
Nov 18, 2023
Hey, besides the mods listed on the front page of this thread. How do you get more/other mods for this game?


Engaged Member
Dec 15, 2022
Hey, besides the mods listed on the front page of this thread. How do you get more/other mods for this game?
They are all somewhere in the 446 pages of this thread. If you'll find any good mods, tell me, and I'll add them to my modding guide.
May 10, 2024
Say I have an elf slave with -15% maintenance but can only give birth one more time. I put her in the brothel and get a child with -15% maintenance but she has a negative trait of increasing growth rate time for babies. How can I get rid of the negative trait?


Engaged Member
Dec 15, 2022
Say I have an elf slave with -15% maintenance but can only give birth one more time. I put her in the brothel and get a child with -15% maintenance but she has a negative trait of increasing growth rate time for babies. How can I get rid of the negative trait?
Try some of the following, not necessarily in that order:
1. Corrupt the child. This has chance of improving every trait.
2. Feed the child milk with effects that counteract the negative traits.
3. Feed the child trait upgrade potion.
4. Put corrupt child into brothel. Corrupt her child too. Repeat until you get a slave you like.
5. Ignore it, growth time doesn't matter, and if necessary, you can compensate for it by breeding with other slaves.


Legendary King
Jul 2, 2017
Hi guys can some one explain me how can I install this mod pack and cheat and i can't understand what i need to do cuz I'm quite dump... I'm trying for 2 hours now to install it but i can't i try using YouTube and moving the file but still not working . ..


New Member
Mar 18, 2024
Alright, gonna make few tips for you lazy retards. Because this game has pretty good ingame tutorial. But whatever.

=====COMPLEX BREEDING===== -> Check this Flannan's Guide on this post click me!

1. Buy Girls with positive traits only.
2. Do not buy monsters unless new specimens (only buy one or two). Because breeding with monsters only produce monsters. (this may be a bug, and be patched).
3. Traits on girls and monsters combine in the offspring. Increasing or decreasing depends if's bonus or malus trait.
4. Each race of girls has set of unique trait that can happen.
- Humans have Baby Growth(reduce time of baby growth in seconds) and Conception Rate(in percentage) NOTE! - Monster conception rate + girl conception rate = true percentage - Example = (95%+55%)/2 = 75% CAP is 100%(FIXED) however 5% ejaculation outside
- Elves have Max Health and Daily Maintenance cost (Hard cap is 5 gold per day, cannot be lower), sometimes but very rarely can buy with Maximum Birth count (Increases how many births before becoming sterile).
- Dwarves have Max Health and Max Birth count , very rarely can spawn with Multiple pregnancy (Hard Cap is 3, so going for more than 2 in that trait is useless).
- Neko(or Furry) have Multiple Pregnancy, Conception Rate and rarely Baby Growth.
- Usagi and Hitsuji(or small Furry) have Conception Rate, Max Birth Count, Daily Maintenance and rarely Baby Growth Time and Multiple Pregnancy.
- Draconian have Max Health, Conception Rate, Max Birth Count and rarely Multiple Pregnancy and Daily Maintenance Cost.
NOTE---- Slave health consumption during breeding and Breeding time can only be created with DNA. Either Girl or Monster.
ADVICE---- Avoid Breeding time as much as you can if you don't like fast breeding. Maximum Breeding time is lowered from ~60 to 20seconds.

5. When buying girls , consider buying one girl with as many bad traits possible and feed her all the milk. That way you will eventually build into positive traits. Fast and cheap way of having super girl on day 5. If you lucky, I heard milk has 15% chance of upgrading trait.
Check what each milk provides -> here.
6. Keep some achievement points for Flora. Once she is unlocked, invest in Reduced count for dismantle for Pixies. So you can unlock pixies easier. At maximum reduction cost is only 5 instead of 20.
7. Focus early on the trait Multiple pregnancy, a girl with 100% conception can easily make you ton of monsters. But multiple pregnancy trait have percentage, meaning that it will not always bring you 3 kids per breeding.
8. Only girls with Multiple pregnancy of 3 can produce Minotaur and Salamanders.
9. Any girl can work at horse breeding. But only girls with Multiple pregnancy of 3 can produce horse offspring. Horse offspring is automatically sold for 300 gold.
10. Condom and Love Gel have + sign where you can designate which people are included of using said products.
11. Each white/blue/red/purple have percentage for disease. White having 5%. Red having 10%. Blue having 10%-20% and Purple having 100%. Gold have 0% and have special room. They also have good traits.
12. Unique girls can escape if not tamed, and can die.
13. Under Achievement panel where numbers are displayed there is + where you can see all achievements , unlock or otherwise.
14. Under Pixy panel where numbers are displayed there is + where you can set options for pixies work globally.
15. In the girl panel there is option to exclude pixy from automating that girl.
16. Sena and Lena sell special cosmetic potion where you can edit girl appearance, boobs included. BUT NOT her outfit.
17. You can drag and drop DNA on the Cloning Vat directly. No need to click on Niel at all.
18. Only way to get GIRL offspring is via Glory Hole(Only first position, Second is tits, third is anal) and via VIP Rooms. Offspring inherit traits from both parties. Beware of Purple person has 100% STD chance and ALL negative traits.
HOT TAKE->19. Quickest way farming disease is to let random bought human die of over sex with goblin, because goblins are sadistic, and humans have least amount of HP. Let it decompose in that room and once the room in contaminated just put random girls/monsters inside to get STD and then disassemble them. DO NOT CLEAN THE ROOM. Voila infinite way for disease DNA.
20. You can breed lolis of any race.
21. You can postpone pregnancy indefinitely.
22. At the moment there are NO downsides to dirty cum rooms despite game saying it may trigger STD.(may change in the future- hopefully not). Which means showers do not have function other than esthetics - to clean cum off them.
23. With good traits you actually don't need 20 girls working non stop. 3 Girls with Multiple pregnancy is enough for end game on MASTER difficulty. Should you ever get micro intensive game even with high pixy count.
24. AVOID putting any girls/monsters for disassemble on the day 30 at night. You will softlock yourself once tutorial triggers about dissembling on day 31.
25. If tutorial/new order from Amilia triggers together with receiving bonus unique girl do not worry. Girl will be waiting in special panel. She is not lost. Just click on payment panel on top left to remove payment menu.
26. You can drag select multiple girls/monsters and drag them collectively where you want. Good for relocating or selling in a bundle. You can do that when buying girls/monsters too.
27. Dead girls in the morgue can be dissembled. Game also tells us they will decompose there slowly. But I never bothered to check.
28. You can call dealer again as many times you like, doesn't cost anything. Button is located on the right with blue colour. Alternately you can click on Amelia portrait and then red marker to bring bigger panel up.
29. You can get easy 10 achievement points by buying 50 delivery rooms and then destroying them. 50x50 = 2500 gold need but you get half in return, wasting only 1250 gold for it. Which is basically one monster cost.
30. When you disassemble girls/monsters there is a chance you'll get origin DNA. With that DNA you can create any monster/girl. Including two otherwise unattainable monsters Salamander and Minotaur. Skills are random and complete set. There is rare chance you will get ALL positive traits. Just click randomize until you do. On monsters it's pointless but on girls is a MUST. Because that will be the only way Slave health consumption during breeding and breeding speed is inherited in a girl.
31. If girl has red exclamation mark her offsprings will be born with disease. Girls or Monsters.
32. If a girl has yellow exclamation mark her offsprings may be born with disease. Girls or Monsters.
33. Monsters with red exclamation mark become impotent and cannot be cured. Monsters with yellow exclamation mark aren't impotent but spreads disease to other girls. Again regardless of exclamation mark colour, monsters cannot be treated. (MAY CHANGE IN FUTURE PATCHES).
34. Girl bodies decompose for half a day.
35. Unique girl traits DO PASS ON their offsprings. It's good idea to breed Unique girls with Golden People inside VVIP Room. (make sure to check off condom usage for them). NOTE---- sometimes Gold Persons have different preference, and may not choose VVIP room. But it has priority on it.

If i get any more tips i'll update. But i think this is wasteful.
Each white/blue/red/purple have percentage for disease. White having 5%. Red having 10%. Blue having 10%-20% and Purple having 100%. Gold have 0% and have special room. They also have good traits.
Beware of Purple person has 100% STD chance and ALL negative traits.

So does it mean color mean hair and eye color? Those colors have higher chance of STD?


Engaged Member
Dec 15, 2022
Hi guys can some one explain me how can I install this mod pack and cheat and i can't understand what i need to do cuz I'm quite dump... I'm trying for 2 hours now to install it but i can't i try using YouTube and moving the file but still not working . ..
Please refer to "Modding" guide in my signature. If it is not enough, tell me what step you had problems.

Each white/blue/red/purple have percentage for disease. White having 5%. Red having 10%. Blue having 10%-20% and Purple having 100%. Gold have 0% and have special room. They also have good traits.
Beware of Purple person has 100% STD chance and ALL negative traits.

So does it mean color mean hair and eye color? Those colors have higher chance of STD?
Brothel customers are shadows of the indicated color.
  • Crown
Reactions: TaoKirito


Engaged Member
Dec 15, 2022
What does capsule mean on pixy detail option? And how do you turn off no condoms
"Capsule" is one of the many synonyms for the machine that Barbara the Blacksmith can construct for you. When this option is switched on, pixies will attempt to corrupt every character on that machine, and then put them back where they were.
They often have problems with that last part, if the spot is already taken by a new kid.

You can disable the cleansing gate by clicking the green icon on the bottom-left of the brothel entrance room.

So does the game end after 50 days or can we keep going?
Unless you get Rune ending, you can keep going. There would be no new goals, but you can enjoy all the sex you want.


Engaged Member
May 6, 2022
Like what games? The only ones i enjoyed the gameplay are Eris dysomnia, Monsterblackmarket and Night of revenge, besides those 3 i havent found a good game
That sounds a lot like a You Problem.
Just from the top of my head:
"ThornSin" and "Shimmering Horizon And The Cursed Blacksmith" are fun roguelikes.
"In The Nest Of Dominator" is a fun little platformer.
"Mad Island" is a great *The Forest but porn* type of game.


Engaged Member
May 6, 2022
Say I have an elf slave with -15% maintenance but can only give birth one more time. I put her in the brothel and get a child with -15% maintenance but she has a negative trait of increasing growth rate time for babies. How can I get rid of the negative trait?
You can gamble by feeding her milk. Milk has 15% chance of "upgrading" one of the traits, but what it actually does - add a bit of positive value to it.
So it has a chance of "upgrading" that negative growth rate into 0 or even into positive.


Jun 12, 2022
How do I get the minotaur and that last lizard thingy. Amelia isn't selling them
you have to "dispose" of the slaves and monsters at the elf (she will kill them), you will have to buy a lot of them
View attachment 3878562
Warning: if its affinity is low it will often tend to go into pause after a certain amount of disposals!
View attachment 3878566
Complete all his achievements.

through this you will obtain various resources including the "original DNA".
View attachment 3878561
just use it in the dragonid's tank and in a short time the chosen species will grow


Jan 2, 2023
How do I get the minotaur and that last lizard thingy. Amelia isn't selling them
Those two are extinct, so she has none to sell. You need to get the fancy origin DNA from disassembling other monsters, which lets you craft any monster of your choice.

Also, bear in mind that you need slaves with a womb capacity of 3 to breed them, so keep some of those slaves in reserve so you can fulfil the orders.
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