I realize that this will be meaningless for some people, but:
- The e-mail Kendra got was from [email protected]: it's fairly obvious this is Lisa Bain.
- The talk of taboo activity, combined with the questions about her nephew, strongly imply that she will be asked to seduce the MC.
- The requirement that she strip for Lisa was presumably both a test of how willing she would be to follow instructions that would make her uncomfortable, and a chance to tie her being nude to sexual thoughts of her nephew.
- Since the whole thing is a set-up to let her nephew claim her, the encounter may not be recorded; if it is, it would also serve two purposes: allowing real-time monitoring of what's happening, to allow for contingencies to kick in if problems arise; and so the MC can look back on it if he so desires.
Again, this may not solve everyone's problems, but should help indicate the probable direction things will go. Note: this is all based on what's out there now; I have no particular insight into future plans for the story, at least not at this time.
And, on the flip side, for those who are (in my opinion) somewhat rabid when it comes to who their women have been with:
- Anna was definitely a virgin; there's no such confirmation about anyone else involved with the mansion or legal team.
- Linda, as far as her friends know, is on her second marriage; while I suspect this is a sham, she and the MC's mom and sister were apparently involved in various questionable activities back in college (a point before the MC was born, much less selected as the next Lord), and it seems probable that some of those activities were sexual.
- The mom is obviously not a virgin, unless you altered their relationship from the default.
- The aunt may be a virgin, in spite of her being widowed. I believe some reference was made to him being much older than her, and possibly to him having erectile dysfunction issues.
- We know that the two scientists are sexually involved with each other. Franceska actually claims to be a lesbian who is interested in trying sex with a man, as opposed to being bi.
- I think Elsie and Gwen put on something of a show together for the MC; theoretically, I would think this would mean this fails the "only has sex with the MC" requirement some people have, but there may be some exemption for actions that take place in front of the MC.
Note: I am most definitely
not in the camp that would disqualify women from a harem if they fooled around with each other, or had some prior sexual history before the MC came around. I'm just providing this information for those who are, so perhaps they can simply avoid this story instead of posting here to complain that it doesn't follow their "rules."