VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Misfits [Part 1-3 + Seamless] [Slow Burn Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game on the site, IMO. This game, currently in its 3rd part, has had a nice steady build up, compelling the player right from the start. The dialogs are consistent and capture the spirit of the characters in accordance withtheir status in these moments of their lives. Regular updates with ample content in each new version. This is the game that I am watching for when I check the site for updates, above all of the other great titles inlcuded onthis site. Dev has real talent and has my best wishes going forward in whatever he/she chooses to do.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    so many bad reviews here attacking the cheating and ntr when that is like the point of the game.
    Why even bother playing an NTR or cheating game when you dont like the subject matter? why? why? then come post a 1 star review slamming the fact that somebody else porks your girlfriend. wtf.

    As for anybody else who DOES like the tags then you are in for a treat because its well made and interesting with plenty sexy bits!
    All the girls are nice and the silly scenarios are close to porn logic but still on this side of believable! and lets face it, we play the game for silly stuff that cant happen in real life.
    If you enjoyed 12 days of Christmas or similar games, you wile love this game as its bigger and more of.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is complete shit because of one particular situation involving Jackson and Clara MC's girlfriend, who was deflowered by Jackson before the MC! And there is NO FUCKING WAY to MC becoming her first man. And that is the reason why I hate this avn.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    For Jerk of game its good, but has zero logic in it. Player choices don't matter and are mostly for unlocking scenes. Gaining and Losing states don't make sense logically. Game trys to give player a false perception what goes on.
  5. 4.00 star(s)



    On a personal note, I don't mind the MC perving on the girls or letting them get taken advantage of while he looks on, I just hate that he doesn't step in or confront them occasionally. The MC always wimps out when it comes to that. I mean, the game is supposed to be about corrupting these women, but the MC is too much of a cuck. He just can't enjoy the corruption process.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game, more freedom in life. I also like the picture style. And choice of personality and actions. the game is captivating, gives free rein to the imagination, allows freedom of relationships and does not use the pattern of mutual belonging
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is fun and imaginative, paradoxical enough and erotic and incredibly engaging. The graphics are beautiful, with a slightly grotesque style perfectly suited to the story. The characters are beautiful.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Look this game is quite simple and also has a related simple problem: This is an ode to NTR and its problem is not properly owning it. The options not directly resulting in NTR are only there to give more validity to the NTR by creating a theoretical situation in this universe where your GF doesn't become a corrupted lying whore...

    The only real issue is that the Devs for some reason haven't made this abundantly clear and seem more content to act like this is an even-handed romance simulator... maybe it could evolve into that some day on they complete the main NTR path, but that would be wasted effort as its clear where the Dev's heart is at so why not just celebrate that? If you don't want to play one of the best NTR tour de forces on this site, then 0/5 move on, if that is what you are looking for, this is a 5/5 albeit being a bit ham-fisted at times and overly slow-burny at others.

    Dev, please, just own it!
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Dident like the story its boring and pointless and you have 0 controle over anything, all it does it make you look at other people fucking while MC isent doing anything, but if you like seeing main girls fucked by ugly idiots then this will be for you, expect 0 loyalty 0 romance and you have 0 chances of ever feeling anything for any of the girls due to poor writting and poor gameplay.

    The choices arent really choices you cant change anything, for me the only girl i liked was Amy and well no matter what i did she went with the biker and fucked him over and over, so dont really see a point in going forward after that, i know its a NTR game but its just to stupid to me when you cant even pick a girl to be with and only see her be fucked by others.

    I had 0 intrest in Clare and even when you select "but i like amy, i cant ask clare out" you still go out with her, and if there is one thing i hate its fake choices and the game is just full of them, pick sit with the guys and you sit with the girls its really none stop and 100% kinetic story line full of fake choices making the hole game unplayable, atleast warn people about it and add the kinetic tag.

    Picking every worng choice for Clare and she ends up as MCs girlfriend? nothing makes sense.

    Animations are really bad as well.

    It has music but it really dosent set a mood or anything its just there, still better then a silent game.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This game does not have an accurate description, it requires some kind of warning

    The only type of content in this game is NTR there is nothing else, you play as a cuck with a girlfriend forced onto you despite liking another and then having to watch that girlfriend and the girl you like cheat with everyone - absolutely unclear from the description

    There's also a lot of fat-fetish and grandma-fetish stuff.

    The models are good and the story is pretty well written I'd say (the slow burn corruption is good), but overall it's a frustrating game because the content wasn't explained
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Vincent Valentine

    "I have a curious feeling about this game... At first, I quickly cut them off. The initial idea with the Rules 1 and Rules 2 of the group foreshadowed something that I wouldn't necessarily approve of. Then, I came back to the game. I played much longer. But again, because of 'Amy' and especially the events related to her, I was going to quit. It's just too much for me, especially when we don't really have control over it. And then I stayed and played through to the end. The problem is not jealousy; the weakness is that if we want to play as we would have liked, with our choices, well, the score hardly advances. The game pushes us to make choices that we don't want to in order to earn points. BUT BUT BUT! It's well written, as the MC character thinks the same as the player, and that's where it's very clever, that the game is aware of the choices it pushes us to make. But still, it would have been deserving to also have the choice of love... especially at the beginning, because our free will is undermined. It's not always very coherent, especially Clara's behavior. We really get the impression that she, or Amy, really doesn't care about us. So, we also take advantage of certain situations, but even if we change our choices, it doesn't prevent the characters from enjoying themselves with everyone, except the MC, and that's my biggest disappointment with the game. So at the end of part 2, I stopped playing. If the MC's father did what I think he did, it's abusive, and it doesn't sit well with me... already, it was not off to a good start. However, I admit that it's extremely well written; there's a great text, and the game tells a lot of things. The characters are really well characterized; they're different and very original. There are plenty of excellent things in this game, but in the end, we really feel like they are fake choices... it really deserved to have a 'love' route. I don't want to be more specific to avoid spoilers, but I hope I made myself understood. It's a personal opinion, but it just doesn't sit well with me that the girls take more pleasure with others than with the MC... even though I understand the meaning behind it and that the girls' intentions are very clear and justified, it just doesn't sit well with me. It's not jealousy; it's just the lack of other choices. There's so much potential for it to be a masterpiece, which is what kills me. Such a shame. But thank you very much for this game (the first two parts) because it's worth playing.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game for NTR and NTR-adjacent content. Gorgeous characters, creative situations, and consistently hot sex scenes.

    Really, any excuse I get for seeing Amy (from 12 Days of Xmas) get railed by more randos, I'll take. It's absolutely fantastic and it's one of the few early access games I keep coming back to for every single update because I can't wait for more.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    This review is going to be very similar to the one I made for the dev's other game, TTDoC... TL;DR The game is okay but the sex scenes are just sad.

    There is a lot to like about this game. The premise is pretty good and I like that there are average looking characters. The dev has put some time and effort into the different scenarios and again, most of these are pretty good.

    And that's about all there is to say about it. It is an okay game, with okay renders and an okay story. Nothing here is going to blow your mind, but it makes for an entertaining few hours.

    On a personal note, I don't mind the MC perving on the girls or letting them get taken advantage of while he looks on, I just hate that he doesn't step in or confront them occasionally. The MC always wimps out when it comes to that. I mean, the game is supposed to be about corrupting these women, but the MC is too much of a cuck. He just can't enjoy the corruption process.

    Anyway, if you like corruption games and don't mind an MC who is a bit of a cuck, then give it a try. Just don't expect much.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    I questioned whether to review this game since everyone seems to like it.

    The Good:
    • It’s NTR, which means it’s allowed to be absolute lazy trash and thousands of us will play it anyway
    The Bad:
    • There’s no real story, just a series of loosely related sex scenarios involving school girls
    • Dominated by the ugly old man NTR trope
    • Brutal lighting turns every decent character into a lifeless doll
    • Over-the-top expressions straight out of a horror movie
    • Vast majority of lewd scenes take place as part of dreams
    The Worst:
    • This game won’t get better, only longer. There’s no signs of the developer fixing or improving these issues, which means he’s incredibly fucking blind, or careless, neither of which bodes well for this game ever improving.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I wouldn't say I'm *into* NTR games, but Misfits just kinda hits the mark for me. It's probably because the cheating isn't one-way., but what do I know? I'm just horny... Love this game, have for a while, and can't wait for more :)
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    God, this game. I'll try and summarise this since there are already some excellent longer reviews: If you like NTR and getting cucked and nothing else matters to you, you will like this game, otherwise you should move on.

    I'm not sure if the writer just got all of their knowledge of social interaction from porn or just can't write for shit, but the game SUCKS. The main girls are whores in sheeps clothing, and there's essentially nothing the MC can do to change that. Despite the creator pretending the game is about choice, it's only about deciding how much you want to be cucked from a range of 5 to 10. If you want to try and maintain the girls' loyalty and respect, and play a long game rather than the short-term sex scenes: tough shit, there isn't one. As a result, you aren't invested in any of their characters because the writer chooses to indulge in these high school fantasies over creating a genuinely good product.

    I don't care much about viewing other people having sex, in some cases it actually makes the world feel more believable, but when you're just watching the person that's meant to be your loyal GF whore herself out and you playing the MC have literally zero say in it, it's utterly irritating. The worst part is, the writer PRETENDS like you have a choice. He'll put in instances where if you choose to play around, she will too, but you don't even have a chance to BE a hypocrite because you don't have the choice to go off at her. Not only that, but if you DO go out of your way to try and prevent it, it just happens anyway (hence 5 to 10).

    I'm giving it 1/5 because despite the hints of quality here and there in the modelling and some of the sfw dialogue, the entire concept is faulty and essentially tries to gaslight the player into getting cucked.

    Make a better game, and you'll get a better review. Until then, congrats on making a game filled with unlikeable assholes and pathetic losers.
  17. 3.00 star(s)

    Samuel Hidayat

    (For Part 2 v16.0)

    Misfits follows the story of 4 losers desperate to get rid of their virginities before graduating, so they hatch a plan to corrupt the girls in hopes that they might be "loose" enough to fuck. With such a simple premise, you think the game will have little to complain about, right?

    Let's start with the positives. The game runs purely by porn logic, so expect plenty of sexy times ahead. The way the boys making plans and hustling is pretty compelling, and the game gets some of its hilarious moments here.

    The strongest point of the game, in my opinion, is the girls' diverse looks. It's refreshing to see different body types and age group in a site filled with same-y looking girls. Beware of saggy, wrinkly titties if you don't like em since they're unavoidable.

    Sadly, that's all the positives I have for Misfits because many other aspects are either poorly thought out or just plain frustrating to see. First of all, running purely on porn logic means that most of the cast is shallow, perverted, and/or dumb. It's egregious to see them falling for obvious ploys and blackmails, especially your optional GF and the adults. I don't go into this game wanting to see deep character exploration and intriguing dilemma about sex vs. love, but I'm not expecting the characters to have a sub-zero IQ either.

    Oh yeah, the optional GF, Clara. You see, despite Misfits offering you a Loyal GF path, you won't be blamed for thinking it doesn't feel like one. The reality is, the game is tailored for NTR and sharing/swinging while the loyal path seems to be at the bottom of the priority list. Misfits has this system where you might want to let other men seduce the girls so there'll be "loose" enough for the picking. But hey, at least the loyal path allows you avoid these entirely, right? Right?

    Problem is, all you do on "loyal" path is trying your absolute best to prevent Clara from being taken advantage further. Yes, I said further because some cuck-ish scenes (mostly groping and showing off) are unavoidable. You think if you've done a good job on the loyal path, you don't have to worry about any of that, but nope; Clara is too stupid to realize she's being played on. Her personality is inconsistent too; sometimes Clara will ward off other men's advances, yet sometimes you have to babysit her since she's too stupid to avoid getting groped. She says she loves you and considers you a perfect boyfriend, yet you catch her daydreaming and ogling at other dudes, etc. It truly feels like her sense of dignity just comes and goes whenever the plot wants.

    I understand that corruption is the game's theme, but a good loyal path should be different from the other paths. Give us exclusive options like convincing her to stop her stupid plan on tricking her ex, having her move to a safer spot on her own when she feels a random dude is getting handsy instead of letting herself getting groped 3 times before MC finally telling her to move away for good, discussing a better plan to keep the mechanics from quitting instead of keeping on flaunting her body, etc. This way, you'll be rewarded handsomely for playing the path instead of feeling like a wimp receiving left overs.

    Speaking of wimp, MC is the personification of one. No, worse—an idiotic wimp. Players expecting to play a confident BF or a consensual swinger will have to sit this one out. MC constantly gets jealous of other men, freezes up whenever he's about to ask what secrets his GF have been hiding, is a premature ejaculator, and so on. Hell, he's so dumb he doesn't even think to take compromising pictures of his enemies to one up them, or sorely missing obvious hints, only to get angry if things don't go the way he's expected. Again, nothing weird for the NTR path, but infuriatingly frustrating for others.

    Honestly, the best way to play this game is to treat the girls as cock sleeves instead of getting attached and playing the loyal path, or play it like your normal NTR game. That's why, despite all my complaining, I don't give this game 1 star since NTR contents—the main focus—seem to be well-made. I just wish the game didn't have the loyal path at all so players like me won't play this game and be disappointed at how much of a joke the path is.

    PS: if you hate NTR, never fancy Amy. This game is a prequel to The Twelve Days of Christmas, so Amy will be slutty no matter what.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    TLDR Review:

    Misfits is a game about a group of guys that decide to corrupt their classmates so they can finally have sex. They do this under the premise that they will all share the girls. The premise is interesting, most of the sex scenes are hot and competently set up and narrated, the writing is good and the characters interesting. I think this could easily be a 4 or 5 but issues with the MC and the understanding of the sharing and cuckolding fetishes make me downgrade this to a 3. It is still definitely worth your time to check.

    Longer review, contains spoilers:

    As mentioned, the set up for Misfits is that 4 friends, losers in their school, decide to lose their virginities by corrupting their classmates and sharing them amongst themselves so they can finally have sex.

    The game has characters that are interesting enough, including the models that are varied and different from many other games.

    The setup for most sex scenes is good enough and the good writing carries the game and makes it definitely worth checking.

    Why do I think that this deserves only a 3 and not a 4 or 5? My main issues are linked with each other:

    1.- Sharing is not cuckolding:
    I think that doing sharing is very difficult, I have found some games that do, but most really do cuckolding, which is a different kink. To me, the main difference is based around power dynamics. Sharing is based around you having power and control and deciding, willingly, to share something that is yours (in this case, a sexual partner) with someone else. Cuckolding is based around someone else taking that from you, against your will, either with your knowledge or without it.

    In sharing you are an active subject, in cuckolding you are a passive object.

    2.- The disempowered MC:
    As mentioned, this is linked to the point above. You play a guy that reluctantly agrees to the sharing schemes of his friends, from that point on, you are forced onto a relationship with a girl, and then everyone in the village wants to fuck her, grope her, abuse her, and you are relegated to a wimp, a voyeur at best, and a cuckold at worst. His inner monologue is that of disempowerment, he doesn't like what is going on, but can't stop it. He doesn't want to share, he wants the girl for himself but she is more or less willingly cheating on him.

    I hated all of that, I had to continuously disassociate myself from the MC in order to keep playing, and the actions of himself and the girls (in particular his girlfriend) made me resent the LIs and insult them repeatedly in my head, making me not care about the abuse they are going through.

    I am a fan of the sharing fetish, and I do not want to kink shame those that like cuckolding, but to me, I want to be in control and have the power. Lets see how this would be for example in a scene that is repeated several times in the game, some molesters in the bus:

    Your girlfriend gets progressively groped more boldly by one and then several men in the bus, in front of you. In the game, she tries to hide it while standing the abuse, you notice what is going on but do nothing other than your pathetic self monologue of not liking it but wanting to see if this corrupts her more.

    How would I prefer this scene in a proper sharing path? I would make the MC an active participant, as he notices the interest of the other men, he could start kissing her, then lifting her skirt, inviting the other men to touch her, he sets the boundaries, he is in control, she surrenders to him and lets him control what the other men are allowed to do or not. He is empowered.

    This same disempowerment is present on all his relationships, in particular his step father is a scumbag that calls him dickless in front of others and that tells him openly he is going to fuck his girlfriend. Now, the MC has seen his step father cheating on his mother and he does nothing.... we should be given the option to take pictures of his cheating and then threaten him to back off or we would tell the mother, we should also be allowed to then share the GF with him in the same empowered way I mentioned before, with the MC setting the pace and the boundaries.

    All in all, I am not against the current cuckolding path in the game, if that is what some people wants, all the better for them, but there should be alternatives for more empowered MCs that actually want to share their GF but being in control.

    3.- The girls:
    I really like the girls, however I ended up hating them.

    Clara: your main LI and the MC's GF. She cheats on him, there's nothing you can do to stop that, she is hanged up on Gordon, one of the assholes in the school and she wants to get revenge on him by having him lust after her and then reject him (except she doesn't reject him....) . I just couldn't respect her and just wanted to throw her to the wolves and have the school run a train on her, however the game doesn't even allow me to have an inner monologue that is not pathetic and wimpy....

    Amy: similar to Clara, she is this supposedly perfect girl that your whole group of friends is lusting after, there is no way to save her from giving her virginity to a total scumbag and then him having his two other friends fuck her. You can just watch but can't save her from her stupid decisions. Once I realised I couldn't save her and that she is just then a mindless idiot that will give it to anyone that gives her a minimum of attention I lost all respect for her and just wanted her to get fucked.

    Betsy: she is spunky and with personality and, unlike the other two, she is slutty and assumes it, I really liked her and to be honest liked her way of acting the best of the three.

    All through the game there are other minor characters that you can't influence or control either, no matter the choices. It always becomes a game of trying to stop the girls from being taken advantage of by other guys, while you are relegated to the role of disempowered voyeur, even though you have things to stop Sebastian (one of the assholes) from doing anything by threatening him to reveal his relationship with a teacher, or the school headmaster could be controlled by blackmail or by "pimping" girls to her... but no, you are just a passive wimp.

    There is a lot of wasted potential for a proper sharing game, as it is, this is more focused on cuckolding. A pity.
  19. 2.00 star(s)

    365 others

    I decided to try a game with NTR elements to see what the controversy is about. I can now tell if it is like this it isn't my cup of tea.

    But that is not why I rate it as poor.

    Starting from the premise of a game with elements of NTR, this became more of an NTR story with some elements of a game. Almost every single "good" decision in the game is penalized, and you can only progress with the girls if you let them be molested, groped, abused, or raped, and you get more points if you take part in it. There's no option if you want to go on a seduction path, it's more like you are just getting the spoils of other characters' conquests or (bad) influence on the girls.

    Even ignoring my previous paragraph, if that content is of your liking, the devs still shove down your throat non-optional content, such as old dudes/women and forced cuckoldry (whether you like the other character or not).

    If at least the girls were somehow likable I'd oversee all the previous, but from what apparently was a group of very centered and decent girls, it turns out they are actually the town's brothel. From a girl that claims to love you because you respect her while she's trying as hard as possible to bang her ex, passing for a chubby timid girl that offers herself to anyone who pays any little attention, to a serious/bratty girl that ends up being the town's bicycle.

    So in the end you wouldn't really need to try to get to know or seduce them, just wait for someone else to abuse them and treat them as garbage, do nothing to prevent it, and you'll get the max possible amount of points with them while making them happy.

    All in all, I didn't like it. Neither the NTR (which I now know it's not my thing) nor the way to corrupt the girls (I'd rather have a more cunning corruption system, instead of just waiting for someone else to abuse them), nor the girls themselves.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I am happy I did not leave my review early on, I was a bit disapointed. 12 days of Christmas was such a great game and Amy was my girl.
    Now I rate this game almost as high as 12 days.
    The story has slowely being shaped and built up nicely.
    I like the motions involving Clara and I would love to see some swing with Trixy and her brother.
    Bean is also interesting and need a path.
    I always like ageplay so the Jackson part is going on the right direction.
    My only worry is where Amy is going to fit in. Will she always gravitate around the MC and make bad decisions?

    Anyhow, this is a NTR game so its a pity that the NTR haters gives it low reviev since they not in to that.