Good for you, I hope that means what I think it means hehe.
MC is gonna get the "landlady" right?
One question, maybe it's a bit of a spoiler but will MC ever "rein" Diasy in....
preferably with his dick
Seriously though, like I said before the scenes with her are hot but it feels odd that she gets to basically walk in and walk out...while the MC is sleeping no less. I mean it's his place and he doesn't even know wtf is going on with his sister. Also it's like Diane is rubbing it in his face and his response is like "w0t ar u TaLkInG AbOuT?"
When I think about it, if Diane wasn't female you would be drowning in complaints of "NTR", because that's really the only thing "saving" it. The lesbian clause is circumventing most of that cuz a lot of guys find it hot myself included but still.
I think the models are fine as is. Short and petite doesn't mean underaged, but allowing the player to set the age doesn't hurt anybody. Whoever wants the fantasy gets it and those that don't simply set what they are comfortable with.