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May 22, 2017
...but as I understand it, your idea is that there'd be a sandbox mini-game where you'd play as a slave with no hope of escape until you got bored and reloaded? I'm not sure how I'd keep it interesting for the player, but it's a curious idea.
Just my opinion, but I've never seen it done not boring/repetitive for the player.
Usually you just watch all available scenes and reload. Maybe it's just me, but I think that the usual "Game Over" screen have more impact than "press 2 buttons to exit" - anything which makes me to fiddle with technical side of the main menu is breaking immersion.
Darktoz used a compromise in his games - you have your usual infinite sand-box loop and then when you had enough you proceed to the short epilogue.
But...idk, I like it much more when you watch the changes occur through the story and have a long-lasting consequences. Different strokes for different folks :unsure:
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Naughty Schoolgirl
Game Developer
Jan 16, 2021
Links updated to 0.2.3 - this fixes the problems with the dream sequence, the conflict between Abbie's and Poppy's quests and fixes multiple issues with the new Biology Lesson event. Plus there's some bits of bonus dialogue in Poppy's repeatable yard events.


Jul 1, 2020
So back again with a combat question - Missy keeps losing to Jess no matter what strategy Missy takes- Jess's attacks seem super strength and Missy's mild. Trinian - saw your note about using grapple to wear her down - but her attacks seem to punch right through even if Missy's guards and they inflict way more damage than Missy can. Are combat rounds results randomized? Are there other variables that affect whether or not Missy can win this combat? I tried two or three times but it is a bit of grind to get back there even with a save at the entrance to the school and when I do it seems hopeless. For what it is worth - all quests are currently complete - just running from a save to see potential missed scenes.

Thanks again,


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2018
So back again with a combat question - Missy keeps losing to Jess no matter what strategy Missy takes- Jess's attacks seem super strength and Missy's mild. Trinian - saw your note about using grapple to wear her down - but her attacks seem to punch right through even if Missy's guards and they inflict way more damage than Missy can. Are combat rounds results randomized? Are there other variables that affect whether or not Missy can win this combat? I tried two or three times but it is a bit of grind to get back there even with a save at the entrance to the school and when I do it seems hopeless. For what it is worth - all quests are currently complete - just running from a save to see potential missed scenes.

Thanks again,
Try to start a new game and fight against some other girls at first schoolday before fighting against Jess (on the first way to in the park, in schoolyard etc. before attack Jess in sports class ). Stand up against Jess as often as you can. Be agressive not polite or submessive to Jess before fighting her.
To win each fight use "Guard" as often as possible to become enough strength (HP< 250 TP<15) for the next "faceslaps", do "Hair pull" instead of "Grapple" , don´t grapple any girl !!! and use the drink or each option to sit = recover HP up to 100% < 300 power between the fights. I needed 404 HP= strength to beat Jess in Missy 2.2.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2018
The way to fight and win against Jessica on first day mostly step by step:
wear white underwear + raise your school reputation

Talk to Annie
fight Chantelle
stand up against Jess
don´t give your panties (refuse) to the girl north east the school yard
fight her
talk to other girls Lola, Abbie etc. in break times (become popular ;) )
let Abbie lead the group
tell Jess to pull her weight
appeal to her ego
tell on Jessica
it was Jess or nobody´s fault
help girl north east school yard against the two bad girls:
intervene (call a teacher is allthough possible but fight the two girls will build up strength for the Jess battle)
use every possible "Guard" to hold HP< 250 fighting 1. girl < 30 fighting 2. girl
don´t grapple or break grapple once use Hair pulls instead
and "faceslap" as often you are able to
it´s hard but you need to be victorious against the two bad girls !
You´ll earn a kiss :) and reputation

IMPORTANT : sit before going to sports class (restore full HP)

Sport class:
Defend Abbie (-> get spanked together with Jess but leads shurely to the Jess battle in third break)


be shure to have now 300/300 HP
if you want use the attached save to be able to win, it begins with the Jess battle including all steps before done

to get Jessica´s Ribbon
fight her step by step :

hair pull
face slap
face slap
face slap
hair pull
face slap
face slap
face slap
face slap
hair pull
face slap
face slap
hair pull
face slap
face slap
hair pull
face slap
face slap
face slap
hair pull
face slap

and Missy will be victorious against Jessica from now on

you can choose all rewards from this fight

later Poppy is only to beaten at the end of her Quest

To get more strength by earning some credits and buy some rings (on the school yard north east - ok may be you´ll show missy´s panties once or twice) and put them in the equipment.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2018
Any one a clue if Missy can make love to Jessica?
I´d like to do it sooner or later if this would be included now or in a future release :devilish::love::love::LOL::LOL::LOL::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


Naughty Schoolgirl
Game Developer
Jan 16, 2021
So back again with a combat question - Missy keeps losing to Jess no matter what strategy Missy takes- Jess's attacks seem super strength and Missy's mild. Trinian - saw your note about using grapple to wear her down - but her attacks seem to punch right through even if Missy's guards and they inflict way more damage than Missy can. Are combat rounds results randomized? Are there other variables that affect whether or not Missy can win this combat? I tried two or three times but it is a bit of grind to get back there even with a save at the entrance to the school and when I do it seems hopeless. For what it is worth - all quests are currently complete - just running from a save to see potential missed scenes.

Thanks again,
The reason grapple is so powerful is because it causes significant damage every turn and switches off some of her more powerful attacks, but the odds of landing it successfully are only about 65% so you may need to spam it to get her grappled. She'll also sometimes try to break out and will, in any event escape automatically after about 3 rounds, so you'll need to reapply it once she does. I can reliably win most fights using just grapple and guard (and a damaging attack to finish when they get to 1hp, grapple won't kill them.) Once you get this down, you should really only need items against Poppy and perhaps Jess's second encounter.

Also, if you're using 0.2 onwards, you can save in school, just not in the classrooms. I realised that I left the message about not being able to save in school in when I released 0.2, but had removed it by 0.2.3.

Any one a clue if Missy can make love to Jessica?
I´d like to do it sooner or later if this would be included now or in a future release :devilish::love::love::LOL::LOL::LOL::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
You can't have sex with Jess yet, but she has a relationship quest planned for later in the game. Because of the way her story is written, it can't be put in just yet.
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Jul 1, 2020
Once you get this down, you should really only need items against Poppy and perhaps Jess's second encounter.
Hi thanks - I saved just prior to the second orchard fight. I used the Grapple/Guard approach and after a couple of tries Missy managed to emerge victorious. I missed the items menu in combat or looked before and saw nothing there. Maybe a hint or two about that would help. Also - since I never played this game system before I had no idea how items worked or how to "equip". I have two friendship bracelets and a Mocha Latte and just figured out how to equip a ring which I guess helps in combat. What else helps with combat?

Anyway - completed my OCD quest to see all Jess scenes - very much anticipating how that plays out in the future. I'm really enjoying playing badass Missy in school - keeping the bad girls in line - but then having sexy subby Missy with girlfriends and teachers. Although I am definitely in the the Missy needs to seriously domme Jess camp! Long live Missy the switch!

Thanks again.

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Naughty Schoolgirl
Game Developer
Jan 16, 2021
Hi thanks - I'll give the Grapple/Guard approach a try. I guess I missed the items menu in combat or looked before and saw nothing there. Maybe a hint or two about that would help. I have two friendship bracelets and a Mocha Latte? What else helps with combat?

There's a number of items, you mostly get them as random drops from either winning fights or doing favours for other girls at school or in town. You can also buy them from the item shop in the town square (next to the dry cleaner lady.) Some heal you, some give you combat boosts. In my view, friendship bracelet is one of the most useful as sometimes breaking out of grapple right now is the only way to avoid losing.
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Sep 13, 2020
maybe a bad ending but ... with interact with this new state of Missy (bad end or good end (if a girlfriend who like bdsm become the mistress)...
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Aug 17, 2019
Just played it for the first time. You're doing gods work filling the void of decent lesbian games. Really liking this so far, but I'm treating it more as a proof of concept at the moment since outside of the two relationship quests and the bully quest (which honestly feels like it was meant for way later in the story) it still seems a bit bare-bones at the moment. Then again, I have no idea how ambitious you plan to make this, so what do I know.

Either way, this feels like the kind of game that, while enjoyable, I'll put aside until enough updates have gone by and content has been added that it warrants picking up again.

Also, without relying on items, is it even possible to beat the three person ambush? I had full health, decent equiptment and had beaten all the other fights, but they just stomped me.
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Naughty Schoolgirl
Game Developer
Jan 16, 2021
maybe a bad ending but ... with interact with this new state of Missy (bad end or good end (if a girlfriend who like bdsm become the mistress)...
Ending up as a girlfriend's slave could easily be a good end ^^

Just played it for the first time. You're doing gods work filling the void of decent lesbian games. Really liking this so far, but I'm treating it more as a proof of concept at the moment since outside of the two relationship quests and the bully quest (which honestly feels like it was meant for way later in the story) it still seems a bit bare-bones at the moment. Then again, I have no idea how ambitious you plan to make this, so what do I know.

Either way, this feels like the kind of game that, while enjoyable, I'll put aside until enough updates have gone by and content has been added that it warrants picking up again.

Also, without relying on items, is it even possible to beat the three person ambush? I had full health, decent equiptment and had beaten all the other fights, but they just stomped me.
I've managed to do it, but I think it requires some luck, and possibly some healing items for when you get low. It's meant to be a hard fight and there is quite a significant difficulty jump in the 0.2 fights as the feedback I was getting about them before was that they were too easy. I wouldn't like to try fighting Poppy at the summer house without several healing potions. She's a wrecking ball.

You're correct to treat the school day as proof of concept, I think I used exactly that phrase a couple of pages back. My plan for it is to firstly add a lot more events to the pool for each period and break for variety, but also to make the events later in the day influenced by things that have happened earlier in the day. The new Biology event has 6 different possibilities, and you can only partially control it, since you're not responsible for other classmates' behaviour. And there's more like that coming in 0.3 - hopefully eventually I'll have created something where each day is different.

Either way, glad you're enjoying it ^^


Sep 13, 2020
I have a idea of a game if you will do it :
A guy discover a antique place and discover a entity who give to this guy a wish and he wish to go in a place
only populated by essentially feminine and sexy creatures and when this wish is do , the guy becomme a girl in this new world.
He become a usagi girl in a place where live other usagi and she discover her species is a low state in this new world
society like slavery ...


May 22, 2017
I have a idea of a game if you will do it :
A guy discover a antique place and discover a entity who give to this guy a wish and he wish to go in a place
only populated by essentially feminine and sexy creatures and when this wish is do , the guy becomme a girl in this new world.
He become a usagi girl in a place where live other usagi and she discover her species is a low state in this new world
society like slavery ...


Sep 13, 2020
A guy from our world finds ruins in a forest while hiking and meets a spirit there who promises him a wish to set him free. The protagonist chooses to find himself in a world populated only by sexy female creatures. He finds himself thrown into the skin of a usagi (female rabbit) in a cave and he (she) discovers the dangers of this world and that his form is not the best of this one. The heroine will have to escape slavers of other races or avoid ending up in a stew ...
sorry for my bad english ^^;


Naughty Schoolgirl
Game Developer
Jan 16, 2021
Give it a go, dude. I'm sure you can find some people here who'd play it.


Sep 13, 2020
Sorry i'm not very good in graphisme for make this game ^^;
Someone can do this ?
I can't do it good for an other dificulty: i'm not good in english and in my birth language , i'm not good in orthographe ...


Naughty Schoolgirl
Game Developer
Jan 16, 2021
Well, it won't be me, between developing Missy and having a full time job, I have my hands full! But there's a recruitment section further down the forum where you can probably find people looking for work.
4.50 star(s) 30 Votes