Ren'Py - Completed - Mist [v1.0.3] [395games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for the sex, came from the sex, stayed for the story and then came from the sex. I just loved everything about this game. Story and art style are simply great. Would definitely reccomend everybody 10/10
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Unique art style, better than most 3D imo. Story was excellent. I liked the characters. I could probably think about a gripe if I wanted to, but I don't. I vastly enjoyed my experience playing the game and hope the author continues to create and find success.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    In so many ways, this is everything that a porn game should be. It's got lots of nicely rendered sex, it has a distinctive art style, it has real gameplay, it tells a fun and exciting story....

    I could actually go on a bit longer. It's really good. It feels ambitious and it meets those ambitions. There are some great character moments with fantastic background art. Like a good game of any genre, it successfully drives the player to be curious about the world and the plot. It leads with exploration and gives the player lots of porn treats and power ups along the way.

    But when I think about what adult visual novels can be--what they really excel at--this just doesn't get there. This is a very well-made indie game with an where the character progression includes rather rote romances that happen to include explicit lewd scenes. There is no decision making within those relationship because the game isn't really about those relationships, it's about the pornified supernatural mystery. And as those mysteries begin to get solved, enjoyment of the game starts to depend on one's enjoyment of the tropes of the genre and the YA-inflected tone of the whole thing.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    the game is great , characters and sex scene specially .i usually don't like this 3DCG but is done well here.
    we can end the game without grinding for 1 hours so is fine , the story is good

    so yeah play the game , try it no regret for me.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Story, art and scene are 10/10, the game is a bit challanging at first, but as you progree through the story it become manageable and not that har.

    for the character my favoprite is definetly Mia, she's just super cheeky and have that attitude and im glad you potrait her that way and i wish you make more scene with her lol.

    for the story it was good, not a masterpiece but enjoyable and intriguing, it definitely have some moment where some thing are kinda weird in my perspective, but it is what it is, at the end of the story this is just erotic game and should be treated as such
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Personally I didn't like the game, but I see that there is an absolutely excellent game here for people who like mystery sandbox games with light RPG mechanics and some unique artwork. Just because I didn't like the game doesn't mean you won't if you're interested in the genre. It's definitely more of a game than a sex-fest and I think thats one of the reasons it's so good. Give it a try if you have any interest at all because it's a very good game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game. Nice animations, nice character design, girls are beautiful, nice story. You can't be bored with this game. This is a harem genre game, so don't be confuse that girls accept that you have multiple relationship .
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I decided to play this after trying out the newer title from this dev, Children of Morn.
    I came in expecting quality, and while I wasn't disappointed, you can see that the dev has improved with experience.

    The story is good. There were only a few times where something didn't make sense or wasn't thought out. Considering the length of the game, it's still better than what's come out of Hollywood in recent years.

    So, I can't really complain about the story, it held my interest all the way through. The characters were likeable for the majority of the time.
    Now for the juicy stuff.
    The scene direction is hot. I won't be too picky about the art direction for the characters, you'll either like how they're stylized or you won't.

    I will say that the models don't always hold up. Some scenes/positions/lighting are not flattering to them, and half of the time I actively avoided looking at their faces, which for me was the common weak point. Maybe it's just me, but I noticed about 3/4 of the way through the game, a lot of what I had found to be off putting about the models and/or animation had improved.

    All in all, great game, worth the time, and you can clearly see the dev taking what they've learned here and applying it in their newer title.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a master class just the end that i find a bit fast but the story is good the twist are good it lack some hidden lore content or secret as this is mostly a story line and some really basic management bug all is there and all is really good minigames a really basic but really good too for me its a really good game and you need to play it the art style is better in game the screen are not giving this art what it deserve
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6577935

    You know how some people come here and their reviews go like:

    "Boring title, annoying characters, unoriginal story", they give it a 2 or 3 stars rating, and they basically tell you nothing, in less than a handful of lines?

    Well, I'm not like that. I suffer from a rare condition known as "precious snowflake syndrome", so what I'm gonna tell you is that Mist is unremarkable, when compared to some other things I saw here. "It's not what you said, it's the way you said it". - cries melodramatically -

    Congenital need to assert individuality aside, Mist has 2 things going for it:

    - The first is ambience, and premise. Basically, the entire atmosphere of Mist (I know what I just typed) draws you in, and the setting is very interesting, it increases, your natural desire to find out what is going on with the mystery (the book and the movie don't really stop that factor, you can create something special by taking inspiration, from existing things). For me, this is the greatest strength of Mist, and more than enough reason to pick up the title, and give it a go.

    - The second thing is that the adult content does it's job. I'm gonna hammer this notion every chance I can. If a game or visual novel has sexual content, it needs to push the title forward, and make it more appealing, otherwise there's no point in existing. (Do you just long for sweet release***or do you want more?) So in my opinion, a good mix of gameplay, story, and adult content is a must, in this genre. At any rate, Mist does a semi-competent job in this parameter, the characters look like Muppets, sure, but maybe you like Ms. Piggy? I'm not judging you, and no one really cares, she is probably yummy.

    That's the good, now the horrifyingly bland:

    - Gameplay cycle - It's boring, annoying and unoriginal TM... How many times must I find some "blockage", then go back, and do 3 tasks and advance the main story? And the combat is not really helping matters either. I might as well grab a calculator, and start the numbers game in there, cause Mist's "Whatever this is, is certainly not engaging combat" is mind-numbingly monotonous. You ever heard of that guy, who had a Ret Paladin in early WoW, and he watched a bit of porn during every battle? Well there's no auto-attack here. GAH!!!! I'm not sure if 2000's me, who had 99 in the patience stat could have handled this (Nah, I'm kidding myself, that person would would finish this).

    I really wanted to see the "purple goddess" in action, but I just ended up quitting and uninstalling, shortly after the 3rd girl joined. And there you have it.

    Now, let's move on to another common place: "My opinion is that this is average, so why is this so highly rated, when I'm obviously (always) right". My best bet is that people just finish it, due to the initial interest. I don't work like that however, cause I have "goldfish blood" (kinkier than it sounded in my mind), and I need to be constantly entertained. Life is too short to be wasted on dreary, I already have enough of that, thank you very much.

    In all seriousness, the title doesn't do enough when compared to others here. For me, this is a 6/10, and I will say that leaving something unfinished, after playing for an extended period of time, is something that I only do, when I really believe it's not worth it. If you like Mist, that's fine, I'm not that self-centered, but I just don't see it, and can't recommend it.

    *** Sweet release for the sake of it, is actually very much OK. There's better ways of achieving that, though.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is bar none one of the best adult AVN games I have ever played, and my current favorite! I just played through it all the way to the end and I am really amazed.

    The plot, content, storytelling, characters, game play elements, interactivity, animations, hot scenes, the girls, and the survival and horror elements are all there and there is a lot to do and experience. The fact this is COMPLETED is miraculous in itself. You can literally play through the whole game in about a week (or longer, depending on how often you play it.).

    The MC is not just a faceless horn-ball, he thinks and figures stuff out. The adult content is really hot, really well animated, and plentiful. There is a lot to see, experience, and do and the game has a lot of interactivity.

    The pacing is good, there is no rushing and no stalling, when things are slowed down they are because of the plot. The girls are all unique and have different looks, bodies, and personalities. The Director is a perfect villain and really well written into the story. There is survival, comedy, drama, sad parts, scary parts, hot parts, and the story is cohesive, well written, and pretty deep.

    My only complaints, because I had to come up with some, is some of the "sex talk" is a little overboard and I wish you had more control over the content of the scenes. I would have preferred to have choice for what MC says during the scenes and what is there is a little overboard.

    The stamina system is realistic, but way too limiting. I highly suggest the mod because even at max level, you run out of stamina quick and it would prolong the game big time. I am sure that is why 395 games implemented it, but it could be improved for sure.

    There is no such thing as a perfect game, but Mist is so far the game to beat thus far. You do not have to wait months or years for a complete game, that is so awesome in itself! This game is complete and ready to playthrough as soon as you download and install it.

    As others have stated in their reviews, I came for the smut/sex and ended up hooked on the story and attached to the characters.

    I give this my highest recommendation, other developers should take note! They stuck to the plot, there is a huge amount of content, and they worked to finish the game instead of prolonging it for years and years like most developers.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely fantastic game. Marvellous. The story is so immersive. The scenes are very well done. The detailing is very intricate. You can see the difference e.g. the body of girls before and after bath, sun shaders, the small torn pieces of clothing etc. Each girl has a different personality and a certain appeal. The gameplay isn't very complicated, not to mention, you don't have to fear making a wrong choice as it will not impact the scenes. Game also has a quest log so you don't get lost. Definitely one-of-a kind for me. Simply outstanding!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Started with the smut, stay for the story.

    One of the most enjoyable 3D game that I have played for a long time. At first, I didn't like the mood and tone of the game that much, but it grows on me. The girls have their own personalities that completely diverse, but still working together better than many of the harem games. I think this is a first game that explain their lore/ item crafting in a logical and fun way like the old interactive puzzle game. You can remove the erotic elements of the game and it's still a solid survival story.

    The gameplay is grindy and repetitive but not as tedious as other games in the same genre that require you to do the same choirs in order to get to goal.
    The combat and limitation of stamina can be a bit challenge at first, but the game let you take times with level up and exploration with no time limit.

    I wish we got the after story DLC or something after the game end but so far, I still like the ending. Can't wait to see what's next for this dev team!
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I usually don't like 3D games, the artwork and models typically look off to me but this is one of the few exceptions. Looks nice, and the scenes itself are very straight forward. Vanilla, with some rough play thrown in with 4 different girls.

    Aside from the smut, story's solid and the gameplay goes well with it. Grind skills and manage items through an apocalypse, eventually going onto fight the big bad.
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6203558

    I had know about the existence of this game for a long time. When I searched for interesting erotic games to play, this one always popped up. But I never played it until a few days ago. For some reason I had a completely wrong impression of it. I would have predicted that Noreia, the mysterious woman with the glowing eyes you see on the cover, would be our main enemy and as a player we would have a choice between the three girls or go for a corrupted ending, where we'd join her. Or that she would at least be an antagonist for a time. That's completely wrong.

    I also thought the game would be much shorter. But this is actually a proper visual novel. Proper in the sense that it can stand on its own even without sexual animations. There were multiple scenes where I thought the game would be ending soon, but it surprisingly kept going afterwards. But it didn't feel like it's dragged on. It made a good landing at the end. The game also doesn't operate too much on porn logic, except when it comes to incest. The incest is honestly just fetish-bait. The sex scenes with the sister didn't feel like breaking a taboo. It happened way too easy, which in my opinion makes the taboo aspect of it almost void.

    That was the most porn world logic thing about Mist. Otherwise characters act pretty realistic and are interesting characters, who aren't just there to only bring context to sex scenes. There is a scene, where you get captured and tortured by a female character and it's played completely straight. It's not "sexy torture". You get the shit beaten out of you with a hammer and not sexy femdommed. And without the incest the sexual content in this game is basically vanilla, if you aren't an American with an estranged sense of normal human sexuality, who reads Mia as problematic, because she is young and petite. Anal sex is the most degenerate sexual act committed in this game. Which is something I very much appreciate. I like to play erotic games, which add erotic scenes as spice to a fictional story and not as the an outlet for weird fetishes. When you play this, you are basically being tricked into a normal romantic and sexual relationship with multiple women, who are sexually submissive and socially dependent on the player character. Traditional gender roles.

    The sex animations themselves are sometimes the weakest part about this game. I would have liked more interactivity. But the context of the story and getting to know the character is what makes them good enough. This game isn't a sandbox at all, just to make it clear, but a linear Visual Novel without multiple paths to choose. I definitely recommend this game. If you are interested in erotic games, there is no reason to skip this one.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    For those of us sick of "realistic" 3D, look no further. As someone who primarily plays 2D games, the fact that this game broke the mold is a fantastic start. It's obviously more cartoon leaning style lends itself far better to the medium than those so called "realistic" ones whilst still maintaining realism and not straying too far into what could be expected of more cartoonish styles: exaggerated figures, impossible anatomy and other such tropes.

    Gameplay is simple and after a time the basic combat can grow dull, and in spite of the tip, you will have to grind to progress. Mind you the missions and exploration do make up for it. The survival aspect is recommended for those who want an extra challenge. Me? I took the easy way out with the food offer.

    The story is very creative and I absolutely loved it. It's paired very well with the relationship mechanic making you feel as if YOU are actually growing closer to the characters, and the rewards are very satisfying, bringing us to...

    The sex scenes! They are ridiculously well animated. They are looped until triggered and the ending scene completes it all. the one gripe I had was that in the beginning there would be a focus on the aftermath of cum dripping, rather than the actual creampie event, something which was remedied in later scenes. This is also just a taste preference, not an actual critique.

    As a connoisseur of video game erotica, this is nothing short of a bona fide masterpiece. The ending had me feeling shit, a porn game had me FEELING SHIT. I only wish I could see beyond the ending, to what a future in the world could have looked like. There is only one other game that rivals this and that would be Aurelia. I will not play the new game until its full release, but if it is anything like this one, it is bound to blow me away.

    Your work is an actual gift, keep it up!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting story with nice graphics. Really enjoyed playing it. I had a feeling that the story itself was a bit rushed at the end, but overall it was interesting.
    I would gladly play a sequel if it were created.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the only 3dcg games I'll be impressed by and glad I played, simple game, good story good that it focuses on a limited amount of characters and doesn't stretch the story out, good models, animation, more rpg wouda been nice but can live without it.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Dark Wyrm

    Overall great game. I think it struck a good balance between adult interactions, cozy relationship building, and suspense. First game with this art style that I think really pulled it off. Really looking forward to the next game Children of Morn.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The non-romantic part of the story (or theme) is very interesting and unique! The romantic part of the story is quite cheesy, but that's hard to avoid on harem games.

    The bodies of the girls are very sexy, although their faces are a bit too cartoonish for my taste (but still beautiful). The animations are very, very well done! And the sex scenes/sex positions are very hot.

    Maybe the only "not-that-great" aspect of the game. The map exploring system is nice at first, but together with the combat, they both become repetitive/grindy after a while.