Mar 24, 2019
Alright, I'm thinking of getting back into trying to fully complete A guide for this game...even though it's been out for years at this point, there's not a lot of resources and people still post on various forums asking for help for various issues.

Main problem that's kept me from actually finishing the guide I started is that it was too broad and there is SO MUCH to cover in this game.

What sort of guide/FAQ would be the most useful?
A gear guide covering all the locations of different items, how to find them and when they're available?
A build guide that lists a couple different builds for each character, how to assemble and use them, and what they're each good at?
A guide for beating each "super boss" in the game as soon as they become available?
A colosseum guide?

Does anyone even want a guide for this game in the first place or after it's been so long? (2023 does not feel like it was 2 years ago...)
Mar 24, 2019
The gear guide would cover basically what it says on the tin-

How to get all the weapons, blessings, armor, and accessories. (Barring consumables)

The builds would of course feature the standard counter build that I chime on about...but I promise to include more viable ones than that, it's just that's the easiest to explain for me. (No more just saying to get ant shell for the evade/counter)

Super bosses would probably be broken into an "ASAP" version, where it's basically a guide of builds/strategies to win against them as soon as they occur, and a "Return" version where it'll go over various ways to beat them LATER in the story if applicable, since some of them work on a "time" limit.
(For example, I think the mountain boss can be fought at almost any time after reaching the second act and unlocking the Japanese themed area, the first version of the Pumpkin Queen is a super boss only in the context of when you first encounter her as she's the first beatable "unbeatable" boss in the story, Eden you only get to fight once if I remember right, and then good old Juggernaut who is just chilling at the bar for most of the game until you advance too far.)

And colosseum would basically just be a breakdown of all the content in the colosseum, when it's unlocked, what each event has in store, and maybe some strategy for tougher challenges.

At least that's what I envision each option being.


Sep 24, 2024
Alright, I'm thinking of getting back into trying to fully complete A guide for this game...even though it's been out for years at this point, there's not a lot of resources and people still post on various forums asking for help for various issues.

Main problem that's kept me from actually finishing the guide I started is that it was too broad and there is SO MUCH to cover in this game.

What sort of guide/FAQ would be the most useful?
A gear guide covering all the locations of different items, how to find them and when they're available?
A build guide that lists a couple different builds for each character, how to assemble and use them, and what they're each good at?
A guide for beating each "super boss" in the game as soon as they become available?
A colosseum guide?

Does anyone even want a guide for this game in the first place or after it's been so long? (2023 does not feel like it was 2 years ago...)
Gear, build, and super-boss guides sound good!
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Feb 25, 2021
walkthrough? ii need the correct answers
Hunter Test answers
By szarydemon
During the hunter test you can get a maximum of 99 points out of 100 (the one missing point is in the story), as a reward for this you can get a new sword that is better than the ones you can buy at star. The correct answers are:
1)Potion, Ether, Elexir
2)Species Documentation
3) Remedy or Esuna (both answers are good???)
4)Protecting humanity from monster
5) Ghost
6)Pixie Dust
7)Hunter Association


Feb 25, 2021
any walkthrough for this game?
Multiple walkthrough's for different parts of the game

Hunter Test answers
By szarydemon

During the hunter test you can get a maximum of 99 points out of 100 (the one missing point is in the story), as a reward for this you can get a new sword that is better than the ones you can buy at star. The correct answers are:
1)Potion, Ether, Elexir
2)Species Documentation
3) Remedy or Esuna (both answers are good???)
4)Protecting humanity from monster
5) Ghost
6)Pixie Dust
7)Hunter Association

Invincible counter tank main character.
By DrBright
This is a guide to making a invincible dodge tank out the MC for Monster Girl 1,000.

So you want to win EVERY fight in Monster Girl 1k? I got you covered. This Build will make the MC as close to un-killable as he can get, and he can get pretty close. Best of all it's easy and you can do it as soon as you get to Capital City.

The first step is getting the legendary Ant Shell Shield which can drop from the "B Team" mission in Capital City. This allows you evade any attack that you counter, effectively making it so that attack, magic or physical misses.

Step 2 is getting any gear that gives him + Counter per turn, and counter chance, and getting his target rate as high as possible using the stat "+ target rate".

You can use pretty much anything for step 2, just make sure to prioritize + Counter per turn > Counter Rate > Target Rate. The more of these you give him the more invincible he becomes.

The final build should look like this:

The Automatron's blessing + Nightfall Wall make sure that he is one targeted for 99% of all single target strikes. The Nightfall Shield also make sure he has a 100% counter rate and gives him +4 counter attacks per turn, combined with Hides-in-Barrel's Blessing for another 100% counter attack chance and another 2 counters per turn.

The Ant Shield makes sure he dodges every attack he counters, which will be almost all of them, and Liada's Blessing will make sure he dodges crits, which would normally bypass his evade. How many attacks does he dodge each turn you ask? Pretty much all of them!

Finally Fancesca's Blessing will give you a nasty additional counter and insure that if DO take a hit you recover pretty much all of your shield with your multi-counter attacks.

Armor and weapons are completely optional! Use whatever you like best.

Fun part about this build is all your damage is done by counters so you can use buffs/debuffs on your turn to make things even easier.

I used this build to beat many bosses 30+ levels above and even clear the Colosseum, yes even the group fights against the hardest bastards in the game. Even Fran couldn't kill my MC, I did spend a lot of items reviving Ray and Bessie since they were not invincible.

There is however ONE fight in the game this didn't work for. That would be Alice. If you take any offensive action against Alice she responds to said insult with a aoe Counter Ultima. Since it is a "counter attack" and not and "attack" you can not evade this with the Ant Shield. If someone wants a guide on how I beat Alice at 55 let me know and I will consider making one.

Every Monster Girl and where to find them
By Baryonyx257
A list of every boinkable Monster Girl, Elf, Demon and whatever else is out there. Spoilers, duh

Hunters Association Training Ground
Shores of Easy
Misty Woods
Mistral Village
Elysian Colosseum
Wood Elf Kingdom
Magic Weavers
The Slipstreams
Capitol City
Little Shroom City
Blood Desert
Ancient Pyramid
Quiet Mountains
Abandoned City
Calamity Overlook
No Man's Land
In closing

Here is a list of the 94 Monster Girls you can *ahem* meet throughout the game.
Location is where you can find each girl, or where the contract to meet them is found e.g. Alruane is in Misty Woods, but the contract to meet her is found in Mistral Village, hence why I put her there.

Can be impregnated
[PG] Post game encounter only

[PG] Can only be impregnated post game (but before the Bessie & Ray final hangout)
[Moves to *location*] This character can be found at this location after the initial encounter.
[Moves to *location* PG] This character can be found at this location post game.

Hunters Association Training Ground
[Moves to Mistral Village]


[Moves to Elysian Colosseum once it's unlocked]

Shores of Easy


[PG] [Moves to Mistral Village]


[Moves to Mistral Village]


[PG] [Moves to Mistral Village]



[Moves to Mistral Village] (Thanks darkwolf88)

Misty Woods
[Moves to Mistral Village]


[Moves to Mistral Village]

3-Olivia [Moves to Hayakawa PG]






8-Pumpkin Queen



11-Quistis [PG]

Mistral Village





[Moves to Mistral Village]




Elysian Colosseum
1-Sybil [Moves to Hayakawa PG]




5-Dimple [Moves to Little Shroom City]

6-Qilong [PG]

7-Yaolian [PG]
Wood Elf Kingdom



Magic Weavers
[Moves to Mistral Village]


[Moves to Mistral Village]






(On 3rd encounter)

The Slipstreams



4-Molly [Moves to Capitol City PG]

[PG] [Moves to Mistral Village]

Capitol City


3-Grand Lich



6 & 7-Lamia & Slime Girl

8-Deathclaw (Jiangshi)



11-Gabbi [Moves to Mistral Village]

12-Nana [Moves to Hayakawa PG]



15-Grand Magus

16-L'ightning Orchid
Little Shroom City


[Moves to Mistral Village]


3-Liada The Light

4-Cherry [PG]




Blood Desert


Ancient Pyramid


3-Ariti (Thanks BuckyRay76)
Quiet Mountains
1-Blackjack [Moves to Hayakawa PG]


Abandoned City
[PG] [Moves to Mistral Village]



4-Scarlett [PG]


Calamity Overlook
No Man's Land

2-Tamamo [PG]
In closing
I hope you found this guide useful.

Since this comes up in the Discussions fairly often, no, you cannot boink Juggernaut.

If you encounter any others, or spot a mistake, leave a comment.

Happy Hunting!

Yulia second quiz round answers
By cooolodd

Round 2 quiz answers {Yulia's Lament}
Round 2 quiz answers {Yulia's Lament}
1. Which of the following abilities does Bessie not have?
A. Nimble feet

2. You've fought a lot of magic-casting "drip" and "elemental" enemies so far, but which element of each have you not encountered?
A. Water

3.Olivia, Nana, and Sybil are a roaming band of hunters you've run into a few times now. which location did they say they came from?
A. Hayakawa

4.What level is Historia?
A. 66

All Games Shroom Trivia Answers
By beholderface

All the answers for the trivia machine at the Games Shroom in Little Shroom City. I'm not 100% certain I have them all here, but I farmed a few hundred SP and I haven't seen any that aren't here.

Real-world questions
Questions that could realistically come up outside the context of MG1000

Square root of 16: 4 or -4
Atmospheric oxygen percentage: 21%
Job to do with maps: Cartographer
Longest word with the top row of QWERTY keyboard: proprietory (I don't think that's spelled right, but that's the answer the game wants ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Total of the numbers on a roulette wheel: 666
Flamingo's coloration: Shrimp
Horse-like animal: Zebra
Metal that is liquid at room temperature: Mercury
Questions about NPCs in the game.

Mimi EX's special ability: Two-Fold Funeral
Sybil's class: Berserker
L'ightning Orchid's title: Blade of Justice
Her rank: 4
Her sisters: Three (fire, earth, void)
How many swords does Juggernaut have: 8
Who invented Machina X robots: ZAP
Francis' second name: Helz
What type of monster girl is Francesca: Reindeertaur
#1 ranked hunter: Tamamo-no-Mae
Where is the Grand Magus from: the Blood Desert
Slime God's ability: Duplication and combination
Princess of the Wood Elves: Emilia
MG1000's world
Questions about the world of MG1000.

Three largest continents: Maine, Elysian, Calamity
Quarters of the Elysian continent: South, Central, Blood, Calamity
The main religion of the Elysian continent: Elysian church
What monster girl doesn't exist: Bunny girls (how does the machine see into Mistral Village to learn training arena Mimi's special ability, but doesn't know bunny girls still exist there?)
How long are cat girls in heat: 7 days
Which monster girl is the tightest: elves
How many legs does a Sleipnir have: 8
What do they call the event where an asteroid hit the moon: The Great Splintering
Your travels
Questions about the story so far (again, how does the machine know these?)

The first monsters you fought in the game: Manti and Bolbat
Where you first had sex with Bessie: Elven kingdom
Where you first had sex with Ray: Magic Weavers
Game mechanics
Questions about stats and stuff.

Highest damage attack: Ultima Fury
Lowest damage attack: Full Break
Heals the most: Pulse of Life
Strongest damage buff: Bravery + 1 Cheer
Weakest damage buff: Berserk + Cheer
Most expensive item: Elixir
Least expensive item: Remedy
Item that cures confusion: Eye drops
Item that cures Zombie: Holy water
What is a blanco drip weak to: Fire
What does Doom do: Instant death when the status expires
How does Poison work: Power 2 damage, plus 1% of current HP
The only status that works differently for the party compared to enemies: Toxic

Interested in beating Garden of Eden?
By Dimfire
For those too stubborn to lose when they're supposed to; an outline for a build capable of taking down the Garden of Eden gunship, tested in RPG Master mode.


***This assumes you have already beaten Alice in the Training Grounds as the Celestial Ring she gives you in combination with the Rage Walker armor is an influential factor of surviving this battle.

What i've found to work is first a combination of buffs to party before battle starts (use whatever you can unless it causes berserk... don't do that); followed by debuffs to the gunship, toxic, and aftershock during.

Secondly utilizing the MC's time warp limit break, using adrenaline, then full break to reduce the gunship's defenses further, then adrenaline again just in case the need to improvise arises.

Bessie's Super Shotgun stacked with as much damage as possible; along with Ray in her celestial rage mode, utilizing Ultima Fury with False Promise leading into Immortality just before False Promise wears out to withstand the gunship's Annihilation skill. Bessie typically goes down during the first attack; what matters is she applies aftershock at least twice before that happens.

The MC guards during the onslaught unless Ray needs additional breathing room for an extra False Promise followed by Immortality. If so then the MC heals Ray so she can use her celestial skills again; most of the time this can only be pulled off once as there usually isn't enough time to revive the MC once sacrificed.
Suggested Build
Consider the following builds for the occasion; I will only mention the most important details unless there are questions, and if there is constructive criticism please do share.

Bessie: (Inspiration from Bessie the Exterminator Build by Suyryuu)
Weapon - Super Shotgun - Piercing damage hits twice for 75% damage with 33% chance of hitting
four times.
Armor - Shadow of the Succubus (Tier 6) - Charm effect to lower gunship attack by 18% and
increasing damage it takes by 25%.
Accessories - Critical Queen (Mythic) - 10% chance for quadruple attack, +40% critical rate, and
+50% critical damage.
Succubus Ring - +8% attack and to enable succubus form permanently to guarantee
applying toxic and aftershock.
Succubus Ring could be substituted for Sugar's Blessing so there is a chance
of applying aftershock at least.
Blessings - Bessie - 40% Chance for additional damage.
Xyla - +15% attack and +12% crit rate.
Blackjack - +15% Critical Chance and +50% Critical Damage.
Overachiever - +100% Critical Rate, +100% Critical Damage, and +100% TP Charge Rate.

Ray: (Celestial Rage Build)
Weapon - Ultima Weapon - +20% Magic Attack
Armor - Rage Walker (Tier 5) - +30% Magic Attack, +50 TP per turn, permanently unlock her Fury
Accessories - Celestial Ring - +6 Magic Attack, enables Celestial Form *This enables use of both
Fury and Celestial Skills at same time.*
Ultimate Undies (Mythic) - +25% Max HP, +14% Magic Attack and +75% Counter
Attack Rate
Blessings - Champions Belt - +12% Stats
Kesia - +300% Hit Rate, +40% attack/magic attack
Lyra - Additional turn at start of battle
Death Lord - +10% attack, 2,000,000 damage cap

MC: (Mostly taken from Invincible MC build by DrBright)
Weapon - Nutcracker - +8% stats
Armor - Sentinel Suit (Tier 6) - Gain 20% HP as barrier every turn, +50% counter rate, -% agility,
counterattack is double hit laser
Accessories - Champion's Aegis (Mythic) - +15% defense, +10% party defense, +5% party agility,
+4% hp regen, +15% counter rate, +20% evasion
Stone Shield - +25% max hp, defense, and magic defense; -15% agility
Blessings - Liada - +65% physical/magical defense penetration, +100% critical evasion
Hides-in-Barrel's - 100% counter attack chance, +2 counterattacks per turn
Francesca - +1% lifesteal, can lifesteal above max hp, reflects 5000% +100% of
defense of damage received
Automatron - +10% damage resistance, 300% guard effect, 300% target rate
The Reward
Its a Ribbon that protects against Blind, Silence, Poison, Sleep, Berserk, Confusion, Charmed, Sleep, Slow, Death, Toxic, and Zombie.

I was level 88 when I finally figured this formula out, honestly could have stuck at level 61 where I started knowing what I do now.

Its been years since i've felt compelled to overcome a battle I wasn't meant to win; thank you TwistedScarlett60 for such a fun and memorable experience.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

The Staffs For Nature's Harmony
By ArchFiendG
Simple guide to get the staffs needed for the Nature's Harmony mythic weapon since the game doesn't really give you any hints on what staffs are needed.

First is the Serpent Staff, which has a chance of being dropped by the Agile Serpent during the Chaos Control contract at Shores of Easy.
Second is the Wolf Tamer, which has a chance of being dropped by the Werewolf during the Wolf Attacks contract in Misty Woods.
Finally is the Gator Staff, which can be dropped by the Hybrid Gator during the Mother Knows Breast contact at Mistral Village.

Tip for farming: Change difficulty to RPG Master to get a higher drop rate for the legendary variants needed.

That's it, Happy Gaming
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New Member
Jul 3, 2021
Does somebody know, why i dont have BGM while playing on android, i have all sounds expect the music. How can i fix it?


Active Member
May 13, 2018
does this game have ntr?
I don't think so, but even if you can find something that could be considered NTR, it will not feel like it since everyone is very open to have sexual relationships with others. Also as you can see there's no NTR tag (“cheating“).
Last edited:
Mar 9, 2023
I don't think so, but even if you can find something that could be considered NTR, it will not feel like it since everyone is very open to have sexual relationships with others. Also as you can see there's no NTR tag (“cheating“).
Tags, or lack thereof, aren't the most reliable indicator of what a game has.
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Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
We are talking about a website that uses an “Abandoned“ tag in games that can actually be “On hiatus“ or “Ongoing“ so you don't need to point out the reliability of those.
We are also on a site that uses rules for the abandoned tag.
1. No contact from the dev on here or there main site in over 90 days.
2. No update in over 18 months regardless of how active the dev is posting.

Now if you can't handle the rules then I am sorry for you.

does this game have ntr?
I don't think so, but even if you can find something that could be considered NTR, it will not feel like it since everyone is very open to have sexual relationships with others. Also as you can see there's no NTR tag (“cheating“).
Tags, or lack thereof, aren't the most reliable indicator of what a game has.
This is tagged as it should be, there is no ntr content that I saw while playing.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2017
I don't think so, but even if you can find something that could be considered NTR, it will not feel like it since everyone is very open to have sexual relationships with others. Also as you can see there's no NTR tag (“cheating“).
closest thing is poli's titwank scene iirc
4.50 star(s) 108 Votes