Why do you think if they can't read, they can follow your arrows?

Guys, why the bile/sarcasm? Apparently a lot of people have serious doubts about what a story dubbed "dark" could be about. We all read the notice on page one. The author chose not to reveal the plot, which is correct, since it would spoil the fun to some. For my part, I'm really tempted to check the "dark story" out, but hesitate, because of the loaded title. "Dark" to me represents irredeemable evil, as opposed to "morally dubious" which is what we adults often waddle in, the so-called "grey zone". Actually, Poe was a clever one naming one of his darker stories "Gray". "Dark" makes me think about murder, suicide, cruelty, sadism or ending in a degraded, humiliated, miserable state - I don't feel inclined to play a game focused on those themes. On the other hand, to a lot of people, subjects like lust, corruption (as in loss of innocence), cheating, falling into temptation are dark themselves, whereas I would rate them "morally dubious" and would definitely play a game that featured such themes in an intelligent way, especially if it allowed for a resolution that didn't fall into a "crime&punishment" category. Don't need games to be lectured in "middle-class morality", there's plenty of Pharisees to put up with in everyday life.
Hence why I would join others here who, despite having read what the author wanted to say about the dark path, would kindly request a few tags, even full-on spoilers about what the dark story is about, and whether each subject is forced or avoidable.
Thanks you!