (at this point) girls are hot and appealing.

    I personally have encountered two bugs: If you press CTRL too much, you'll likely have to roll back a couple of times because two UIs can overlap. The other was right at the end where I had to press "ignore" in the error screen to continue. Might have missed something, I don't know.

    The only real negative thing I can point out at the moment is that the game feels overly tedious. Too many days you just have to click through and skip and grinding money feels bad in the beginning.

    Still, 5 stars because those small issues are easily fixable and I trust that that'll happen soon.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    An interesting premise ruined by game breaking bugs and sex scenes not feeling particularly "sexy". The first problem is fixable with enough time and effort from the dev, the second one not so much.
    As an aside, I'm not sure if including the auto complete for the job is a good choice or a bad choice. On the one hand, it helps reduce some of the monotony but I feel like there should either be a bigger commitment to the artistic message of the story by getting rid of it OR it should be streamlined even further so that you're not montonously doing work->auto->keepworking->auto->repeat until tired->go rest at home->go back to work->repeat until out of rests->go buy some food from the store->eat food and sleep->repeat until performance meter is completed->get a raise->repeat
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    As of v0.2.1, its a good game as everything there is polished although still lacking content as its easy to gather to much weath and have nothing to spend it on because of some rest action reset bug(and the only i noticed).
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    For a early build it had some decent animated scenes, im not sure if the prostitution scenes. Also the first build doesn't end at the blowjob you have to do it twice with the maid in order to progress a bit further and you get her second costume after that and able to buy a few parts for her but I don't believe there's much else other than that. As after I unlocked the new parts it finally said end of version. Crazy story tho mc needs a hug lol
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2965494

    I am a lover of android, so as soon as I saw this game, I had to download it. I was not expecting a story that can touch and "hurt" your soul. In a good way. It's a dark game, but with a little glimpse of hope. The style reminds me of NieR: Automata, with a little of Persona 5. The animations are top tier, especially for a work done by an indie dev. Keep up the good work.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    NTR Recovery Experts

    A fantastic, heavy atmosphere; Fantastic Visuals and Audio (Not just the models); and a very unique style for this site. If it remains at this level of quality It will probably be amongst my favorites on this site.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Wonderful animation, simple yet shocking concept; as of yet unfinished but looking forward to more.

    Bad feels: Rather sad all around. Nothing seems to be able to liven up the mood. While it's not really expected that something of that nature should be here, some comic relief would be nice.

    Complaint/idea: perhaps more music in each room would be nice. like 2 tracks at one progression level and 2 more tracks later.

    Specific compliment: transitions are beautifully executed! Much emotion felt in how sudden the screen blacks out, the dull and shallow lighting revealing the robot, the sounds between scenes. Chef's kiss to you on that.