Good Points
+ Story started bad, but at least in recent updates it become average.
+ Sex scenes have decent animations with 3 different speed options, some have second angles as well.
+ Art style is good.
Bad Points
- Especially first until latest updates story was quite bad, it wasn't well-written nor interesting, and the whole thing felt like a manipulative game Madeline playing with MC & girls and as a player we have no power over it, because everything gone the way she wanted, even when MC/player things he taken control over things & Madeline she still find ways to turn the things around & manipulate the situation to her benefit. MC getting close with love interests revolving around getting blackmailed by Madeline didn't helped either, especially with how he act like a wuss and do everything blackmailer told him, acting like a good boy and getting called good boy by blackmailer. Along with these aside from getting closer with the girls there is no main purpose either, which makes the game kind of boring. And even after MC learned the truth, and when things should have turned around Madeline still find a way to turn things around, at some points things become kind of stable for the MC, but it takes too much time, and a lot of annoying things happens until that point.
- The game is bit slowburn, and grindy to get scenes with the girls if you don't use the mod for it, but even with the mod early parts of the game is really boring, so keep in mind.
- For a sandbox game this game doesn't give you enough choice about matters, for example, you can't even choose who you are going to have sex with.
- Lots of things like passcodes, etc, are randomized, and that just makes things more painful than it supposed to be and makes ''walkthrough'' kind of useless since most stuff is randomized.
- Nearly all minigames are annoying and boring.
- The game is made by Unity, that alone is good to say as a bad point. We have most Unity-related problems with this game like nearly all Unity games as well.
- Most features the mouse has in other games are non-existent here, like hiding text with the middle mouse button or opening the menu with the right mouse button and saving easily.
- We have only 10 save pages, most games have 999+ pages for years, so only 10 is not even funny...
- You can't save while you are in scenes, that's literally the most important part about saves, what's the point if you can only save when you are in freeroam?!
- There is no option to change the voice volume, To change it you need to change the main volume otherwise you will hear very loud sex sounds, can't see any reason not to add the voice volume change option...
- Everything is annoyingly detailed, like even when you just want to travel from one place to another you see time passing on screen and the game makes you wait for it... Why? Makes no sense.
- Sex scene animations are kind of decent, but angles are not, most of sex scenes has badly chosen, and unattractive, the game needs serious improvements for them.
- Art style is good, but with one exception, and that's weird and
badly made facial expressions, they make characters look weird, old and unattractive.
For The End
The game has potential, but it has lots of cons, it's still worth playing, but it's just average at best.