"Wait since 2 months for an hentai games isn't really so big. I know what I say it's been years since I'm waiting Kagura games to translate some games

I don't blame just try to calm the disappointment and excitment here and the subscribers are excited too especially when we see what coming from.
What I say is don't have a so big opinion of the version 1.5 when the version 2 is so close. Especially when I bet it only raise the hype and excitment instead than calm it for some.
Don't worry if Headpat don't post the version 2 yesterday it's mainly because the last arts, it's just a question of days now (don't want to give a date to prevent some to be overhyped, believe the update need to come exactly at this moment and end disappointing or angry)."
God there is still games that Kagura claimed YEARS AGO and still havent translated. They claim a lot of games to get that money from but sometimes either do it slow or forget they have the claim and promise to translate.